Introduction to Political Science MCQ

Currently, ________ states have agreed to the compact specified by the national popular vote plan.


Correct Answer: 10

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Contemporary local, state, and national campaigns increasingly rely on __________.


Correct Answer: Professional campaign consultants

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The ruling reached by the u.s. supreme court in smith v. allwright __________.


Correct Answer: Brought to an end the white primary by declaring it unconstitutional

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The ________ party originated from internal mobilization.


Correct Answer: Institutional

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Low voter turnout and political apathy endanger ________.


Correct Answer: Democracy

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________ is the niche leader inside the beltway.


Correct Answer: Politico

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A lobbyist for the nra would be most effective when targeting a legislator ___________.


Correct Answer: Whose voting behavior supports gun control

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In 2012, about ________ percent of latino americans voted for barack obama.


Correct Answer: 70

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Over 90 percent of the texas prisoners are male, and the average age of prisoners is only ________.


Correct Answer: 38.

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Equality of result policies are primarily directed at ________ discriminatory effects.


Correct Answer: De facto.

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________ ushered in the tax revolt and the deregulation of many government policies in the 1980s.


Correct Answer: Ronald Reagan

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________ led the exposure of the watergate scandal.


Correct Answer: Journalists at the Washington Post

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________ develops when the winner of an electoral race obtains more votes than any other candidate.


Correct Answer: The plurality system

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The __________ guaranteed the rights of individual union members when dealing with their union.


Correct Answer: Landrum-Griffin Act

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Approximately ________ percent of senate incumbents win reelection.90


Correct Answer: 84

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Three types of factors ______ influence the decisions of voters at the polls:


Correct Answer: Partisan loyalty, issues,

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The vietnam war initiated the growth of ________ journalism.


Correct Answer: Adversarial

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The united states began its tradition of the ________ during the early nineteenth century.


Correct Answer: Two-party system.

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The typical margin of error in a sample survey of 1,500 respondents is ________.


Correct Answer: 3 percent.

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The selection of delegates to the national convention produces _____.


Correct Answer: Conflict in each party.

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The new deal coalition was severely strained and ultimately broken apart by the ________.


Correct Answer: Vietnam War and the issue of civil rights

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The first prerequisite to increasing political efficacy is ________.


Correct Answer: Increasing political knowledge

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People who attract followers, including mahatma gandhi and martin luther king, display ________


Correct Answer: Charismatic authority

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Pacs are most likely to allocate their campaign contributions to __________.


Correct Answer: Congressional candidates.

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One of the most basic methods of canvassing is __________.


Correct Answer: Going door to door to solicit voters

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In the 1800s, newspapers and other organizations used __________ polls to assess public opinion.


Correct Answer: Straw

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In a capitalist economic system, "justice" amounts to ________


Correct Answer: Freedom of the marketplace allowing people to follow their self-interest

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In 1948, election night polls showed that ________ would win the presidential election.


Correct Answer: Thomas Deweye.

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During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, political machines provided __________.


Correct Answer: Housing, employment, and food

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Approximately ________ percent of young people voted for barack obama in 2012.


Correct Answer: 60

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Approximately ________ percent of eligible voters turn out for midterm congressional elections.


Correct Answer: Education level.

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Approximately ________ percent of americans lack high-speed internet access in their homes.


Correct Answer: 20

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Approximately ________ percent of african americans voted for barack obama in 2008.


Correct Answer: 95

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An individual?s psychological attachment to one party or another is called a party ________.


Correct Answer: Identification

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_________ are the most loyal demographic constituency to the democratic party.


Correct Answer: African American

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________ is one of the most important mechanisms for promoting equality of opportunity.


Correct Answer: Equality of opportunity

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Prisoners who are challenging their convictions are most likely to seek a writ of ________.


Correct Answer: Habeas corpus (607)

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Justice potter stewart was talking about ________ when he declared "i know it when i see it."


Correct Answer: Pornography

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A ____ is a nonprofit independent group that receives and disburses funds to influence elections.


Correct Answer: 501c(4) committees.

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The united states was the __________ nation to adopt a federal system of government


Correct Answer: First

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The united states rebelled against a _____ government.


Correct Answer: Unitary

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The teller amendment stated that _____.


Correct Answer: The United States could not annex Cuba

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The right to vote is known as suffrage, or ____.


Correct Answer: Franchise

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The right of each citizen to vote is an example of ________.


Correct Answer: Political equality

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The relationship between income and voting generally shows a _______ result.


Correct Answer: Positive

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The presidency of john tyler is significant because _____.


Correct Answer: He was the first Vice President to succeed to the presidency.

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The party that usually gets the most votes is the party that ______.


Correct Answer: Best appeals to moderate voters

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The new politics movement gave rise to ________ groups.


Correct Answer: Public interest

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The governor's veto power is part of ________________________


Correct Answer: The government's checks and balances.

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The geography hypothesis states ____________.


Correct Answer: Geography is responsible for differences in prosperity.

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The "unwritten constitution" includes the practice of __________.


Correct Answer: Those processes of our government that are considered an essential part of the system yet they are not actually in the Constitution

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The _____ party system witnessed the birth of modern party politics.


Correct Answer: Second

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States with the largest populations _____


Correct Answer: Send more representatives to the House

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Reported voter turnout _________ as age __________.


Correct Answer: Increases; increases

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Pure market economies always _____.


Correct Answer: Base economic decisions on exchange, or trade

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Policy formulation is a step in the _____.


Correct Answer: Policy cycle

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Parties help to overcome the problem of _______ created by the constitution


Correct Answer: Fragmented government

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Much of the national news that is published in local newspapers is provided by ________.


Correct Answer: The Associated Press

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Most countries in the world have a __________ form of government.


Correct Answer: Unitary.

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Interest groups are also known as _____.


Correct Answer: Pressure groups

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Interest groups are _____ organizations


Correct Answer: Private

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In some forms of government, the head of state is called the _____.


Correct Answer: Chancellor

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In a totalitarian government, ______.


Correct Answer: Authorities maintain total control over the lives of the people

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In a democracy, elections enable individuals to __________.


Correct Answer: Control their leaders and provide judgment on past actions.

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Elections are important to democracies because __________


Correct Answer: They allow citizens the opportunity to reward and punish office holders seeking reelection.

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Each state is divided into _____ for representation in the house of representatives.


Correct Answer: Districts

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Compared with western europe, the united states has a(n) ________ turnout in elections.


Correct Answer: Lower

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A decrease in political knowledge will likely cause __________.


Correct Answer: A decrease in political participation

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A core function of political parties is __________.


Correct Answer: Nominating candidates ·

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_________ are federal trial courts at the bottom of the federal judicial hierarchy.


Correct Answer: District (trial) courts

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________ was the first first lady to seek public office on her own.


Correct Answer: Hilary Clinton

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________ was known as the "great communicator."


Correct Answer: Ronald Reagan

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_____ is system of government by privileged citizens or the upper class.


Correct Answer: Aristocracy

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In a _________, independent states grant powers to a national government.


Correct Answer: Confederal system

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Persons living in a state for a short period of time are sometimes called ____.


Correct Answer: Transients

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People need to have _____ in the economy to spend money.


Correct Answer: Confidence

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Political parties are expected to serve the interests of _____


Correct Answer: All voters

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Presidential power is vaguely defined in _____ of the constitution.


Correct Answer: Article 2

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Political and voting differences between men and women are known as the ____ gap.


Correct Answer: Gender gap

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Nomination campaigns __________.


Correct Answer: Involve candidates of the same political party

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People who are strongly loyal to a given party have strong ____.


Correct Answer: Straight-ticket voting

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Boycotting and picketing are examples of __________.


Correct Answer: Unconventional political participation

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Proponents of the ?devolution revolution? argue that __________.


Correct Answer: The authority of state governments should be expanded

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Over the last thirty years, media ownership has __________.


Correct Answer: Become more consolidated

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Historically, vice presidential candidates have often been chosen to __________.


Correct Answer: Placate symbolic constituency

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When comparing the house of representatives and the senate, _____.


Correct Answer: Special interest groups can get Senators to submit legislation but not House Representatives

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Within a constitutional government, those who govern __________.


Correct Answer: Are expected to follow the same laws as the citizens

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A party must have _____ to have a case heard by the supreme court.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Voters in a district who elect a public servant are known as a(n) _____.


Correct Answer: Constituency

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Voter participation in texas is _____________________ in the united states.


Correct Answer: The lowest

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The electoral college system favors __________.


Correct Answer: Small states

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Political parties first _____ to nominate presidential candidates


Correct Answer: Congressional caucuses

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Toll goods differ from public goods in that ________.


Correct Answer: They require the payment of a fee up front

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The most effective way for organized groups to shape public opinion is by _____.


Correct Answer: Using the mass media

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Stages in the public policy process include __________.


Correct Answer: Identification of an issue, formulation, and implementation

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Potential problems with the bureaucracy in texas are compounded by __________.


Correct Answer: The limited administrative control over most agencies by the governor

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After implementing a public policy, it is essential to _____ it.


Correct Answer: Evaluate

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In standing by precedent, a judge relies on the principle of ________.


Correct Answer: Stare decisis

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Workers in a bureaucracy understand what is expected of them because of a system of _____.


Correct Answer: Formalized rules

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With ________, a court has jurisdiction over the parties to the lawsuit.


Correct Answer: In personam jurisdiction

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While the spoils system ________, its principal drawback was that ________.


Correct Answer: Strengthened political parties; appointees often lacked experience

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Voter turnout is commonly higher in __________ than in __________.


Correct Answer: Presidential elections; midterm elections

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There are ______ u.s. district courts.


Correct Answer: Ninety-four

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The third amendment can be thought of as ________.


Correct Answer: Forming part of a broader conception of privacy in the home that is also protected by the Second and Fourth Amendments

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The senate has rejected the president's appointment of a cabinet member _____.


Correct Answer: Rarely

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The right to remain silent is guaranteed by the ________ amendment.


Correct Answer: Fifth

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The right to privacy has been controversial for all the following reasons except ________.


Correct Answer: It is not explicitly included in the constitution or bill of rights

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The press has the greatest impact on public opinion regarding __________.


Correct Answer: Events in foreign countries

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The president pro tempore in the senate is _______ the majority and minority leaders.


Correct Answer: Senator

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The president and the senate appoint a u.s. attorney for each _____.


Correct Answer: Federal judicial district

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The ninth amendments states that _____


Correct Answer: We have rights that are not written in Constitution enumerated rights, that may not be mentioned

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The spoils system allocated political appointments on the basis of ________.


Correct Answer: Party loyalty

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The _______________function of the court is concerned with the day-to-day processing of cases.


Correct Answer: Bureaucratic

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States retained the power to regulate _____ commerce.


Correct Answer: Intrastate

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Presidential electors were chosen to represent the interests of their _____.


Correct Answer: States

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Presidential approval ratings ________ over a president's term of office.


Correct Answer: Decline

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President bill clinton's original last name was _____.


Correct Answer: Blythe

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President _____ marks the beginning of the fourth party system in the united states.


Correct Answer: Theodore Roosevelt

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Political appointees in the federal bureaucracy __________.


Correct Answer: Generally leave their post at the end of the president's term in office

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Over time, americans' expectations of government have generally __________.


Correct Answer: Increased

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Most representatives in congress employ ________ in their approach to governance.


Correct Answer: A combination of the trustee model and instructed delegate model

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Most americans believe we should _______ the electoral college.


Correct Answer: Abolish

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Issues of public opinion are only concerned with _____.


Correct Answer: Public Affairs

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In a __________, political parties choose their candidates to run in the ___________.


Correct Answer: Primary election; general election

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In ________ the ________ secured the right to vote for african americans.


Correct Answer: 1965; Voting Rights Act

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Following a decade of interstate highway building, congress created the department of _______.


Correct Answer: Transportation

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Each of the following is a bureaucrat except _____.


Correct Answer: The President and Vice President

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Congress controls the bureaucracy by all of the following except _____.


Correct Answer: Personal contributions

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By 2012, there were approximately ________ pacs in the united states.


Correct Answer: 5,500

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Authority in a bureaucracy is structured in _____ way.


Correct Answer: A hierarchical

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At the beginning of an election campaign, the media tends to focus on _____.


Correct Answer: Who has thrown their hat in the ring

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An amicus curiae brief is __________


Correct Answer: A written argument submitted to a court in support of one side of the case

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An advantage of federalism is that it allows states to __________.


Correct Answer: Be policy innovators

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Americans trust the government more when __________.


Correct Answer: Their chosen political party controls the White House

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American citizens may belong to _____ interest groups at one time.


Correct Answer: Any number of

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According to the trustee model of representation, legislators are __________.


Correct Answer: Trusted by their constituents because they are natives of their home districts

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According to the pluralist theory of government, ________.


Correct Answer: Government policy is formed as a result of the competition between groups with different goals and interests

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Abraham lincoln _________without prior congressional approval.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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A(n) __________ refers to an organization that seeks to influence public policy.


Correct Answer: Interest group

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A(n) __________ brief is submitted by someone who is not a party to the case.


Correct Answer: Amicus curiae

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A very challenging job for new presidents is to ______.


Correct Answer: Nominate and gain confirmation for their cabinet and hundreds of other officials

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A three-fifths majority of the __________ is required in order to __________.


Correct Answer: Senate; invoke cloture and end a filibuster

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A state case is more likely to be heard by the federal courts when ________.


Correct Answer: It involves a federal question

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A runoff election is likely when a state uses __________ voting.


Correct Answer: Majority

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A political party needs ________ to gain majority control of the senate.


Correct Answer: 51 Senators

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A congressperson who pursued a strict delegate model of representation would seek to ________.


Correct Answer: Legislate in the way he or she believed constituents wanted, regardless of the anticipated outcome

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A bureaucracy is organized like a pyramid with the head of the bureaucracy _____.


Correct Answer: At the top

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______elections are held to select a party's candidate for the ____ elections.


Correct Answer: Primary; general

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__________ almost always win congressional elections.


Correct Answer: Incumbents

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__________ acted as the common government of the states between 1775 and 1781.


Correct Answer: The Second Continental Congress

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________ is/are most likely to understand trade issues in the united states.


Correct Answer: Career bureaucrats in the Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission

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________ is a kind of talking that is used to stall legislation.


Correct Answer: Chubbing

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The belief that political authority should rest with the people themselves is called ________.


Correct Answer: Popular sovereignty

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The ________ is the most important concept in the theory of pluralism.


Correct Answer: Group

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Individualism, such as the rugged cowboy, symbolizes a political culture that __________.


Correct Answer: Features a strong belief in self-eliancer

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In american political culture, economic freedom means ________.


Correct Answer: Capitalism

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Conservatives are more likely than liberals to support ________.


Correct Answer: School prayer

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A ________ is a service that people need but are usually unable to provide for themselves.


Correct Answer: Public good

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To gain control of the senate a party must have _______ senators.


Correct Answer: 51

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To decrease sample error, a pollster must __________ the number of respondents.


Correct Answer: Increase

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The process by which a person acquires political culture and values is known as __________.


Correct Answer: Political partisanship

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The media tends to depend on ______ for their income.


Correct Answer: Advertisers

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Public polls and voting behavior indicate that men and women have ________ views on many issues.


Correct Answer: Very different

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Public opinion is difficult to define _____.


Correct Answer: Because it includes the views of many people

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Parties used the patronage system as a way to _____________.


Correct Answer: Build party loyalty

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Historically, __________ have been among the most powerful influences on public opinion.


Correct Answer: Economic concerns

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Functions of political parties include __________.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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For the supreme court, the president _____ the justice and the senate _____ the justice.


Correct Answer: Appoints; confirms

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Family, school, and the media are all agents of __________.


Correct Answer: Political socialization.

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Effects on opinion from the era in which one lives are called __________ effects.


Correct Answer: Generational

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Each of the following organizations has a liberal orientation except ________.


Correct Answer: The Chamber of Commerce

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Direct candidate contact with individual voters is known as __________ politics.


Correct Answer: Retail

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Designing a party platform involves _______. select all that apply.


Correct Answer: Presenting a plank on taxes, welfare reform, and veterans issues and deciding how to vote on them
Presenting this plank to the party and getting people to vote on it

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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Critics of pluralism have noted that __________.


Correct Answer: Power is concentrated in the hands of the few

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Critical consumers should watch out for surveys with ______ and other types of skewed samples.


Correct Answer: Self-selected respondents

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A critical election is typically associated with __________


Correct Answer: Party realignment

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A closed primary allows only those individuals who________ to participate.


Correct Answer: Are party members

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___________ regulates media ownership in the united states.


Correct Answer: The Federal Communications Commission

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___________ compromises workers and activists who form the party's formal and basic structure.


Correct Answer: The organizational party

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Public policy includes __________.


Correct Answer: Providing benefits for the public good, regulating the private sector, and affecting the governmental process

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________ is similar to authority and is based on position and mutual agreement.


Correct Answer: Legitimate Power

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If you support laissez-faire economic policies, you would generally favor __________.


Correct Answer: A reduction in the amount of economic regulation by the government

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While each state has two senators, members of the house are apportioned ________.


Correct Answer: According to the state's population

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The supreme court's power of judicial review ________.


Correct Answer: Enables it to declare acts of the other branches unconstitutional

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The supreme court hears cases from state courts only if they involve __________ law.


Correct Answer: Federal

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The supreme court has decided that the death penalty ________.


Correct Answer: May not be applied to those who were under 18 when they committed a crime

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The supreme court determined that the right of the press to print classified material ________.


Correct Answer: Is partial, and the press may print classified material only if it does not compromise troops or covert operatives

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Criminal litigation in the federal courts is handled by ________.


Correct Answer: U.S. Attorneys

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Courts provide a statement of the legal reasoning behind their decisions in written __________.


Correct Answer: Opinions

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Courts established by congress for specialized purposes are known as __________ courts.


Correct Answer: Legislative

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A _______________ is formed by an interest group to donate campaign funds to political candidates.


Correct Answer: Political action committee

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Partisan loyalty is likely to be highest in the election of ________.


Correct Answer: The president.

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Partisan __________ is the difference between the parties.


Correct Answer: Polarization

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_____ may not contribute directly (or coordinate with) individual political candidates.


Correct Answer: Super PACs

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In 2012, about _____ percent of americans identified themselves as __________.


Correct Answer: 23; liberals

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Potential voters are most interested in __________.


Correct Answer: State elections, when a governor and state representatives are selected

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Because heads of several executive agencies are elected independently of the governor, __________.


Correct Answer: There is potential for conflict in the executive branch

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Approximately ________ lobbyists are currently registered with congress.


Correct Answer: 12,000

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A party's ________ contains its philosophy, principles, and policy positions.


Correct Answer: Platform

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According to pluralists, interest groups __________.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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The _____ society did not have a centralized government.


Correct Answer: Pastoral

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Recent polls show that over _____ percent of registered voters identify as independents.


Correct Answer: 40

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Campaigns focus on their __________ efforts in the last days before the general election.


Correct Answer: Get out and VOTE

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Survey data demonstrates that the level of americans political knowledge is ________.


Correct Answer: Low and spotty

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In the united states, interest groups can be found _____.


Correct Answer: Across the country.

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The goal of ________ is to create a favorable public image for the group.


Correct Answer: Public relations activities

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Pacs representing health groups gave ____ percent to republican candidates?


Correct Answer: 55% of $160.2 million (around $88 million).

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Common cause is an example of a __________ interest group.


Correct Answer: Public interest

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In a direct democracy, decisions are made collectively by citizens using __________.


Correct Answer: Majority rule

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Lobbyists try to maintain close ties to members of congress, especially _____.


Correct Answer: Members of committees

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Rights of minority groups is part of the _____ party platform.


Correct Answer: Democrat

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Tolerance is a key democratic value because ______.


Correct Answer: It is a prerequisite for compromise

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Third-party candidates are better off under ________.


Correct Answer: Proportional representation

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The north atlantic treaty organization is an example of ________.


Correct Answer: A multilateral treaty.

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The military authority given to the governor by the state constitution includes __________.


Correct Answer: Her role as commander-in-chief of the military forces of the state, the ability to appoint an adjutant general, and the ability to mobilize the Texas National Guard to protect lives and property in the state

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The media are also known as the __________.


Correct Answer: Fourth estate

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The first president to be impeached was _____.


Correct Answer: Andrew Johnson

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The constitution requires that federal judges must __________.


Correct Answer: There are no constitutional requirements for being a federal judge.

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The _____ is the majority-party senator with the longest senate service.


Correct Answer: President pro tempore

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Liberals tend to be __________ and conservatives tend to be __________.


Correct Answer: Democrats, Republicans

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Campaign consultants do all of the following except ________.


Correct Answer: Print ballots for the election.

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The united states has____________different and separate judicial systems.


Correct Answer: 52

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The great compromise successfully resolved differences between ________.


Correct Answer: Large and small states

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The governor's veto power and ability to call special sessions of the legislature __________.


Correct Answer: Can allow the governor to influence the legislature through the threat of those in powers

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The governor's judicial powers include the ability to __________.


Correct Answer: Make appointments to the Board of Pardons and Paroles

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The governor has the authority to veto a bill for up to __________.


Correct Answer: Ten days during a session and twenty days after adjournment.

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The ______ of the senate is mostly a ceremonial position.


Correct Answer: President pro tempore

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One check that the legislative branch has over the judicial branch is __________.


Correct Answer: Power to amend the Constitution

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An interest group filing an amicus curiae brief is an example of __________.


Correct Answer: Lobbying the judicial branch

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A pact between the president and the head of foreign country is called _____.


Correct Answer: An executive agreement

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_____ is not an expressed presidential power.


Correct Answer: Declaring war

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An example of a congressional enumerated power is ___________________


Correct Answer: A power numbered in the Constitution

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____ try to influence government policy, while ____ try to win elections.


Correct Answer: Interest groups;Political action committees

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____ is a virtue


Correct Answer: Tolerance

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A(n) ____ is the naming of a candidate who will seek election for a public office.


Correct Answer: Nomination

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A direct popular election _____ the electoral college system.


Correct Answer: Would end

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________ hears appeals from trial courts.


Correct Answer: An intermediate appellate court

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A ____ is where voters who live in a particular precinct actually go to vote.


Correct Answer: Polling place

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Dividing electoral districts to limit the voting strength of a particular group is known as ____.


Correct Answer: Gerrymandering

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Literary digest used ________ polls to predict the popular vote in presidential elections.


Correct Answer: Straw

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________ bills are one of congress’s favorite vehicles for pork-barrel spending.


Correct Answer: Highway

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Initially, the idea of _______ was not intended in the makeup of the u.s. political system.


Correct Answer: Political parties

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The election of ________ was a realigning election.


Correct Answer: 1932.

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Polls are ____ instruments for measuring public opinion.


Correct Answer: Scientific

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The supreme court is more likely to consider reviewing a case if _____.


Correct Answer: It raises a constitutional question

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The last time congress exercised its constitutional power to declare war was during ________.


Correct Answer: World war II

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The federal reserve _____ the money supply to lower inflation.


Correct Answer: Increases

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The __________ is a measure of the accuracy of a public opinion poll.


Correct Answer: Margin of error

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________ elections tend to draw the largest percentage of voters in the u.s.


Correct Answer: Presidential

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_____ is a financial management function and a part of financial planning.


Correct Answer: Understanding and allocating operational needs

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In a parliamentary system, voters directly elect _____.


Correct Answer: Members of parliament and the prime minister

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Until 1987, in cases of extradition, _____.


Correct Answer: The federal government could not force a state governor to return a fugitive

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Individuals and organizations can give an unlimited amount to ________.


Correct Answer: Super PACs

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Pacs can contribute ____ an individual can to a candidate running for office.


Correct Answer: More than

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Compared to older individuals, younger people __________.


Correct Answer: Are more likely to view liking a group online as joining that group

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Political science researchers only conduct research to satisfy their intellectual curiosity about a subject.


Correct Answer: False

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Research conducted by political scientists typically only appears in newspapers and magazines.


Correct Answer: False

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Conducting empirical research is a simple process.


Correct Answer: False

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The process by which other scholars evaluate the soundness of research before it is published is referred to as ______.


Correct Answer: Peer review

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Research on the neighbourhood beautification efforts and their effect on crime rates is an example of ______.


Correct Answer: Applied research

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Not all empirical research involves the collection of numerical data, requiring statistical analysis.


Correct Answer: True

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Theoretical research is concerned primarily with practical applications.


Correct Answer: False

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Applied research has a fairly direct, immediate application to a real-world situation.


Correct Answer: True

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Political science is the application of empirical research principles to the study of phenomena that are political in nature.


Correct Answer: True

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Empirical research is a research based on the actual, “objective” observation of phenomena to achieve scientific knowledge about political phenomena.


Correct Answer: True

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Research designed to satisfy one’s intellectual curiosity about some phenomenon is called


Correct Answer: Recreational research

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Research based on actual, “objective” observation of phenomena is called


Correct Answer: Empirical research

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Research designed to produce knowledge useful in altering a real-world condition or situation is called


Correct Answer: Applied research

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