1. When you wish to read a collection of “Foo” via a RESTful API, which is most appropriate?
2. A RESTful Web Service URI should map to __________________?
3. In the context of a web service, a RESTful API should...
4. Which HTTP method should be used to update a resource in a RESTful Web Service?
5. When you wish to read a single “Foo” via a RESTful API, which is most appropriate?
6. When you wish to delete an existing “Foo” via a RESTful API, which is most appropriate?
7. Identify the method which is not predefined in HTTP specification
8. Which request would best describe removing an user in a RESTful Web Service?
9. What happens if Restful resources are accessed by multiple clients?
10. RESTful web services are designed with ____ in mind.
11. Which is a true statement in the basic REST design principle that uses HTTP request methods to update resources?
12. Consider a RESTful resource available on the URI /posts. Which is the correct HTTP method used to create a new entry?
13. REST is an acronym for representational state transfer
14. When you wish to create a new “Foo” via a RESTful API, which is most appropriate?
15. What is the advantage of including Cache control and Last-Modified (a date value) HTTP response header?
16. What are the prerequisites for an application to interact with a resource?
17. When you wish to update an existing “Foo” via a RESTful API, which is most appropriate?
18. Which of the following is true of RESTful Web Service?
19. Which data formats can be transfered through RESTful Web Services?
20. True of False? REST, being an architectural style, does not concern implementation details
21. What is the key difference between RESTful web services and SOAP web services?
22. Identify the item which is not an intermediary for communication in REST
23. Which is the preferred method of determining the format of the data being transfered in a RESTful request?
24. Which of the following best describes a RESTful service?
25. RESTful web services must be stateful
26. As an idempotent method, which of the following should not happen when issuing a GET request to a RESTful Web Service?
27. What determines the action to be executed on a RESTful request?
28. Which of the following best describe REST?
29. How can users log into RESTful API to see protected resources only?
30. Statelessness is one of the formal constraint of REST Web Service, which feature is addressed due to absence of state on the server?
31. How is REST related to SOAP?
32. Which of the following cannot be considered a REST design principle
33. True or False? RESTful responses should include links to related resources, enabling the Client to progress through states.
34. Suppose you're writing a REST resource for listing all coments made by an user. Which would be the most appropriate URI?
35. Which HTTP methods are considered "safe", meaning that the request should not produce side-effects or alter the server state?
36. Identify which is not a formal REST constraint
37. Which software architecture is used for designing and developing software with "RESTful" interfaces?
38. PUTting to the following URI will do generally do what? /users/123/posts
39. True or False? It is a design flaw for RESTful Web Services to reveal data gradually, linking to additional resources on the response body.
40. True or False? In RESTful Web Services each URI can map to one or more resources.
41. What is the mechanism that mediates communication, coordination or cooperation among components like data streams known as?
42. Who is responsible for tracking the application state on a system that communicates through a RESTful Web Service
43. Which of the following describe the correct way to let a client progress through states in a RESTful application?
44. Which of the following is one of the interface constraints for REST that allows the server functionality to evolve independently?
45. How might HATEOAS principles be applied in a RESTful web service?
46. Which of the following should not be present in RESTful Web Services URIs?
47. What is an appropriate HTTP response for issuing a GET request to /users/1/delete on a RESTful Web Service?
48. Which is the foundational constraint in REST that defines the separation between service, consumer and the technical contract?
49. The process of determining which representation of a resource to respond with is called
50. What is the appropriate error response for a request that sends an entity in XML (with header `Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8`) when the server only understands JSON.
51. A PUT request on a URI that only supports GET and POST should respond with _____
52. Which HTTP method(s) should be used for creating a resource
53. A PUT request that results in the creation of a new resource should respond with _____
54. A POST request that results in the creation of a resource should respond with ______
55. What is the appropriate error response for a request that sends an entity in XML with header `Content-Type: application/json` when the server only understands JSON.
56. Which HTTP methods are idempotent?
57. Given a REST API that is capable of responding only with JSON, what is the appropriate way to respond to a request with header `Accept: application/xml; charset=utf-8`?
58. The REpresentational State Transfer (REST) architectural style is based on the HTTP protocol.