1. The poles with greater displacement from the real axis correspond to
2. Two similar coupled coils are connected in series. The total inductance in series aiding connection is 100 mH. If currents is 3 A, the energy stored in magnetic field is
3. In a two terminals network the O.C. voltage measured at the given terminals is 100 V and s.c., currents at the same terminals 5 A. If a load of 80 Ω resistance is connected at the terminals, load current is
4. Two similar coils have self inductance of 1 mH each. Coefficient of coupling is 0.5. The mutual inductance M is
5. Which statement is true for an ac circuit?
6. Three resistance of 15 Ω each are connected in delta. The resistance of equivalent star will have a value of
7. In a parallel resonant circuit, the circuit current at resonance is maximum.
8. An RLC series circuit is under damped. To make it over damped, the value of R
9. The terms RMS and average values apply only to sine waves.
10. The synthesis of minimum function was suggested by
11. A current is flowing through a conductor with non-uniform area of cross-section. Then
12. A series RLC circuit has a resonant frequency of 1000 Hz. The maximum voltage across C is likely to occur at a frequency of about
13. Two coils having self inductances of 10 mH and 40 mH are mutually coupled. The maximum possible mutual inductance is
14. A capacitor used for power factor correction is single phase circuit decreases
15. A two branch tuned circuit has a coil of resistance R and inductance L in one branch and capacitance C in the second branch. If R is increased, the dynamic resistance
16. A ____ ip address is one which can be accessed by packets on the internet.