1. Anything a person has or uses to reach a goal
2. The course of action one decides to take at the end of the decision-making process
3. The choice between two or more possiblities
4. A decision or plan that can be changed
5. The steps one takes to make the best decision
6. Clash of ideas or values
7. To give up something to resolve a conflict
8. To look at closely and judge
9. A disadvantage of the ____ decision-making model is that it does not use ethics.
10. Group decisions generally feature ________ acceptance than decisions made by an individual.
11. Using the entire decision making process may be unnecessary when _____.
12. The logical application of __________ is important in the decision-making process.
13. Principles of right and wrong that you use to make choices are called _____________.
14. Unstructured problems ________.
15. _____ decisions are associated with decision rules.
16. To avoid confusion, you can use ____statements instead of using and and or operators.
17. The ________ statement is used to make simple decisions in java.