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Critical Reasoning MCQ

Critical Reasoning MCQ

1. The second presupposition of the practice of argument making is the hypothetical that __________.


Correct Answer: The speaker's reason, if true is the logical basis for the speaker's claim

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2. French cuisine is highly regarded all over the world. Yet in Paris there are more American restaurants selling burgers and fries (which many people now class as ‘junk food’) than there are in any other European capital city. Obviously the French are very fond of ‘junk food’, and are not too proud to eat it. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s contention?


Correct Answer: There are an unusually large number of American tourists in Paris who eat at burger joints

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3. Jay apparently believes that


Correct Answer: The frequency of breakdowns in his office is above average

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4. The enormous distances between stars are not spaces entirely devoid of matter. The interstellar spaces are filled with ‘dust’: very low density matter. This miniscule amount of matter, spread over almost infinite distances, acts like a curtain obscuring the stars that lie behind. If it were not for this material we would see no dark patches in the sky at night: the sky would be entirely covered with stars.The two parts in boldface play what roles in the argument above?


Correct Answer: The first is a fact that the author thinks is important in explaining a certain phenomenon. The second is a result that the author would expect if that fact were not true.

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5. Most scientists agree that new lines of interdisciplinary research are the need of the hour. Even government committees on science have stressed the need for more interdisciplinary projects. Yet, of ten proposals for new interdisciplinary projects last year, only one was successfully funded. Some have suggested that this means that as yet researchers are not coming up with sufficiently persuasive projects, or that their proposals are not of high enough quality, or even that the reputations of these researchers is not high enough. However, the real reason probably lies in the way funding is organized. Funding is still allocated according to the old categories and there are no funds specifically for research that overlaps different subject areas. The two parts in bold-face are related to each other in which of the following ways?


Correct Answer: The first is a fact that the author attempts to account for. The second is data that explicitly supports the author’s main conclusion.

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6. Thousands of people have tonsillectomies every year and all live normal lives after the operation. We can conclude, from this observation, that the tonsils have no function in the body. The argument would be most weakened by which of the following, if it were true?


Correct Answer: Another part of the body can take over the function of the tonsils if they are removed.

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7. It is often thought that our own modern age is unique in having a large number of people who live into old age. It has frequently been assumed that plagues, wars, and harsh working conditions killed off most people in previous ages before they could reach old age. However, recent research shows that in 17th century Europe, for example, people over sixty comprised 10 percent of the population. The studies also revealed that although infant mortality remained high until the 20th century in Europe, people who survived to adulthood could expect to live to be old. The portions in boldface play which of the following roles in the argument above?


Correct Answer: The first is a position that the author opposes. The second is a finding that supports the author’s position.

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8. It is not unusual to see the ball fall into a black slot on a roulette wheel four times in a row. But for it to fall five or six times in a row into the same color is very unusual. Therefore you can win money by waiting for a run of five of the same color and then betting against that color. If the roulette wheel in question is a fair wheel, which of the following observations or facts, if it were true, would best reveal a fallacy in the logic?


Correct Answer: The probability of getting a particular color is always the same no matter what has gone before.

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9. Scientists investigating a rare metabolic disorder hypothesized that obesity was a predisposing factor in the development of the disease. A study of twenty patients found that, on average, the patients were close to the normal weight for their height. Before concluding that obesity is not a predisposing factor, the researchers would find the answer to which of the following questions most useful?


Correct Answer: Have the patients always been close to the normal weight for their heights?

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10. In a recent study of responses to visual images, researchers found that women most frequently gave the rating ‘most attractive’ to images of male faces that were more feminine in contour, and rated more masculine faces, on average, ‘less attractive’. The researchers concluded that modern women prefer men who are less obviously masculine in their facial features. Which is the following is an assumption that the researchers apparently made in this study?


Correct Answer: The women who participated in the study were sufficiently representative of modern women in general.

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11. A nature conservancy expert found little support for his campaign to protect toads. He suggested that, even thought the campaign highlighted the vital role the toads played in the ecology of the region, people were unenthusiastic about saving toads as these animals are perceived as unpleasant creatures, and people seldom feel passionate about animals with which they have no positive feelings. The expert’s opinion would be most strengthened by which of the following observations?


Correct Answer: A recent campaign to save bats achieved a measure of success only after a cartoon bat was adopted as the mascot of the local football team.

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12. Anton: I sold my house on an internet site last year and was happy with the price. I got a speedy sale and the cost of advertising was insignificant. I would advise you to avoid real estate agents.Barbie : It is in the interest of the real estate agent to get me the best price for my property because he gets a commission based on the selling price. Therefore, when selling my house I will certainly use an agent rather than trying to sell the house by word of mouth, or by advertising in newspapers or on the internet.Barbie’s could strengthen her position by pointing out all of the following except


Correct Answer: Some buyers pay the agent to find them a cheap house

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13. A rare disease, malicitis, is being diagnosed with increasing frequency. The number of cases reported this year is more than double the number reported four years ago. The government should now allocate more funds for treatment and prevention of malicitis. All of the following, if true, would weaken the conclusion except


Correct Answer: A committee of experts reviewed the funding four years ago

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14. Josh has twenty years of typing experience behind him; therefore, if you are looking for an efficient typist to enter your data into the new system, you need look no further.The speaker assumes that:


Correct Answer: Twenty years of practice ensures typing efficiency

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15. Many people report that exposure to certain foods such as cheese, red wine, and chocolate, are associated with the onset of migraine headaches. Other people report that exposure to certain smells (especially strong perfumes) seems to trigger a migraine headache, and some note that exposure to bright and flickering lights can be followed by a migraine. It would seem that a person with a tendency to get migraines should try to find which of these situations is associated with the onset of the headache and then avoid this stimulus.All of the following, if true, would indicate potential problems with the recommendation above except


Correct Answer: The presence of a known trigger doesn’t always cause a migraine

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16. Ada’s argument would be most strengthened by providing data on the


Correct Answer: Ratio of computers to users in her office

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