1. The ioctl() function is used to interact with which of the following?
2. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the unlink() call?
3. Which of the following is the result of a process calling UNIX exec()?
4. CORBA's DII allows a client to do which one of the following?
5. The result of calling kill(6003, 0) is which of the following?
6. Which of the following techniques can help keep system programs secure?
7. Which of the following could the fork() command return to the child process?
8. Which of the following is correct for the standard file descriptors that are automatically opened in UNIX?
9. When a new process is created using fork(), which of the following describes the state of open file descriptors?
10. An orphan process occurs as a result of which of the following conditions?
11. Race conditions are caused by which of the following conditions in a multi threaded system?
12. You want to listen on a port for some user-defined data stream. Would you use port 80?
13. The purpose of the poll() and select() system calls is to perform which of the following functions?
14. Which of the following provides the most random seed source for a pseudo random number generator?
15. Which type cast preserves the mathematical value in all cases?
16. Which choice is not a scalar data type?
17. _ cannot be destructured.
18. Which cargo command checks a program for error without creating a binary executable?
19. The term box and related phrases such as boxing a value are often used when relating to memory layout. What does box refer to?
20. Using the ? operator at the end of an expression is equivalent to _.
21. Which is valid syntax for defining an array of i32 values?
22. The smart pointers Rc and Arc provide reference counting. What is the API for incrementing a reference count?
23. What happens when an error occurs that is being handled by the question mark (?) operator?
24. Which comment syntax is not legal?
25. In matching patterns, values are ignored with _.
26. Defining a _ requires a lifetime parameter.
27. Which statement about lifetimes is false?
28. When used as a return type, which Rust type plays a similar role to Python's None, JavaScript's null, or the void type in C/C++?
29. Which statement about the Clone and Copy traits is false?
30. What smart pointer is used to allow multiple ownership of a value in various threads?
31. Which types are not allowed within an enum variant's body?
32. Your application requires a single copy of some data type T to be held in memory that can be accessed by multiple threads. What is the thread-safe wrapper type?
33. Which choice is not valid loop syntax?
34. Which statement about enums is false?
35. What does an underscore (_) indicate when used as pattern?
36. What is a safe operation on a std::cell:UnsafeCell?
37. Generics are useful when you _.
38. How do you create a Rust project on the command-line?