Business Analysis MCQ Questions Answers

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Business Analysis Subjects:

Business Analysis multiple choice questions List

What is business analysis and an example?

Business analysis is the practice of identifying and organizing business needs, creating solutions to support those needs, and evaluating outcomes for improvement. It can involve analyzing a company's existing processes and systems in order to identify areas for improvement, as well as developing new strategies that will help streamline operations. Business analysis involves activities such as creating models or simulations of proposed changes and offering guidance on potential risks associated with proposed changes. 

For example, if a company is looking to improve its customer service process, a business analyst may analyze current customer feedback data in order to develop ideas for process improvements.

What does a business analyst do?

A business analyst is responsible for examining an organization's processes, policies, and strategies to identify areas of improvement. They are also responsible for providing information regarding the operational process and making suggestions on how it can be improved. They analyze data and trends and research potential solutions to problems.

What are the four stages of business analysis?

  • Requirements Gathering: This is the first step in a project and involves interviewing stakeholders, customers, and other subject matter experts about the desired outcomes for a project or system. 
  • Process Modeling: This involves analyzing the current system, documenting processes and workflows, and identifying areas of improvement within an organization. It also includes creating a data flow diagram to depict how information is exchanged between different parts of a business.
  • Requirements Analysis/Validation: This stage requires identifying the requirements of a project or system, validating those requirements to ensure they meet the needs of stakeholders, creating and managing requirement documents, and ensuring effective communication with all stakeholders. 
  • Solution Design: This stage involves designing a solution that meets the needs of stakeholders and can be implemented in an organization. It includes developing test cases to ensure the system meets the requirements and is working correctly. This stage also includes developing documentation for training stakeholders to use the system. 

What skills does a business analyst need?

A business analyst needs to have a wide range of skills in order to be successful. They need to be able to interpret data, analyze trends and use their technical expertise to develop solutions. They should also possess strong communication skills, both verbal and written so that they can effectively collaborate with stakeholders and understand customer needs.

Which tool is used in business analysis?

Business analysis is a discipline that focuses on understanding how businesses operate, defining the requirements for change, and driving business transformation. To carry out these tasks, analysts often use various tools and techniques such as process modeling, gap analysis, requirements gathering, creating business cases, stakeholder impact analysis, and more.

Does business analyst require coding?

The answer to this question is not a straightforward one. Business analysts do not necessarily require coding skills, as the primary focus of their work is to understand and document business requirements and processes. However, having basic knowledge of coding languages can be beneficial in certain situations, such as when working with data or automation projects.