MCQs > Culture & Ethics > Social Welfare MCQs > Housing and Homelessness Policy MCQs

Housing and Homelessness Policy MCQ

In 1937, the U.S. federal government ended the building of houses by the Public Works Administration and then turned the responsibility to the U.S. Housing Authority.


Correct Answer: True

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Predatory loans are a type of subprime loans.


Correct Answer: True

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Long-term homelessness is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Chronic homelessness

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The process of refusing a loan or insurance to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Redlining

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A situation in which people live together with those who are different from them is known as?


Correct Answer: Integration

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What are segregations created by laws?


Correct Answer: De jure

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Which President enacted the Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act to provide a network of services to support individuals with psychiatric disorders?


Correct Answer: John F. Kennedy

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According to the text, the Community Mental Health Act of 1963 attempted to ______ or move people with chronic mental health conditions from a lifetime in state-run institutions to community-based mental health clinics.


Correct Answer: Deinstitutionalize

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What derogatory term was used to promote the idea that homeless people wandered from place to place irresponsibly?


Correct Answer: Vagabond

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Which term describes people who are sleeping outside, in places not meant for human habitation?


Correct Answer: Unsheltered homelessness

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Assets held by individuals and families, including homes and equity in a home, minus any _____ they carry is called wealth.


Correct Answer: Debt

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Derogatory term used to describe a person who is experiencing _____ is called vagabond


Correct Answer: Homelessness

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Sleeping outside in an ________ area is called urban camping


Correct Answer: Undesignated

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Individuals or families sleeping outside, in places not meant for human habitation, such as parks, public transportation stations, the street, and wooded areas is called street


Correct Answer: True

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Short-term homelessness is called _______ homelessness


Correct Answer: Transitional

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A room or rooms within a house or block of apartments in which people often lived in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions is called tenements


Correct Answer: Over crowded

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Survival Sex describes that exchanged for shelter or other basic necessities


Correct Answer: True

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______ Loans that are designed for borrowers with risky credit who may be unable to obtain loans from mainstream lenders


Correct Answer: Sub prime

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A system in which institutions and policies within our nation disadvantage nonwhites in ways that are often compounding and cumulative is called structural racism


Correct Answer: True

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Individuals or families residing in homeless programs such as emergency shelters, transitional living programs, and rapid rehousing is called


Correct Answer: Sheltered

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Payments of money to those who have experienced past wrongs is called reparations


Correct Answer: True

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Rent control explains a system where the government uses price controls to keep the cost of rent down for some rental units


Correct Answer: True

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The practice of refusing a loan or insurance to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk that results in significant segregation is called


Correct Answer: Redlining

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Predatory-_____ explains the types of subprime loans with higher interest and fees than is required, abusive terms, and conditions that fail to take into account the borrower’s ability to repay. These loans violate fair lending laws by targeting women, minorities, and communities of color.


Correct Answer: Loans

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Annual count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness is called


Correct Answer: Point-in-Time (PIT) Count

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A situation in which people live together or near others who are racially and ethnically different from them is called integration


Correct Answer: True

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A state of housing for individuals and families who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence; unaccompanied youth and families with children and youth etc is called


Correct Answer: Homelessness

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Homelessness that is experienced in recurring cycles that are relatively short is called


Correct Answer: Episodic homelessness

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Deinstitutionalize describes the discharge of individuals from institutions; deinstitutionalization refers to a policy strategy designed to release individuals with mental illness from institutional care.


Correct Answer: True

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Segregation caused by ____ is called De jure segregation


Correct Answer: Laws

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De facto Segregation explains the fact that meaning the existence of segregation even where policy does not explicitly segregate


Correct Answer: True

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Long-term homelessness is called _____ homelessness


Correct Answer: Chronic

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