1. How do you edit a clip from the Viewer to the Timeline?
2. In the Preferences tab, adjusting the levels of undo slider will allow you to do which of the following?
3. How do you change the poster frame for a clip?
4. How do you apply the default transition to an edit point?
5. What is the maximum number of clips you can show in the recent clips menu?
6. What type of edit is an Extend edit?
7. You are rotating a still image in the Canvas using the mouse. What modifier key can you press to lock the rotation at 45 degree increments?
8. What menu command do you choose to ingest from nontape sources?
9. What is the maximum number of audio tracks a video clip can have?
10. What does MIDI stand for?
11. How can you play through a red section of effects without rendering?
12. How do you format your sequence to match your footage?
13. What is the maximum number of audio tracks that can export from a sequence?
14. What RT setting should you choose when you want to preview as many effects in your sequence as possible?
15. How do you load a clip into the Viewer from the Browser?
16. What does PAL stand for?
17. How many windows or pallets do you have open while editing?
18. What tab(s) are open in the Browser window?
19. Where do you set scratch disk preferences?
20. What is the key command to turn your pointer in the Razor Blade?
21. What is the keyboard command for Capture Now?
22. Which of the following is quick definition of cache?
23. When you choose a capture preset, what settings do you want it to match?
24. What are the two formats for exporting straight from FCP?
25. What tool do you use to manually fade and edit music track?
26. How do you change the Browser view to Large Icons?
27. How do you export only a section of a sequence?
28. What are the key commands for marking in and out points?
29. How do you lock a video or audio track on the timeline?
30. What type of distortions does the cylinder distort create?
31. Where can you scale, rotate, crop or distort footage or images?
32. What is the keyboard shortcut for paste?
33. What does a green line in the playhead represent?
34. What does DVMC stand for ?
35. What kind of footage is Gang Sync most useful for?
36. What does the pen tool do?
37. What is the standard rate for audio?
38. What type of distrortion does a fisheye distortion create?
39. Final Cut Pro is what type of editing?
40. What indicates an offline clip that is stored in the Browser?
41. What effect plugin is used to best remove a green screen from a film clip?
42. If your media is offline when you launch the application, what happens?
43. What is the Keyboard command for the crop tool?
44. When in the process of rendering, what happens if you press the caps lock key?
45. Where are the render files stored?
46. What does the slip tool do?
47. How does turning on snapping affect your editing?
48. How do you log and capture footage?
49. What is the fps rate for NTSC drop frames?
50. One of the most important things to do before starting a new project is...
51. What is the fps rate for PAL in Europe?
52. What is the keyboard shortcut to import a file?
53. What is a favorite?
54. What is luminance?
55. After adding a transition to your project the screen turns blue when you try to playback the transition. What do you need to do?
56. What is the keyboard shortcut for a new sequence?
57. What is an Lcut?
58. How many channels of audio are represented in Mono Mix?
59. The timecode is measured in which of the following?
60. What is a scratch disk?
61. What does DNLE stand for?
62. Which of the following is a a modifier key?
63. What is the fps rate for NTSC non-drop frames?
64. How do you open the Log and Capture window?
65. What is the key command used to play video footage in your sequence or viewer?
66. What is Hertz ( Hz) ?
67. What is the standard for video formats in the United States?
68. Which format can be ingested using log and transfer?
69. Can you have multiple sequences open at once?
70. What is a Log Bin?
71. What is the key command used to render audio and video simultaneously?
72. What is a sequence?
73. What kind of markers are there?
74. What is a decibel?
75. What is an omnidirectional microphone?
76. How many sequences may a project consist of?
77. What are the three modes you can use to capture footage?
78. What does FPS stand for ?
79. What does the razor blade tool do?
80. Which of the following graphic files can be imported into FCP?
81. Which of the following defines a jump cut?
82. What does the range selection tool do?
83. What does the arrow tool do?
84. What is the keyboard shortcut for copy?
85. What are the four main windows in Final Cut Pro?
86. How do you remove an audio keyframe in the Timeline?
87. What do the red dots in the audio track signify?
88. How do you animate a graphic?
89. What is an Echo?
90. What's the maximum increase of audio level in the Viewer with the level slider?
91. Which is the optimal codec for editing in FCP?
92. How do you make a freeze frame?
93. You drag a clip into the Timeline and the pointer changes into a right -pointed arrow. What does this indicate?
94. Which is generally done first: Ripple or Roll?
95. What is the keyboard shortcut for close window?
96. What does the Clip Enable function do?
97. How do you copy all media and render files used in a sequence to another drive location?
98. You are drag and dropping a clip directly into the timeline. The mouse cursor has an arrow pointing to the right with a perpendicular line at the tip. What kind of edit are you making?
99. How do you zoom in and out of the timeline?
100. What is the maximum zoom size of the Viewer?
101. What does Option-dragging a clip do?
102. What does render in 'high precision YUV' refer to?
103. Which field do you enter the name of VCR tape into?
104. What is a log note?
105. What will appear next to the Log Bin once it is set up?
106. What happens when you uncheck 'make movie self-contained' when exporting a QuickTime Movie?
107. Your sequence has 8 audio tracks, all tracks unlocked. You press Shift F5, then F5, followed by 1, 3, 5 & 7. Which tracks are unlocked?
108. What does the RGB Parade display?
109. What does the first button next to the Log Bin button do?
110. When you're making an insert edit, what type of arrow does your pointer change into?
111. How do you change the Timeline timecode start number?
112. When exporting a QuickTime Movie from a fully rendered sequence, what does checking the 'current settings' checkbox do?
113. How do you open the Trim Edit Window?
114. You hit play on the timeline and press Control+V to the beat of the music. What does this do?
115. What is the maximum number of clips that can be held in the recent clips popup?
116. What is the shortcut to make the current frame under the playhead a Still Frame?
117. What other settings window contains the scratch disk information like that on the Capture Settings tab?
118. What is the keyboard command for Make still frame?
119. What keyboard shortcut do you use to activate Digital Cinema Desktop?
120. What is the default audio level for the built-in NTSC Bars and Tone in FCP?
121. What does the create multiclip sequence command do?
122. What is the name of the window in which you view playback of your project during the editing process?
123. Which key is used to find a match frame in a clip in a sequence?
124. What is the keyboard shortcut to save all?
125. Prores HQ is a 10 bit format. Prores is an 8 bit format.
126. When using the displace distortion how does the distortion happen?
127. Where is the Distort tool?
128. What does the timecode display in the upper left of the Viewer show?
129. What is the keyboard shortcut to switch audio scrub on and off?
130. How do you play the Timelines slowly?
131. Where can you do a slip edit?
132. What is the keyboard shortcut to toggle audio scrubbing on and off?
133. How can you tell if a video clip has audio?
134. When using iChat Theatre, do both computers need to have Final Cut Pro installed?
135. Which of the following defines nesting?
136. What is the maximum multiframe trim duration?
137. What is the keyboard shortcut to toggle the Video Scopes window?
138. What is the keyboard shortcut for making an Overwrite Edit?
139. What is the default video format in Final Cut Pro?
140. How do you change the speed of a clip in the Timeline?
141. What's the keyboard shortcut to evoke the log and capture window?
142. At what speed should CD be burned?
143. You have marked in and out in the timeline on some clips. The timeline also has some markers on it. What does the shortcut Option+A do?
144. How do you access Motion templates in Final Cut Pro?
145. What does the shortcut option-shift-2 do?
146. What is the maximum numbers of undos in Final Cut Pro?
147. How do you burn in timecode for a sequence starting at zero?
148. You have a sequence loaded in your source monitor. What keyboard shortcut do you press to Insert Sequence Content to the timeline?
149. What information does the waveform monitor detect?
150. What is the keyboard command for Next keyframe?
151. You have linked video and audio in the Timeline, but clicking the video selects only the video and not the audio. How do you correct this?
152. How do you reset the windows to their default layout?
153. Which is not the way to create a multiclip?
154. What is the keyboard shortcut to Enable Audio Keyframe Recording on the Audio Mixer tool?
155. Where do imported media files go in FCP?
156. Where can you do a slide edit?
157. How do you configure and set general preferences?
158. What must you do first to be able to scale a clip in the Canvas?
159. How do you change the media file name to match the name of the clip in the Browser?
160. You are doing a 4 point edit. The duration between the in and out points of your source and canvas are different. What keyboard shortcut do you press to Fit To Fill the Source clip to the Canvas duration?
161. How many locations in the FCP interface can you find the Motion templates?
162. How do you clear the In and Out points marked in in Viewer?
163. What is the keyboard shortcut to 'Render All' in a sequence?
164. What is a gap?
165. Your current audio clip is set at -20 dB. You want it at -10 dB. If you use the Gain Adjust dialog (Command Option L) and set the gain to -10, what must the 'Make Changes' setting be?
166. What does a basic border do to the clip?
167. Why are some effects on the menu in bold?
168. Where is footage stored while editing?
169. What is the maximum level of normalization gain?
170. How do you toggle snapping?
171. What key combination do you press to bring up the Broadcast Safe indicator?
172. What is the first step in changing the clip's timecode?
173. How do you add a marker to mark a spot on your project?
174. What is the default multiframe trim duration in FCP?
175. What other settings window contains the device-control information like that on the Capture Settings tab?
176. What is the shortcut for paste attributes?
177. What is the difference between the mute button and the audible button?
178. If Final Cut Pro won't open, you would first try to:
179. What is the largest value a clip can be scaled to in the Viewer?
180. You need to add extra media to a subclip that was cut too tightly. How do you do that?
181. What does a blue outline indicate when you are looking at clips in the multiclip editor?
182. What is the keyboard command for the Razor Blade All tool?
183. How do you launch the application with the Canvas and Timeline closed?
184. What does the mauve band on the right edge of the video in the Canvas indicate?
185. How do you edit only the video of a sync clip to the Timeline?
186. CTRL+V is the keyboard shortcut for what function?
187. How do you slow down a clip at the end of the sequence?
188. You have selected a group of contiguous clips in the timeline. What is the keyboard shortcut to make the selected clips a nested sequence?
189. What does AIFF stand for?
190. How do you reset the parameters in the visual display of the Color Corrector 3-way filter?
191. What is the maximum number of angles that can be included in a multicam?
192. What is the keyboard shortcut to 'Make Favorite Motion'?
193. How do you make the basic text tool word wrap at the edge of the title safe area?
194. What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a freeze-frame?
195. What is the keyboard command to toggle the range check overlays to monitor your luminance and saturations levels?
196. In the Trim Edit Window a green bar appears only above on the left side window. What kind of edit will be performed?
197. What's the highest level the waveform monitor will display?
198. How do you change a dual mono track to a Stereo Pair?
199. How do you distort the aspect ratio of a clip in the Canvas?
200. How do you nest items that are in the Timeline?
201. How many drop shadows can be applied in the Title 3D controls?
202. How do you set the ingest codec in the log and transfer window?
203. If you speed up a clip in the Timeline and uncheck ripple sequence what happens?
204. If the current time in the Viewer is 2:10:26, and you type 500 and press Enter, what happens?
205. How do you remove a clip from a multiclip?
206. What Viewer or Canvas function needs to be set to allow multicam editing to work in the Timeline?
207. How do you evoke the audio mixer?
208. In and Out points are marked in the Timeline and the clip in the Viewer. In a replace edit, what controls the edit?
209. How do you reveal a clip in the Browser?
210. What is the keyboard shortcut to delete all markers?
211. To place video inside text: a) which layer is on top, and b) what composite mode is applied to it?
212. What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a text super?
213. Checking the Automatic Save Every in the Preferences tab will allow you to do which of the following?
214. If the pan setting in the stereo tab of the Viewer is set to zero, where will the audio come from?
215. Which ProRes codec supports RGB pixel information?
216. When importing a batch list, which of the following is NOT a necessary batch heading?
217. What happens to the audio level line in the Timeline when normalization is applied to a clip?
218. How do you mark In and Out points that correspond to markers on a clip?
219. What is the keyboard shortcut for a new project?
220. What is the keyboard shortcut for Edit render quality?
221. How can you tell how many clips are in a bin?
222. How do you change the duration of the default transition?
223. What controls which tracks Timeline items are copied from and pasted to?
224. How do you move filter sliders in one increment values?
225. What do you have to activate to see the speed indicators in the Timeline?
226. How do you create a new logging bin in the Browser?
227. If you have a Timeline clip loaded in the Viewer and you switch the clip in the Timeline from mono to stereo, what happens to the clip in the Viewer?
228. If you have 12 audio output channels, three set to stereo and three to dual mono, how many files will be exported using the Audio to AIFF function?
229. If your Timeline icons say media offline, but you still see the media in the Viewer and Canvas, what can you do?
230. What does a yellow render line in the Timeline indicate?
231. What is the max number of angles that a multi clip can have?
232. What is the minimum aspect allowed in the Text tool?
233. There are stereo audio clips on A1/A2. A1 is set as the target track. In Which track would a voice over recording go?
234. What does the autoselect button do?
235. What's the difference between the two Gaussian Blur filters?
236. How do you play from the marked In to the marked Out in the Viewer?
237. What is the keyboard command for the ripple tool?
238. Can you import Final Cut Express files into Final Cut Pro?
239. What is the maximum number of realtime audio tracks?
240. How do you set Mark>Audio Peaks to show peaks above -6dB?
241. What does a blue stripe going down the right-hand side of the Canvas indicate?
242. What is a three-point edit?
243. What do you have to do to rotate an image while you scale it in the Canvas?
244. How do you turn on looped playback in the Timeline?
245. What is the keyboard shortcut to scroll horizontally to the left?
246. A cross-dissolve is a type of:
247. What does NTSC stand for?
248. Another name for a title card
249. An increase of one f-stop, and a decrease of one f-stop does what to the amount of light entering the lens?
250. What is the difference between the two Timecode Durations, marked as 'A' and 'B' in the figure above, in the Canvas window of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
251. In Final Cut Pro 7.0, a Scratch Disk is used to store which of the following types of data?
252. In Final Cut Pro 7.0, how is a pair of Stereo channels stored in a single QuickTime media file?
253. Up to how many video and audio tracks can there be in a sequence?
254. Which of the following statements are correct regarding FXScript in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
255. Which of the following naming schemes is used by the Autosave files option in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
256. What is the default audio transition in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
257. What is the difference between the Clip marker and the Sequence marker in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
258. In Final Cut Pro 7.0, it is possible to apply a single transition to a set of clips or to an entire sequence in one step.
259. Will any gap be created when you mark an area and click on delete from the menu in the Final Cut Pro Timeline window?
260. Is it possible to continue editing in the main window of Final Cut Pro 7.0, if you are using it with Compressor application to render, export and publish your work?
261. What is the difference between the Viewer window and the Canvas window in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
262. What is the function of the floating meter, marked as 'A' in the figure, in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
263. What is the default marker color for the Note marker in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
264. What is the difference between 'A' and 'B', as shown above, in the Timeline window of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
265. Which of the following statements about the Safe RT option and the Unlimited RT option are true?
266. Up to how many audio channels can be captured to a QuickTime media file at once from any of the available input channels of a single audio interface in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
267. What does using 'Sequences as scenes' in Final Cut Pro 7.0 mean?
268. What will happen if you paste attributes into clips having a frame rate different from that of the copied source clip?
269. When you capture both the audio channels by turning OFF Stereo/Mono control from the Clip Setting tab, as shown above, in Final Cut Pro 7.0, how are the captured channels handled?
270. What is a bin in Final Cut Pro 7.0 projects?
271. Which of the following menus will be used to perform Lift and Ripple Delete?
272. What is the default video transition in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
273. What is the purpose of the option marked as 'A' in the figure above?
274. By default, what happens to the rendered files when you disable a track from the Track Visibility control in the Timeline Editing control of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
275. What are the areas beyond the In Out point boundaries in Final Cut Pro 7.0 called?
276. Which of the following types of markers is NOT available in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
277. How many colors are there in Final Cut Pro 7.0 to indicate distinct groups of synced clip items?
278. What will happen to the existing tracks if you add a new audio and/or video track in the sequence using 'insert before base track' from the Insert Tracks dialog?
279. What is represented by the icons being pointed to in the figure of the Final Cut Pro 7.0 Browser window?
280. Which of the following modifier keys can be used to create a poster frame in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
281. What is the function of the Reset button in the Audio Control of the Viewer window in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
282. What is the use of the button, marked as 'A' in the figure above, in the Viewer window of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
283. What is the number of clips and sequences that can be stored in a Final Cut Pro 7.0 project?
284. Which of the following ProRes codec versions are available in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
285. Which of the following options do NOT appear in the status area of the Voice Over tool tab in the Tool Bench window, as seen above, in Final cut Pro 7.0?
286. What is the difference between Jog control and Shuttle control in the Viewer window in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
287. What will happen to the video and audio clips if the Source control is not connected to the Destination control, while editing a track in the Timeline?
288. Sequence In and Out points always take precedence over Source clip In and Out points.
289. State whether the following is True or False: It is possible to create a bin inside another bin in Final Cut pro 7.0
290. Which of the following restrictions and limitations are correct regarding Motion Clips in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
291. Which of the following are the different ways to switch Snapping ON or OFF in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
292. What are the maximum and the minimum values that the Level slider bar can have in the Audio Tab of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
293. What is indicated by the Sprocket holes shown above in the Viewer window of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
294. Which of the following is NOT a function of the Sequence marking controls, as shown above, in the Canvas window of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
295. What is the difference between the Log Clip and Capture Clip buttons in Final Cut Pro 7.0?
296. Which of the following statements are true about a track which is disabled from the Track Visibility control in the Timeline Editing Panel of Final Cut Pro 7.0?
297. Which of the following image file formats are NOT supported by Final Cut Pro 7.0?
298. Which of the following tools can be used to modify the audio level or opacity of clip items on the locked tracks?
299. Final Cut Pro includes which of the following options to send video and audio front your computer to an external video monitor?
300. Which of the following Final Cut Pro tools gives you precise control over the look of every clip in your project. including still images, which lets you adjust each clip's color balance, shadow levels, midtone levels and highlight levels?
301. By default, Final Cut Pro makes automatic library backups at intervals of:
302. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
303. Which of the following is NOT a Final Pro shortcut?
304. When this visible graphic or text overlay is applied to an image or video clip, it indicates that it is protected by a copyright What is this image/graphic text commonly known as?
305. which of the following is a common way to combine two clips?
306. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts deletes a timeline selection, rejects an event browser selection or removes a multicam through edit?
307. Identify the two settings that affect visual quality and playback performance in the Viewer.
308. identify the first step toward making a movie in Final Cut Pro.
309. Which of the following statements is correct about Final Cut Pro 10.0.3?
310. Event Viewer is used to play clips in which of the following windows?
311. If you want to start the forward playback at normal (1x) speed, which of the following keys may be used?
312. Which of the following commands enables you to play video in full-screen View?
313. Which of the following command shortcuts enables media looping?
314. Which of the given icons represents the List View?
315. Which of the following are NOT considered as 'Generated Media'?
316. Which of the following is-‘are derived from linear tape-based systems, which included both source and record monitors?
317. Which of the following statements is correct?
318. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of compound clips?
319. Which of the following options contains pointers (aliases) to clips tagged with a specific keyword?
320. What is/are the standard-definition (SD) aspect ratio/s for a broadcast video?
321. Which of the following options contain shortcuts that increase your efficiency in using Final Cut Pro?
322. If you click the Remove button to the right of the rule, you:
323. What does the given image represent?
324. What is the equivalent action for the gesture shown in the given image!
325. in Final Cut Pro. what is the function of Command-H?
326. The 'Viewer' can support which of the following resolutions. when it comes to video playbacks, including clips and projects?
327. if your device isn't recognized, which of the following should NOT be done?
328. Which of the following statements signifies compound clips use?
329. Which of the following is NOT one of the many functions of compound clips?
330. Which of the following combines high-performance digital editing and native support for virtually any video format with easy-to- use and time-saving features that let you focus on storytelling?
331. When importing from a tape-based camcorder. it is recommended that you:
332. Which of the given alert icons appears when a media file has been changed by an application other than Final Cut Pro?
333. Which of the following statements best describes 'Managed Media'?
334. The overall process for putting together a movie with Final Cut Pro is best described by which of the following?
335. Which of the following camera manufacturers have some models that are compatible with Final Cut Pro 10?
336. in Final Cut Pro. what does the three types of metadata stand for?
337. Which of the following is considered a form of media management?
338. Which of the following options best describes the given image?
339. Which of the following is a common media management task?
340. if you switch from mode A back to mode B, you may experience unexpected combinations of additionally sampled and key-framed values. What are mode A and mode B?
341. Which of the following is/are not a part of the Final Cut Pro 10.0.1's most significant features?
342. Where can you find the preference settings if you want to copy the Final Cut Pro preference settings to another Mac that has Final Cut Pro installed?
343. Command-Shift-R is a shortcut command with the same purpose as which of the following?
344. Which of the following can be applied to clips to help you quickly locate the clips you need to compose a movie?
345. Which of the following can be described as self-contained backup versions that include compound or multicam parent clips?
346. Which of the following contains multiple events and projects in the same location?
347. For the purpose of color correction, which of the following is a useful tool for comparing the hue and intensity of colors between two clips?
348. Which of the following lmage channels is used in addition to the R. G and B color channels to store transparency Information for compositing?
349. Which of the following statements is true?
350. View and reassign roles can be viewed in:
351. Which of the following commands can be used to view and change the metadata for a clip or group of clips selected in the Event Browser or Timeline?
352. Which of the following is/are NOT (a) common media management issue/s?
353. Which of the following is a way to refine any difficult areas such as hair and reflections?
354. If both the playhead and skimmer are present in the same clip, then which of the following becomes the default position for playback or editing?
355. Which of the following are the default roles that Final Cut Pro automatically assigns to the video and audio components of each clip?
356. Which of the following is NOT one of the stabilization methods used for editing a project?
357. Which of the following options allows you to simulate the interaction of environmental lighting with a keyed subject?
358. if you want to nudge a selected audio edit point right by one subframe by creating a split edit, which keyboard shortcut will you use?
359. Which of the following is an effect that automatically analyzes a video to detect a green or blue dominant color and configures itself to remove that color?
360. When assigning keywords using keyboard shortcuts. you should:
361. Which of the following options best describes the given icon?
362. Which of the following best identifies the file format as stated in this order: Video, audio and still-image?
363. Which of the following is a separate video display that appears next to the main Viewer?
364. The Info inspector, which displays information about a clip or group of clips selected in either the Event Browser or the Timeline, Is also known as:
365. in Final Cut Pro, Basic Settings are also known as which of the following?
366. When you modify a clip, you are not modifying the media file, only the clip's information in the project This is known as which of the following?