1. A Flash movie is organized in a timeline using:
2. What happens when you put one shape on top of another?
3. Which piece of Actionscript 3.0 coding is used for buttons?
4. What four 'frames' are given to each button?
5. What type of symbol would you use for a collection of static objects?
6. Keystroke shortcut to break a symbol apart?
7. Which is NOT a type of symbol?
8. Keystroke shortcut to show paste in place?
9. Definition of input the text field?
10. What does the shortcut Ctrl(Cmd)+Shift+V do?
11. Area that you create your work on called?
12. What does the lasso tool do?
13. Under what menu can you find the grid options?
14. Which three formats can Flash export to?
15. How do you show the grid?
16. Tweening allows you to go from one of these to another:
17. Which three formats of image can you export?
18. What color mode does Flash support?
19. Keyframes are used to:
20. A user can self-create a motion preset and save it for use at another time.
21. What express key do you press to play your timeline?
22. What are the three different types of symbols?
23. How do you import sounds?
24. When you break apart a symbol, what happens?
25. You can apply code to buttons in Actionscript 2?
26. The area that displays the movie you are working on is the:
27. Flash is a vector based animation tool.
28. The Flash environment involves the use of a:
29. Which properties are set when creating your movie?
30. You can change the shape of an object using:
31. What does the eyedropper tool do?
32. How do you get an image onto the stage?
33. What is Flash primarily used for?
34. What kind of coding does Flash use?
35. Format of a Flash file before publishing?
36. Flash handles these types of objects:
37. What is FPS?
38. What are swatches?
39. Name of the tool used to resize an image on the stage?
40. Action in a movie is generally controlled using this:
41. What ways can animation be done in Flash?
42. Flash can create animations.
43. Flash can create the following in a small animated movie:
44. Which can be the state of a Flash button?
45. How do you import an image into the image library?
46. Which is an Eraser Mode?
47. Layers in a Flash movie can be:
48. Flash is a tool for creating:
49. What is onion skinning?
50. The process of making two or more objects become one is:
51. A layer in a Flash movie is divided into:
52. Correct tween to animate an object from one position to another?
53. What is a .swf file?
54. What is the file extension for a compiled, exported file?
55. Tweening is derived from the term:
56. Under which menu would you find guides?
57. When using the pencil tool, what does stroke mean?
58. Keystroke shortcut to access Flash help?
59. Which panel allows you to change the background color?
60. Where are symbols stored?
61. What is frame by frame animation?
62. If you want to morph a shape into a different one, what should you do?
63. Which one shows the frames in a movie?
64. How do you show guides on the stage?
65. What does reducing the alpha of a color do?
66. First step to bringing a sound into your Flash file?
67. Which is true of Flash?
68. Changing which of the following can make animations look smoother?
69. How do you create a symbol?
70. How do you enable the movie to playback continuously?
71. Shortcut to Paste in Place?
72. How do you create straight lines when using the pencil tool?
73. Definition of an onion skin?
74. Flash can segment or cut illustrations easily.
75. What is the Adobe Media Encoder?
76. When resizing an object, what do you hold down to maintain the objects aspect ratio?
77. Where can the oval primitive tool be found?
78. Flash exports vector...
79. What is a bitmap fill?
80. Acceptable formats in which to export a movie?
81. Which item can be made in the Library?
82. What is the Action Script code to stop looping?
83. What two options can you change on the brush tool?
84. Shortcut key to adding a frame to the timeline?
85. Keystroke command to save the file?
86. What are the frames called that anchor a motion tween?
87. How do you show the timeline?
88. Definition of static text?
89. What types of video formats can Flash play?
90. Which is NOT a text type option?
91. How do you change the opacity of a symbol?
92. Keystroke shortcut to delete a frame?
93. Difference between a frame and a key frame?
94. What is the term used to allow for joint like animation?
95. How do you delete a frame?
96. Pen, Line, Arrow and Eyedropper are all tools found in:
97. Command to preview an animation in swf format?
98. Which is used to make a circle into a rectangle?
99. Tint tweening allows you to:
100. When using the paint bucket, what does the gap size button allow you to do?
101. Which tool can you use pressure on?
102. Three modes that you can you use on the pencil tool?
103. Which is not a type of symbol?
104. How do you create a mask layer?
105. How do you save a PNG directly from flash?
106. How do you get each element of a symbol onto a separate layer?
107. How do you lock guides?
108. A movie with which fps setting will play back the fastest?
109. Shortcut to view the actions panel?
110. How do you seperate the objects of a symbol you've created?
111. When using the line tool, how do you create lines at 45 degree angles?
112. A group of symbols used in a movie are stored in the:
113. keystroke shortcut to bring a shape forward?
114. The lasso tool is not able to select just a portion of what?
115. Keystroke shortcut to ungroup a set of symbols?
116. Keystroke shortcut to show transform panel?
117. Definition of syntax?
118. Where is the onion skin outlines button located?
119. If you draw a circle in Flash, you create:
120. Keyboard shortcut to step forward one frame?
121. How do you change the aspect ratio of the stage?
122. Hotkey for Inserting a keyframe?
123. Double clicking on a shape will do what?
124. Keystroke shortcut to show library panel?
125. What cannot go in a library folder?
126. Which is not a way to test the success of a shape tween?
127. The bandwidth profiler displays all of the following EXCEPT:
128. Where do you go to change the background color?
129. What is ease in?
130. Pen tool used for?
131. Where are the light gray frames located on the timeline?
132. Shortcut key for converting an object to a symbol?
133. Which is NOT an available color type?
134. Keystroke shortcut to step backward one frame?
135. Regardless of what you draw, what does the brush tool make?
136. Where can you change the frame rate?
137. When creating a flash file for mobile units, what player version is used?
138. A new Timer object will begin counting when...
139. Where can you find the convert anchor point tool?
140. Where do you find the gradient color option?
141. Keyboard shortcut to add a blank key frame?
142. The shortcut for inserting a blank key frame on the timeline is...
143. Which sound formats are supported by Flash in both Windows and MAC?
144. What window would you use to change the document size?
145. Where can you set the JPEG quality for the document?
146. Keystroke shortcut to debug movie?
147. Which has never been a tween option throughout Flash history?
148. Keystroke shortcut to rewind?
149. Keystroke shortcut to import to stage?
150. Keystroke shortcut to magnify 100%?
151. From which panel do you add flash.text?
152. Keystroke shortcut to play in the timeline?
153. Shortcut to step backward 1 frame?
154. How do you select certain points on a line you have drawn?
155. What does deploy flash mean?
156. When saving as a sequence, what is the ratio of files to frames?
157. Which piece of Actionscript 2.0 can be used for buttons?
158. what keystroke will allow you to progress forward one frame in the timeline?
159. In what window is the add motion guide button located?
160. Double clicking on a shape's outline will do what?
161. Keystroke shortcut to snap to grid?
162. Filters are NOT applicable to which?
163. In order to create a hollow text effect you must do which of the following?
164. Keystroke shortcut to magnify 800%
165. Where do you need to embed fonts you plan on using?
166. Default value of the quality of an image exported to JPEG?
167. Keystroke shortcut to clear keyframe?
168. How do you write a note in the timeline?
169. Keystroke shortcut to hide all panels?
170. Which shortcut lets you hide all of flash panels aka 'expert view'
171. What is the ink bottle tool used for?
172. Where are the subscript/superscript options located?
173. How do you preview your animation?
174. Shortcut to step forward 1 frame?
175. What does Ctrl+Shift+D do to selected objects in the stage?
176. Difference between a looping Graphic and a looping Movie Clip?
177. Keystroke shortcut to show behaviors panel?
178. Keyboard shortcut to duplicate a shape?
179. To copy fill and stroke attributes from objects, use the:
180. How do you import video?
181. Keystroke shortcut to lock guides?
182. Keystroke shortcut to create a new symbol?
183. What does double clicking the zoom tool do?
184. Keystroke shortcut to show align panel?
185. How do you show rulers?
186. Keystroke shortcut to create bold text?
187. What can the Bone tool be used with?
188. What is the easy keystroke shortcut to bring a shape backwards?
189. Which is NOT true about Actionscript 3.0?
190. How do you show a single layer as an outline?
191. When using ease on a tween, what is the correct number you'd use for ease out?
192. The shortcut for rulers to appear on the stage is
193. You can apply code to buttons in Actionscript 3.
194. Which is NOT a 'Save' or 'Export' format?
195. Motion tweens can be applied to which of the following?
196. Which is NOT a sound file format supported by Flash?
197. Shortcut to export the current Movieclip?
198. Which one of the 3 symbols types can not be accessed through action script ?
199. How do you turn on Outlines mode?
200. Which is NOT a snapping option?
201. If you have multiple objects on the canvas and you want to create a new layer for every object, whats the easiest way to do it ?
202. Where is the gradient transform tool located?
203. What is the keystroke shortcut to optimize a shape?
204. What does double clicking the hand tool do?
205. What do XML namespaces do?
206. Where can you find the Scenes panel?
207. Which library is used in Flash CS6 to export your scene and your library to HTML5?
208. What type of line indicates a shape tween in the timeline?
209. What color palettes are available in Flash?
210. Which is not used for converting XML to strings or formatting objects?
211. Where do you go to view only the current scene as a playable movie in a separate window?
212. Which is NOT a window mode option in the publish settings?
213. Tools for creating and editing images can be found in the:
214. What is the easy keystroke shortcut publish a movie?
215. What is the keystroke shortcut to end debug session?
216. Which workspace does not exist in Flash?
217. A slide screen is designed for which of the following?
218. What is the Bind Tool used with?
219. Where do you find the font mapping options?
220. Where is the snap to objects button located?
221. Keystroke shortcut to show the document settings box?
222. Shortcut to insert a new EMPTY FRAME in the timeline
223. Keystroke shortcut to show swatches panel?
224. What Action Script class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Action Script animations?
225. Function of Color Swatches panel?
226. What is the criteria for a motion tween to occur?
227. What's the ouput, where doublemyname and firstname are strings doublemyname=firstname*2?
228. When does the dotted line appear on the motion tweened frames, as shown in the figure?
229. Maximum number of buttons that you can use in an interface?
230. Which is an attribute of ActionScript syntax?
231. In Flash, Objects have:
232. What is Action Panel used for?
233. The Bandwidth Profiler can simulate how a movie will play on a slow computer.
234. How are particular frames designated to be Printable from the Flash player?
235. Which syntax is used to attach a movie and set its _x and _y parameters?
236. Out of AIF and WAV, which delivers better audio quality for use with your original files?
237. Difference between Flash and Shockwave?
238. Which statement holds true for device fonts?
239. Why is the color of the two layers different?
240. How do you make sound loop forever?
241. Which one is not true about objects?
242. Which one is a Clip event?
243. The Timeline of a button is unique and not same as that of a flash movie clip.
244. Which is true about ActionScript?
245. Which one is a Button event?
246. Which one is a way to scale an object?
247. Which tween will result in a smaller file, shape or motion?
248. Functions are blocks of reusable code
249. Which is not a flash built-in function?
250. Use of timeOut in the following: loadVariables ('news.txt', ''''); timeOut = getTimer();
251. Do Guide layers become visible when you export the movie?
252. Which element can be added through the Swatches panel while working with the colors?
253. How do you test a mobile application simulating it on phone in Adobe Flash Professional CS6?
254. How does the Preview and Preview in Context affect the display of the timeline?
255. What role does the data format option have in the Generate Sprite Sheet dialog box, when creating games for mobiles?
256. In Adobe Flash Professional CC, we can choose multiple layers as ....
257. Which video format can be imported into Flash Professional?
258. What does the highlighted option, in the given image in red box, do in the Generate Sprite Sheet dialog box?
259. While importing the .psd file to a flash document, which one is not a part of text conversion in import to stage dialog box?
260. Flash Professional adds a new ... and allows you to add interactivity to HTML5 Canvas content by providing native support for ....
261. What does the SWF History option in Flash Professional CS5 do?
262. Which is true when we convert an ActionScript 3 to HTML5 Canvas document using JSFL script?
263. Convert AS3 to HTML5 Canvas command is used in automatically transition and port existing ActionScript 3.0 content to an HTML5 Canvas document.
264. .... overwrites the cloud settings of an application to the local setting when it is synchronized.
265. .... do NOT increase the file size of your published SWF file.
266. Which one is incorrect about exporting videos in Adobe Flash Professional CC?
267. Which of the three options marked as 1, 2 and 3 in the above-given image repeats the gradient on the Stage of any flash document. What is the name of the correct option?
268. While publishing the content on stage to HTML5, which option shows frameBounds property having an array of Rectangles for every frame's bounds in the timeline?
269. Which is incorrect in case of Adobe Flash Professional CC?
270. In the export video dialog box, ... creates an alpha channel using the stage color and is encoded as a transparent track.
271. What is the Sync Setting Feature in Adobe Flash Professional CC?
272. Flash Professional CC allows us to modify properties of multiple layers at once.
273. When a file is published as HTML5, ... contains definitions for all shapes, objects, and artwork within the Canvas element and ... contains dedicated definitions and code for all the interactive elements of the animation.
274. Which file is the part of the output when a file is published as HTML5?
275. For which of the following elements, created on the stage, Flash Professional CC generates HTML and JavaScript?
276. An animated graphic symbol has its own ....
277. Adobe Flash Professional CC does not support the import of SWC files.
278. We can create HTML5 content and add JavaScript to it within Flash Professional CC.
279. Which feature is not supported in Canvas element of HTML5?
280. What does the icon, in the given image, in the swatches panel do while working with the colors in Adobe Flash Professional CC?
281. You can incorporate classic text in a Flash Professional application by creating .... text fields when you author a document, or by creating .... fields to display updating text, and ... fields to allow users to enter text for forms or surveys.
282. Which preference can be synced with the Creative Cloud and across multiple machines?
283. When we open the older version files to Adobe Flash Professional CC, which of the new features will change? 1. Inverse Kinematics will be converted to .... 2. TLF text will be converted to ... text. 3. ... attached to any instance on stage will be removed.
284. The Distribute To Keyframes command, in Adobe Flash Professional CC, distributes each selected object to a new and separate ... .
285. Which is true in case of Distribute To Keyframes command?
286. Which is true in case of Timeline range markers in Adobe Flash Professional CC?
287. Name the format(s) in which a Flash document can be saved in Adobe Flash Professional CC?
288. Swap symbol option lets us swap ... symbol(s) with the selected symbol.
289. Which element can be affected by Distribute To Keyframes command?
290. Which one is not true in Adobe Flash Professional CC while opening cross versioned files?
291. Is it necessary to use the Get URL Action only on buttons?
292. If you draw into a Mask layer and the content of the Masked layer is unaffected until you test the movie, what is the problem?
293. Pick the statement that is true
294. Rollover sound is a sound effect ... .
295. Ideal number of Shape Hints to use for a good Shape Tween?
296. Which text format is used in Flash?
297. How do you increase the download efficiency of a Flash movie?
298. In the figure, the left-most option (in the red outline) denotes 'Show/Hide the Layer' and the middle option (in the green outline) denotes 'Lock/Unlock the Layer'. What does the third option denote (in the blue outline)?
299. Function literals are reusable.
300. Where can you attach a Flash movie within your HTML file?
301. Sync settings will always ... .
302. Pick the statement that is true.
303. How many frames will the tween need in order to create a 4-second tween in a movie with a frame rate of 18 frames per second?
304. Which property of symbols breaks a symbol or an instance into drawing objects.
305. What does the Compiler Errors panel do when you run an application in Flash?
306. In the context of a timeline in Flash Professional, an absolute path of an instance is one which:
307. A chain of bones in an animation character is called ... in Flash.
308. Which is the role of the Project panel in Adobe Flash Professional?
309. Which statement is NOT True in Flash Professional?
310. Contrast, Brightness, Saturation and Hue are the features of which of the following filters?
311. In the Project panel, the assets folder contains ... , while the src folder contains ... .
312. When you update a symbol in Flash, all .... get automatically modified.
313. How do you place a guideline exactly where you want?
314. What does the library in a Flash document store?
315. Identify the process being performed in the Timeline shown in the image above.
316. What is the drop-down menu shown in the above-given image called?
317. Flash creates the ... and ... files along with the SWF file when you publish an AIR file.
318. In ActionScript, ... refers to the manner in which elements are put together to create meaning.
319. Which option multiplies or screens the colors of an object, depending on the blend mode color of the object?
320. The ... and ... properties of bones can be used to add springiness to inverse kinematics bones while animating an object using bones chained in a linear or a branched manner.
321. What does the Load External Movieclip behavior do?
322. How option enclosed in the red box in the image above affect the quality of a JPEG image?
323. In Flash Professional, .... files are files that contain the reusable Flash components.
324. The AIR 2.6 SDK includes APIs for iOS, including access to the Microphone, reading from Camera Roll, and CameraUI.
325. How many options are available in Flash for importing a video? What are those options?
326. A .... is a prewritten ActionScript script that lets you add ActionScript coding to your document.
327. Which command in Flash distributes each selected object to a new, separate layer?
328. Which text layout has been shown in the image above?
329. Which text block types can be created with the Text Layout Framework?
330. Which tabs belong(s) to the AIR Application And Installer Settings dialog box?
331. The .... in the ActionScript 3.0 debugger displays the call stack and contains tools for stepping through scripts.
332. Which one helps avoid the need to include the TLF ActionScript library in the published SWF file?
333. Which debugging environments are available in Adobe Flash Professional?
334. ... layers contain strokes that can be used to guide the arrangement of objects on other layers or the motion of classic tween animations on other layers.
335. Using which one can you reduce the file size of a Flash application?
336. Which file is used to debug ActionScript, and contains information that lets you use breakpoints and step through code?
337. How do you change the length of a static frame sequence?
338. Which one has a set of built-in standard artwork that includes fills, brushes, and animations?
339. What does the Hit state in a button's timeline do?
340. The ... panel contains prewritten code which is easily applicable to any Flash application.
341. In the ... method of selecting frames in the Timeline, the entire frame sequence, from one keyframe to the next, is selected when you click any frame in the sequence.
342. ... is the process of varying the transparency or color interaction of two or more overlapping objects.
343. The .... option under the General tab of the AIR Application And Installer Settings dialog box compiles a native, platform specific Windows installer (.exe) instead of a platform-independent AIR installer (.air).
344. How many types of layers are there in Flash?
345. What does 'A' in the image above refer to?
346. In Flash Professional, ..... files are files used to store ActionScript that will be executed on a computer running Flash Media Server.
347. While any testing SWF file, a trace() statement sends specific information to the .... and helps you to troubleshoot your swf file.
348. Way(s) of using ActionScript in a Flash document?
349. Deflate and LZMA are the two methods available for compressing a file while exporting it as SWF.
350. Which layers contain objects used as masks to hide selected portions of layers below them?
351. Inverse kinematics is a method for .... an object or a set of objects in relation to each other using an articulated structure of bones.
352. What is common among Darken, Multiply, Overlay, Difference and Invert?
353. A ... allows you to stop an application at a particular line of ActionScript.
354. Which ones allow an SWF file to use hardware acceleration?
355. The Quick Project option in the Project panel allows you to quickly create a project based on the currently open FLA file.
356. The .... property of bones controls the rate of decay of the spring effect of the bones while animating a character.
357. What does the option shown inside the red box in the image above do in the Timeline panel?
358. How many types of characters are hidden in Flash ActionScript?
359. Purpose of giving a name to an instance?
360. What action is being performed in the image above?
361. Filters available in Flash Professional?
362. What do you do to solve the missing font problem when your application is being run on some other computer?
363. The ... in the ActionScript 2.0 debugger shows only those variables that you access by using an absolute target path.
364. Which one is available in the Style menu in the Color Effect section?
365. Which are the contents of an SWC file when published?
366. Which is an example of a symbol in Flash Professional?
367. ..... allow you to stretch and bend shape objects, and link groups of symbol instances to make them move together in naturalistic ways.
368. Which is True in Flash professional?
369. How many frames does a button symbol have in its Timeline?
370. .... allows you to specify how scaling is applied to specific areas of a movie clip.
371. What do 'A', 'B' and 'C' refer to in the given image respectively?
372. Which is an uncompressed file format in Adobe Flash Professional?
373. How many shape hints are available in Flash?
374. Which is True in Flash Professional?
375. The .... has a conflict resolution dialog box which provides the option to place duplicate items (symbols with the same name) into a new folder.
376. Which Dither option works only with the web 216-color palette while providing the best-quality dithering?
377. Which one helps users organize their artwork in a Flash document?
378. What does _self specify in the Target parameter of TLF text?
379. Which tools have been shown in the image above respectively?
380. What does the option enclosed in the red box in the image above do in the Preferences panel?
381. The author-time sharing feature lets you share library assets across various FLA files in the project.
382. Flash Professional enables you to link different text fields with the Text Layout Framework to make the text flow through them.
383. How do you create an Adobe AIR file?
384. What does the option Alpha in the Style menu do to the instance selected on the Stage?
Which of the following statements is/are true regarding IK Bones in Adobe Flash Professional?
386. Which statement is True?
387. Which are true regarding TLF text In Adobe Flash Professional?
388. Identify the tools shown in image given above respectively.
389. Which folders are present by default in a new Flash project?
390. Where do you write the external scripts or classes that are stored in external files when working with ActionScript?
391. What do the checked check boxes indicate in the image of the Library panel shown above?
392. ... symbols appear as static objects on the Stage and have their own independent ... .
393. File format to exchange data between various Adobe applications, like Vectorworks, bitmaps and text?
394. A ... when treated as a button allows you to add more frames or complex animation to the button.
395. Flash automatically adds a dummy filter to a movie clip in the ending frame of a tween when you add a filter to the movie clip in the starting keyframe of the tween.
396. Which is correct about ActionScript cue points?
397. ... and .... files formats are created when exporting the file through the Toolkit for CreateJS extension.
398. What files will be created when you publish the file to deploy it to web?
399. It is possible to export a symbol from the Stage and the Library simultaneously, and have both of them present in the final .... in a grid format.
400. .... can be exported from the Library only to create a sprite sheet.
401. What does the Menu button, highlighted in red in the image above, do?
402. How to create the animation played above?
403. The Content Simulator in Adobe Flash Professional CS 6 allows you to effectively simulate how your Flash content is going to behave on a mobile device.
404. Role of the Stack frames option in creating a sprite sheet?
405. In view of the information contained in the image, which kind of path has been used in the above-given example to address the timeline?
406. What warning does the icon circled in red in the dialog box shown above indicate?
407. Which attribute(s) can be applied to a symbol exported from the Stage while creating a sprite sheet?
408. What effect has been used to create the animation played above?
409. For which symbols does the timeline appear the way it is shown in the image above?
410. Flash CS5 offers templates from which you can create different types of ActionScript classes and interfaces.
411. How does the option, enclosed in the red box in the image above, help run an application in mobile devices?
412. A sprite sheet can be created from ___________________and_____________________.
413. Which filters have been applied to the text shown above?
414. In Adobe Flash Professional CS6, the timeline that contains the action is called the .... , and the timeline that receives the action is called the ....
415. Which attribute(s) are supported by the Toolkit for CreateJS extension?
416. TestFile.js is one the file created when you export any file with Publish for create JS and contains reusable classes representing the stage and all symbols in the library.
417. Every movie clip has its own .... that is nested in the main timeline.
418. How do the sliders, enclosed in the red box in the image above, affect the content of a mobile application?
419. Difference between the tweens shown above?
420. Names of the tabs available in the Simulator Window?
421. The .... symbol timeline reacts to mouse movements and performs the actions by jumping to the appropriate frame.
422. ... is an XML-based file format which allows text to remain editable when Flash Professional files having this file format are exchanged with other Adobe applications.
423. A .... is a frame in which you define a change to an object's properties for an animation while working in the Timeline.
424. In Flash Professional, an ... is a duplicate of a symbol located on the Stage.
425. You can apply the Distribute To Layers command to ...
426. Which colors do not get removed by the clear colors option?
427. Which shape option requires that the shape be drawn very close to straight while working with Drawing settings?
428. What happens if place objects at the original position option is not selected while importing artwork from Illustrator?
429. Which colors does the Clear colors option in the swatches panel not remove
430. Which xml file lets you store breakpoint information when you work with breakpoints in the Script window?
431. Which property of an FLA file controls the orientation of the z axis of 3D movie clips on the Stage?
432. Which option in the given picture displays dynamic scrollable text fields?
433. Which type of nested objects inside the movie clip are properly scaled in the 9-slice manner?
434. Option to display only the shadow in the filter section?
435. What happens if the Show Solid Points option is not chosen?
436. You can sort items in the library panel by the ...
437. To display an SWF file in a web browser, which tag should an HTML document use?
438. When you Publish an AIR file, Flash creates
439. While exporting a GIF file, dithering is applied to ...
440. The context menu's Print command in the Flash Player cannot print ...
441. Behaviors are available for ...
442. Which behaviors can be added to control slide screens?
443. Method to add a sound to the Timeline?
444. To apply a gradient to text ...
445. The Free Transform tool cannot transform ...
446. Which symbol has no timeline?
447. In the Timeline, a green double slash indicates that the frame contains the ...
448. While working with Flash HTML templates, what does Template variables beginning with a dollar sign ($) specify?
449. Option to modify text?
450. Where is a new symbol stored if no folder is selected?
451. Which value can you enter while modifying the property value of a movie clip?
452. Which value can you enter while modifying the property value of a movie clip?
453. When does a motion path appear on the Stage?
454. While editing the sound effect, the envelope lines indicate ....
455. How would you dismiss the Tooltip-style code hint?
456. How would you dismiss the Tooltip-style code hint?
457. Which Anti-Aliasing option lets you modify the font's properties?
458. When do we select the Ab option while working with the dynamic text option?
459. Which attributes can you not set for the Line tool?
460. Under which circumstances does a movie clip not use a Runtime Bitmap Caching even if it is selected?
461. The length of an imported video file cannot exceed ...
462. Which symbols are used to display hidden characters?
463. Which parameter is available only for form screens?
464. 9-slice scaling can be applied to ....
465. Which label, straightens any freehand drawing drawn on the canvas?
466. If you do not specify a Hit frame, the area of the button is defined by ...
467. Which sound file format does Flash support for windows?
468. When do we choose Edit > Paste In Place option while working with assets?
469. Breakpoints set in which of the following are saved with the FLA file?
470. If a motion tween exists between two keyframes and you add a filter to the object in one keyframe, what will Flash do?
471. When does Flash insert the image map code?
472. What does a span of frames with a green background indicate in the Timeline?
473. When you paste Illustrator artwork into Flash, the attributes preserved are ...
474. Which pointer controls the alpha color of the gradient glow?
475. How to include a preloader with your screen-based document?
476. Which command converts a bitmap into a vector graphic with editable, discrete areas of color?
477. When do you enable the JPEG Deblocking option while publishing SWF files?
478. Which skin parameter does not allow the FLVPlayback to have its control elements that allow the user to play, stop, or rewind the video?
479. What happens if we set autoplay to false while configuring the FLVPlayback component?
480. By increasing the Perspective Angle property ....
481. Sync option to have the sound play along with the movement of the time slider?
482. Sound effect to remove previously applied effects?
483. How would you dim the Print command in the Flash Player context menu or make the entire SWF file non-printable?
484. What happens when you bring static text from Illustrator into Flash?
485. Option to obtain debugging information about TextField objects?
486. If you do not specting the sound effect, the envelope lines indefined by ...
487. IK armatures can only be edited in the ....
488. Tool to adjust the relationships between individual bones and control points of shape objects while working with IK?
489. Which color types does the Overflow option in the color panel not work with?
490. Which layer does not contain motion tweens?
491. How to edit a bitmap image in Flash?
492. Use of the Roving property keyframes in the Timeline?
493. Which button frame never appears on the stage?
494. In a mask layer, Flash ignores ....
495. When do you use the dynamic font mapping?
496. The Break Apart command applies only to ....
497. When do you choose the File > Save And Compact command?
498. Breakpoints are ignored ....
499. Where does Flash insert a nested screen?
500. What type of tweening would you apply to the object if the mask object is a type object?
501. When two or more different types of objects are selected, the Property inspector displays ...
502. The default mode of the 3D Translation and Rotation tools is ....
503. What happens if the frame rate of the video clip and the SWF file are not the same?
504. The Watch list shows only variables that you access by using the ... .
505. You can apply filters only to ....
506. Which is not a debugging tool?
507. Which version of the SVG format does not let you use a text editor?