Z Distribution is a statistical sampling distribution used in many statistical tests including for _____
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All of these
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Statistical sampling distribution used in many statistical tests including for the construction of confidence intervals and the difference between two means is known as _____ Distribution.
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Standard Error of the Proportion is the_____ of the sampling distribution of the proportion.
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Standard Deviation
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Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the_____ is known as Standard Error of the Mean.
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Statistic (i.e., mean, proportion, etc.) obtained from a sample of the population is known as Sample Statistic.
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Population Parameter is a Statistic (i.e., mean, proportion, etc.) obtained from a population. Since we rarely have entire population data, we typically estimate population parameters using _____ statistics.
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Sample statistics such as the mean and proportion that are sample estimates of the same values in the population refer to _____
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Point Estimates
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Degrees of Freedom is the value necessary along with a given alpha value to determine the_____
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All of these
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Confidence Limits are numerical _____ values that correspond to any given confidence interval around a point estimate from the sample.
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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Level of confidence (e.g., 95% or 99%) that is set for a statistical inference from the sample to the population is known as Confidence level.
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Statistical interval around a point estimate (e.g., mean) that we can provide a level of confidence to for capturing the true population parameter is known as _____
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Confidence Interval
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