Behavioral Learning Theories MCQ

For observational learning to occur, each of the following must happen except ______.


Correct Answer: Being reinforced for imitating the model

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Garcia's first experiment on taste aversion was unusual in that the ____.


Correct Answer: Interval between CS and US was several minutes

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Secondary reinforcers are also called _______ reinforcers.


Correct Answer: Conditioned

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Probably the best way of increasing the creativity of stories in an english class is to _______.


Correct Answer: Praise particularly original stories

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Unconditioned stimulus is the behavior that evokes an automatic response.


Correct Answer: True

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___________ is the behavior that automatically occurs due to an unconditioned stimulus.


Correct Answer: Unconditioned response

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Social isolation (time-out) is a behavioral strategy used to decrease an inappropriate behavior by removing an individual from a setting that includes reinforcement to a setting in which reinforcement is denied.


Correct Answer: True

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Behavioral strategy used to increase an appropriate behavior by reinforcing small steps toward the behavior is known as:


Correct Answer: Shaping

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___________ is a behavioral strategy used to decrease an inappropriate behavior by having a student perform the behavior until it is no longer reinforcing.


Correct Answer: Satiation

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Response Cost is the behavioral strategy used to decrease inappropriate behavior by taking away something desired.


Correct Answer: True

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Behavioral strategy used to decrease inappropriate behavior by providing undesired verbal criticisms of behavior is known as:


Correct Answer: Reprimand

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Behavioral strategy used to increase appropriate behavior by providing reinforcement and decrease inappropriate behavior that cannot occur at the same time is called ___________ .


Correct Answer: Reinforcing incompatible behaviors

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A consequence that is given after display of a behavior is known as:


Correct Answer: Reinforcement

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A consequence of a behavior that decreases the occurrence of that behavior is called ______________ .


Correct Answer: Punishment

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Prompts mean verbal reminders that accompany a cue.


Correct Answer: True

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Premack principle is the behavioral strategy used to increase an appropriate behavior by providing another behavior as reinforcement.


Correct Answer: True

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Behavioral strategy used to increase an appropriate behavior by providing reinforcement and to decrease inappropriate behavior by ignoring the behavior is called ________.


Correct Answer: Praise-and-ignore

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___________ is the behavioral strategy used to increase an appropriate behavior by having the person perform the right or appropriate behavior.


Correct Answer: Positive practice

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Behavioral strategy used to make restitution for an inappropriate behavior by having a student perform an appropriate behavior is known as:


Correct Answer: Overcorrection

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All events that do not evoke an automatic response is known as:


Correct Answer: Neutral stimuli

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Learning changes in behavior or knowledge.


Correct Answer: True

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Behaviors that are associated with good consequences are more likely to occur is known as:


Correct Answer: Law of effect

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__________ is a schedule of reinforcement in which consequences are provided periodically for the behavior.


Correct Answer: Intermittent schedule

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Generalization learning can be expanded beyond a specific stimulus to other similar stimuli .


Correct Answer: True

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___________ Strategy used to decrease an inappropriate behavior by no longer providing reinforcement for that behavior or ceasing to provide the pairing between stimuli and response.


Correct Answer: Extinction

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Treating students differently based on prejudiced feelings or biased beliefs about a particular group is called _________ .


Correct Answer: Discrimination

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Cues means nonverbal events that occur prior to a behavior.


Correct Answer: True

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Schedule of reinforcement in which consequences are provided after every single instance of the behavior is called ________ .


Correct Answer: Continuous schedule

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Learning by simple association is Continuity learning.


Correct Answer: True

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The previously neutral stimulus that now evokes a conditioned response; a learned stimulus is known as:


Correct Answer: Conditioned stimulus

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___________ is a behavior that occurs due to conditioning, a learned response.


Correct Answer: Conditioned response

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When reinforcement is no longer given for a behavior, ______ is likely to occur.


Correct Answer: Extinction

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The technique that involves reinforcing small steps that move toward a complete behavior is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Shaping

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Ratio schedules of reinforcement are based on ______.


Correct Answer: The number of times a behavior occurs

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Amber got locked out of class the first week of the semester for being late, so she makes sure to get to class every day at least five minutes early. The behavior of getting to class on time has been ______.


Correct Answer: Negatively reinforced

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Cues and prompts are examples of ______.


Correct Answer: Antecedents

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In Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment, the ringing of the bell demonstrates which idea?


Correct Answer: How a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus

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A teacher trying to understand the reason for her students’ high levels of anxiety during the month of high-stakes standardized tests may find the explanation by considering ______.


Correct Answer: Classical conditioning

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All of the following are processes in classical conditioning EXCEPT ______.


Correct Answer: Prompting

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In behavioral learning theories, which of the following is assumed to be necessary in order to change behavior?


Correct Answer: Environmental experiences

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Contiguity learning involves an association between stimuli or events ______.


Correct Answer: Through repeated pairings and associations

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