MCQs > Crime & Justice > Juvenile Delinquency (U.S.) MCQs > Macro-Level Theories MCQs

Macro-Level Theories MCQ

_____ is the area right outside of the central business district of a city that experiences the most negative effects of the forces of social change and the highest rate of street delinquency.


Correct Answer: Zone of transition

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Is symbiosis a state of interdependence that social disorganization theorists state characterizes the social world?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as the theory that involvement in small groups of youth in marginalized neighborhoods or social groups arises in the face of limited legitimate opportunities and often leads to delinquency.


Correct Answer: Subcultural delinquency theory

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_____ is defined as merton’s idea of what happens when social norms of conventional success (i.e., the American Dream) are not accompanied by equally strong or available legitimate means of achieving that success; strain can often lead to delinquency and/or deviance.


Correct Answer: Strain theory

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_____ is theories created by scholars using scientific methods (i.e., observation, measurement, and empirical verification).


Correct Answer: Sociological positivist theories

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Is social facts dimensions of social life that are external to the individual and that restrain individuals, including values, cultural norms, and social structures?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as the study of relationships among individuals, social groups, and the environment.


Correct Answer: Social ecology

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_____ is defined as the theory of delinquency that posits that neighborhoods may become so disorganized that delinquent behavior occurs as a result.


Correct Answer: Social disorganization theory

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_____ is a subculture of youth who join together after failing to find a place in either the criminal or the conflict delinquent subculture.


Correct Answer: Retreatist delinquent subculture

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Is prevention any number of programs and policies geared at keeping youth on the conventional path and out of delinquency involvement?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as durkheim’s concept of industrial societies that are fragmented due to the division of labor yet maintain a sense of collective conscience (although weaker than in mechanical society).


Correct Answer: Organic society

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_____ is defined as durkheim’s concept of preindustrial societies that shared a strong collective conscience and had high levels of informal social control.


Correct Answer: Mechanical society

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_____ is theories of delinquency that focus on the social structure or the big picture of society.


Correct Answer: Macro-level theories

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Is intervening variables variables that change the relationships between other variables because of their existence?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as the means by which ordinary people exert control over others’ behavior through enforcing traditions or norms and by informally punishing those who break such norms through the use of gossip, stigmatization, and disapproval.


Correct Answer: Informal social control

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_____ is defined as difference and diversity; in a neighborhood context heterogeneity often reduces informal social control.


Correct Answer: Heterogeneity

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_____ is the concept that factors outside of the conscious control of individuals, chiefly the social organization of society and/or the environment, influence or determine behavior.


Correct Answer: Determinism

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Is criminal delinquent subculture a subculture in which youth commit acts of delinquency as a means to an end—usually to obtain something material or monetary to gain status in the group?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as integrating art into a range of community planning and development efforts.


Correct Answer: Creative placemaking

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_____ is defined as a theorist who assumes that society is based upon consensus and that laws generally reflect agreed-upon societal expectations.


Correct Answer: Consensus theorist

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_____ is a subculture in which youth oppose the mainstream through violence, underground economies, and/or gang activity because of a lack of opportunities to succeed.


Correct Answer: Conflict delinquent subculture

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Is concentric zone model a model used by social disorganization theorists in which they map an urban area from its urban center, or downtown, to the zone of transition, multiple-family zone, single-family zone, and suburban or commuter zone and measure the degree of social disorganization in each?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is defined as social cohesion among neighbors that is characterized by efforts to make positive changes in their neighborhoods.


Correct Answer: Collective efficacy

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_____ is society’s shared moral sense or sense of right and wrong according to Durkheim.


Correct Answer: Collective conscience

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Is coercive mobility the removal of people from a poor neighborhood as a result of incarceration. A formerly incarcerated youth or adult reenters the neighborhood with the added socialization of the prison or detention center subculture, which is said to increase the heterogeneity of community values and lead to further disorganization?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is durkheim’s theory that proposes that rapid social change often results in a state of normlessness that results in the deregulation of people and their behavior.


Correct Answer: Anomie theory

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Is anomic suicide one of the types of suicide that Durkheim theorized, which was more likely to occur in societies experiencing rapid social change and a lack of social norms?


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is known as the five ways that Merton theorized that people adjust to the strain created by the societal goals and the legitimate means by which to achieve those goals: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion.


Correct Answer: Adaptations to strain

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The Commuter Zone is kept clean and has many desirable geographic features.


Correct Answer: True

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______ is a factor that may mitigate the effects of social disorganization on a community and lessen violence.


Correct Answer: Collective efficacy

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Conflict delinquent subculture is a subculture in which youth oppose the mainstream through violence, underground economies, and/or gang activity because of a lack of opportunities to succeed.


Correct Answer: True

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Coercive mobility refers to the removal of a people from a poor neighborhood as a result of homelessness.


Correct Answer: False

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Which Zone is described as having the most physical deterioration, homeless living on the streets, people living in close proximity with one another, and people work multiple jobs if they can find work.


Correct Answer: Zone 2: Transitional

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______ is the innovation in which people have abandoned the American Dream, but continue to go through the motions of doing what most of society rewards.


Correct Answer: Ritualism

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Ritualism is an adaption that occurs when people do not accept the legitimate route to obtaining the cultural goal of material and financial wealth, because they are either blocked from accessing legitimate means, or not believe that they should be limited.


Correct Answer: False

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The collective conscience refers to society’s shared moral sense of ______.


Correct Answer: Right and wrong

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The premise of anomie theories is that society is based on social norms and that most community members share these.


Correct Answer: True

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Macro-level theories ask us to look at ______ that influence delinquency.


Correct Answer: Large-scale social factors

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