Late Adulthood Behavior MCQ

Companionate grandparents are _____.


Correct Answer: Happy to be independent of the daily demands of child rearing

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Social Gerontology is the social science that studies human_____.


Correct Answer: Aging

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A theory that attempts to understand the realignments of roles and values in late adulthood in light of the shifting resources that older adults bring to social exchanges is known as _____


Correct Answer: Social Exchange Theory

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Social Construction Theory is a theory that attempts to understand and explain the influence of _____ on aging process.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Reminiscing serves several functions: it may be an enjoyable activity, or _____


Correct Answer: Any of these

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Theories of biological aging that start from the assumption that aging follows a biological timetable refers to _____


Correct Answer: Programmed Aging Theories

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A theory that focuses on the positive changes that have occurred in the older adult population over time, including improved health and economic status; focuses on the positive side of aging rather than on the losses of aging is known as _____


Correct Answer: Productive Aging Theory

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A Power Of Attorney may be_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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The incidence of _____ in a population group is known as Mortality Rate.


Correct Answer: Death

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Morbidity is the incidence of _____ in a population group.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Life Review is a process of evaluating and making sense of one’s life. It includes a reinterpretation of _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Memory that relates to events that a person does not plan to remember is known as Intentional Memory.


Correct Answer: False

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Memory that relates to facts a person has learned without the intention to retain and recall is known as _____


Correct Answer: Incidental Memory

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_____ is a stage of psychosocial development proposed by George Vaillant to come between Erik Erikson’s stages of generativity and integrity, a stage when older adults take on the task of passing on the traditions of the past to the next generation and extend their concerns to concern for the culture as a whole.


Correct Answer: Guardianship

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Sequenced reasoning skills refers to Fluid Intelligence.


Correct Answer: False

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Feminist Theory of social gerontology suggests that, because _____ is a central organizing principle in our society, we can only understand aging by taking it into account.


Correct Answer: Gender

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Environmental Gerontology is a perspective on aging that focuses on the interplay between system, and _____ with particular emphasis on the place and envi-ronment in which aging occurs.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Ego Integrity Versus Ego Despair is the psychosocial crisis of Erik Erikson’s _____ stage of development that centers on one’s ability to process what has happened in life and accept these experiences as integral to the meaning of life.


Correct Answer: Eighth

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Theory of social gerontology that suggests that as elderly individuals grow older, they gradually decrease their social interactions and ties and become increasingly self-preoccupied is known as _____


Correct Answer: Disengagement Theory

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A theory of human development that postulates dynamic reciprocal interactions between the human environment and the biology of the person is known as Developmental Bioculturural Co-constructivism.


Correct Answer: True

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Dependency Ratio is demographic indicator expressing the degree of demand placed on society by the dependent _____ combined.


Correct Answer: Both b and c

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Dementia is _____ of cognitive functioning caused by damage in the brain tissue. Dementia is not part of the brain’s normal aging process, but its prevalence increases with age.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Delirium is an acute delusional state characterized by disturbance in _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Damage or Error Theories of Aging are theories of biological aging that emphasize the role of _____ assaults that cause cumulative damage to various biological systems.


Correct Answer: Environmental

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The ability to use knowledge from accumulated learning is known as Crystallized Intelligence.


Correct Answer: True

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Theory of social gerontology initially proposed by _____ in response to critiques of the disengagement and activity theories.


Correct Answer: All of these

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Assistive Technology is developed and used to assist individuals with _____ impairments to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.


Correct Answer: Physical

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Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common type of dementia, a _____ deterioration of key areas of the brain.


Correct Answer: Both b and c

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Age Stratification Perspective Theory of social gerontology was proposed by _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Activity Theory is a theory of aging that proposes that higher levels of activity and involvement are directly related to higher levels of _____ in older adults.


Correct Answer: Satisfaction

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