1. Which image formats are not supported when exporting an image for web and devices?
2. EPS stand for?
3. Which tool listed below 'paints' by sampling an image
4. To sample a color from any part of the image canvas:
5. What is a gradual blend between two or more colors?
6. Shortcut for the eraser tool, background eraser tool and the magic eraser tool?
7. HSB stand for?
8. Of these, Most common DPI for printed photos?
9. Which are affects tonal adjustments?
10. Keyboard shortcut for undo?
11. What does the 'Align Left Edges' menu do?
12. What is the native Photoshop file format?
13. How many layers can a image have?
14. The main Adobe Photoshop project file extension is:
15. New selections can be saved to new channels or layer masks.
16. All open image documents can be zoomed by using the zoom tool.
17. Command (Ctrl) + T the shortcut for?
18. Shortcut key for the pen tool and the Freeform pen tool?
19. Keyboard shortcut for saving a Photoshop document?
20. The Refine Edge Tool is a way to modify your selection.
21. What is Command (Ctrl) + Z the shortcut for?
22. How many layers can you have in your layer palette?
23. Tool to crop an image?
24. What file formats can Photoshop open?
25. Fastest way to save a file?
26. Which selection tools are available in Photoshop CS5?
27. With which file format can the Crop tool be used?
28. Shortcut for brush tool
29. Which tool can be used directly to edit a path?
30. When using a pen tablet, which one can you control with pen pressure?
31. Where do you adjust a brush shape?
32. Shortcut for the crop tool?
33. An option for new fill layer is
34. In CS6, what filters are not available when you are working in the CMYK color mode?
35. What are the three lasso tools in Photoshop?
36. When resizing an image what is being added or subtracted from the image?
37. When sending your document to be printed by a commercial printer what color mode should you document be in?
38. When designing for the web what mode of color should you use?
39. Photoshop's default file type when using Save As?
40. When using the SAVE AS: feature, the .... file type saves my graphic design with all layers visible for changes upon opening the next time.
41. What color models can photoshop use?
42. Photoshop's default Color mode?
43. Layer masks are composed of resolution dependent pixel grayscale images that can be edited with paint, eraser and selection tools.
44. Best compression format for photos on the Web?
45. When designing for the web you should size your document using what unit of measurement?
46. The magic wand tool allows you to:
47. PSD stand for?
48. To save a project under its' current file name, the keyboard shortcut is:
49. Photoshop allows you to add notes and save them with your images
50. What is the keyboard shortcut for select all?
51. What is B the keyboard shortcut for?
52. Measurements that you can use in Photoshop with the Rulers?
53. Which object does Hide Extras make invisible?
54. HSB color model describe?
55. Which one can you NOT do with Photoshop?
56. CTRL + T=
57. Which is the part of the workspace?
58. Where can you find lens flare option?
59. How do you change hue without changing brightness or saturation?
60. LPI stand for?
61. Where do you change the diameter of a brush preset?
62. What is Command (Ctrl) + G the shortcut for?
63. Which colorspace is most appropriate for print?
64. Shortcut for the lasso, polygonal lasso and magnetic lasso tool?
65. Key shortcut to save your work without having to open the 'File' window
66. Keyboard shortcut for the gradient tool and paint bucket tool?
67. The pixel resolution can be described as:
68. What does the Burn tool do?
69. The Quick Select tool and the Magic Wand tool share a place on the toolbar.
70. PDF stand for?
71. What keyboard shortcut quickly selects all of the working canvas?
72. What happens when you press Control D?
73. Photoshop cannot do a dotted line.
74. A PSD file will save all layers in the document.
75. Hotkey for transforming an image?
76. how can you hide an image from the canvas
77. Can you customize keyboard shortcuts?
78. Which eraser tool is not in Photoshop?
79. When you export a graphic for your website, that needs transparency, which image format listed below should you generally choose?
80. Best color mode for producing web ready images?
81. Images cannot be saved as a PDF file in Photoshop.
82. Under what Edit menu category would you find the options to scale, rotate, skew or distort an image?
83. What happens to an image when it is flattened?
84. Way to fix problems with your tool settings?
85. One way to delete items from your history is to drag them into the trash can.
86. What is CS short for?
87. Once you build the layers in your graphic design, you cannot rearrange them.
88. ppi stand for?
89. Which palette helps you revert to earlier versions of your document?
90. Mode to prepare the image for offset printing?
91. Pressing command (Ctrl) + I does what to an open document or selection?
92. What does the burn tool do to areas of an image?
93. What does the Eyedropper tool do?
94. Which tool would you use to cut an image down to only the parts you want?
95. What does the magic eraser tool do?
96. Image mode most commonly used for print applications?
97. Which file format is not for displaying images on the web?
98. When using an image that is to be used in a 2-color black and white ad, what is the best mode to use?
99. How to change the order of layers in photoshop?
100. Which is not a unit of measurement in Photoshop?
101. How many document windows can you have open at one time?
102. What file types can you save your work in for web and devices?
103. Which measuring unit is NOT used in Photoshop?
104. PSD format is limited to a maximum height/width of 30,000 pixels. .PSB (Photoshop Big) format, also known as 'large document format' within Photoshop, is the extension of PSD format to images up to 300,000 pixels in width/height.
105. In which format can you save an image with a transparent background?
106. To fill in a layer with a background color, which tool would be useful?
107. File extension can not be created in Photoshop?
108. Short cut is for the marquee, and the elliptical marquee tool?
109. Which one is not a type tool?
110. what does feather option do?
111. Which image modes are most commonly used for web applications?
112. To apply the last transformation to another element, you can use the following short cut
113. Which palette allows the user to take steps backwards in the file?
114. Photoshop is primarily a raster image processing application.
115. How do you hide a layer, making it invisible in your document?
116. How do you make the rulers default to pixels instead of inches?
117. If you apply the Threshold adjustment to an image, what is the result?
118. Which features allows the browsing and preview of every filter?
119. The Eraser Tool can be used to:
120. Which file format natively supports animated frames in all web browsers?
121. The History window:
122. Keyboard shortcut quickly deselects a current selection?
123. Where can you change a document's 'Working RGB space'?
124. Photoshop can be used with a touch sensitive Wacom device.
125. What does the burn tool do?
126. GIF can contain up to how many colors?
127. Which file format is ideal for compressing low-res photos for email and web use?
128. What does it mean to scale an image?
129. What Photoshop tool can duplicate pixels (as opposed to whole layers) from a source area to a target area?
130. How do you create a new file in Photoshop using the drop down menu?
131. To cut down the size of the entire graphic design, including all layers, you should select the ______ tool.
132. How would you save a copy of your working document, but switch over to continue working on the copy after it has saved?
133. What dpi are most print projects set to?
134. How many shades of gray are used in an 8 bit Grayscale color mode?
135. Which is not one of the three lasso modes?
136. You create and manipulate your documents and files in Photoshop using various elements, such as panels, bars, and windows. What is the arrangement of these elements called?
137. You can feather a layer or a vector mask.
138. What does a blending mode determine?
139. How do you add a mosaic texture?
140. What are custom swatches?
141. How do you make the grid visible?
142. Tool to select a color from anywhere in an image?
143. Which one is NOT an available type tool choice?
144. What does feathering do to a selection?
145. Can you retrieve changes you made to your image while editing?
146. Drop shadow, inner glow and bevel are examples of .... you can use with text.
147. What does DPI mean?
148. Under what drop down menu can you resize canvas size?
149. .... tool allows you to make a selection of an area of a layer.
150. To make brush size bigger, press...
151. Tool to copy one area of an image to another?
152. The basic function of the crop tool is to:
153. Best way to remove part(s) of a layer, while leaving yourself the ability to go back and edit it later?
154. What erases solid-colored areas to transparency with a single click?
155. What palette contains your text editing options?
156. The Burn Tool is used to:
157. Color mode you use to print images commercially?
158. Tool to make a circular selection?
159. How do you change an image from RGB to CMYK?
160. What is the eyedropper used for?
161. What is a drop shadow an example of?
162. Shortcut for Image size?
163. Menu to export paths to Illustrator?
164. Holding Opt (Alt) and clicking a layer's mask thumbnail will..
165. How do you deselect an image set to be cropped?
166. How do you control a layer's visabilty?
167. To verify which version of Adobe Photoshop you have installed, you would:
168. RIP stand for?
169. What file format can Photoshop NOT open?
170. What does flattening the layers of an image do?
171. How do you group a number of different layers?
172. Holding Ctrl and clicking on the thumbnail of a layer in the Layers Panel does what?
173. Option to manipulate a layer without making changes to the source file?
174. Correct resolution for images used on the web?
175. Shortcut to zoom in?
176. Fastest way to select a black object on a white background?
177. How do you non-destructively change what is shown in an image?
178. Shortcut for the eyedrop tool, color sampler tool, ruler tool, note tool and count tool?
179. The Hand tool...
180. In order to create Internet compatible image output, users should...
181. What tool can paint with a tiling pattern?
182. How do you move tool palettes around in the workspace?
183. Where can the Delete Anchor Point Tool be found?
184. Where do you find the command to add a Vector Mask?
185. How can you hide parts of an image without destroying the original?
186. When you change the size of a brush, you are changing its what?
187. To draw a straight line using the Brush...
188. Shortcut key to toggle forward between standard screen mode and full screen mode with a menu bar and full screen mode?
189. How can you apply non-destructive filters to a layer?
190. Which one best describes feathering?
191. To delete a series of steps that you committed during a working session, you would need to use the .... palette.
192. Short-cut key for Move Tool?
193. What must you do before you can manipulate a text layer?
194. The Color Replacement tool...
195. Save For Web can do which of the following:
196. The Levels tool:
197. A GIF image file can:
198. Where can you go to change the screen mode?
199. Which one is not a layer style?
200. How many unique channels are in an RGB image by default?
201. In order to use the Clone Stamp, what must you do first?
202. What is EXIF?
203. What could cause a tool not to work correctly?
204. How do you hide a layer?
205. Format extension for Photoshop Brushes?
206. What is a dock?
207. Option to improve selection in Photoshop?
208. How do you change the canvas size?
209. Which one is not a tool that can be used to create a vector path?
210. Holding Cmd/Ctrl+Opt/Alt+Shift when launching Photoshop does what?
211. Which one you use to stretch, shrink or distort a person's face or body?
212. Which file format will not retain transparency?
213. Tool to get rid of wrinkles on someones face?
214. Default keyboard shortcut for deselecting an active selection?
215. Difference between Raster and Vector graphics?
216. Where are saved layer styles found?
217. Maximum grid size that you can set on the Lens Correction filter?
218. Which selection tool on the tool bar makes selection by selecting similar colors
219. Shortcut for the Magic Wand and the Quick Selection tools?
220. How can you make non-permanent changes to the Hue and Saturation of an image?
221. Guides can be cleared through what menu?
222. Which tool paints with sampled pixels from an image or layer?
223. What does pressing the tab key do?
224. If you place an adjustment layer above a layer group what layers are affected?
225. Double clicking on the background layer will...
226. If you want to scale down a raster layer and preserve the underlying data as much as possible, what feature would you use?
227. Tool to select rectangles, ellipses, and single-pixel rows and columns?
228. Color format CMYK stand for?
229. To access the 'spherize' command, the tree is:
230. For all filters to be utilized, the document must be in what mode?
231. The Window menu option allows you to:
232. What is the set of standardized information about a file, such as author name, resolution, color space, and key words applied to a image
233. Palette to center, right or left align text?
234. Tool to expand and automatically follow defined edges in the image?
235. How do you hide multiple layers at the same time?
236. How do you add new fonts to Photoshop?
237. Tool to choose the same color as one already in a document?
238. Which tool selects contiguous areas of similar color?
239. Which is not a layer style?
240. Which command creates a smooth transition between selected and unselected pixels?
241. Which is NOT a distort filter?
242. Which selection tool works by selecting pixels that are close in color range to the targeted pixels?
243. Which is not one of the Blend Modes?
244. Shortcut for 'Crop'?
245. What is NOT an available format when exporting images for web using the Adobe Device Central?
246. Layers that contain image data from raster or vector images?
247. What is a histogram when speaking about image editing?
248. What program can be used to Batch Process images for Photoshop?
249. What tool makes rectangular, elliptical, single row and single column selections
250. Clicking and holding the mouse button on a toolbar icon...
251. Right clicking on the ruler allows you to make what change occur?
252. Twirl, Ripple and Spherize are examples of distortion .... you may use to change the look of your graphic.
253. What is rasterization?
254. Palette to change the font in a text box?
255. Which is NOT part of the marquee tool set?
256. How do you view only the red, green, or blue portions of an image?
257. Which one is not a tool ?
258. Where would you find the option to add a drop shadow to a text or image?
259. Under which menu can you find the option to sharpen or unsharpen a mask?
260. What key can be used to keep a line segment going in a straight horizontal path, a straight vertical path, or a 45 degree angle?
261. How many pixels are in 1 inch?
262. Of the following; what will 'dither' do to an image?
263. What is not a photoshop supported Video format
264. How do you invert a selection?
265. Shortcut for the Zoom Tool?
266. What does the Load Files Into Stack script let you do?
267. What is the lowest Tolerance for Photoshop tools?
268. Which tool lets you click-drag over an area to make a selection based on color and texture similarities?
269. Where is the option to increase or decrease the number of History States?
270. Shortcut to switch to previous document?
271. Which two formats can not be used for a gradient fill?
272. Double clicking on the background layer icon does what?
273. Luminosity, darken, exclusion and color dodge are examples of .... you may use to allow graphics to interact with background.
274. What keyboard shortcut brings up the Levels?
275. Tool to select a section of an image of a similar color?
276. What does holding shift do while using any of the lasso tools?
277. Which tool was based upon a traditional darkroom printing technique?
278. What option can you use to create a semi-transparent transitional boundary between the edges of a selection and the surrounding pixels?
279. Which is not a mode available in the image menu?
280. How to screen-fit an image?
281. Tool to erase the color currently under the centerpoint of the cursor?
282. Keyboard shortcut quickly switches the foreground and background colors?
283. Which feature blurs edges by building a transition boundary between the selection and its surrounding pixels?
284. Pressing Cmd (Ctrl) + Z Toggles the last history state in Photoshop. What do you press to keep undoing?
285. How do you turn a standard layer into a background layer?
286. Shortcut for the eyedroper tools is
287. Shortcut key for the horziontal type tool, Vertical type tool, horizontal type mask tool and the vertical type tool?
288. Shortcut for the Eyedropper tool?
289. Which file format does not retain layers in Photoshop?
290. To change the color mode to a Duotone, the document must first be changed to what?
291. How do you toggle the Rulers?
292. Which palette accesses the color libraries?
293. When setting text you have 4 (four) anti-aliasing settings. They are:
294. When you use the Magic Wand tool, what kind of selection will you get if you check the 'Contiguous' option?
295. Which pixel aspect ratio is not available in Photoshop?
296. You can convert an image to Bitmap without flattening the visible layers
297. How do you add 3D content to your Photoshop file?
298. What is undercolor addition (UCA) used for?
299. The .... tool can be used to select an image of any shape in a layer.
300. Maximum number of inks allowed under the duotone color mode option?
301. Can you open a video file in Photoshop?
302. Short cut key to toggle between foreground color and background color.
303. 'B' is a keyboard shortcut for
304. What does using Global Light accomplish?
305. Which key will reset your view of an image while rotating it?
306. What does Elliptical Marquee Tool do?
307. Which one is not a file extension for the JPEG format?
308. Which one is not an option for gradients?
309. Which one is not a marquee tool?
310. What does Ctrl+Shift+I (Command+Shift+I) do?
311. Definition of a snapshot?
312. Which unit of measurement does Photoshop not support?
313. Brush to mix pixels colors to simulate the process of inks being mixed by a painter?
314. The canvas size tool...
315. How to close a selection made with a lasso tool?
316. If you want to apply a non-destructive Levels adjustment, which method to use?
317. What command makes a selection based on a color or tonal range?
318. How many colors can a GIF have (including transparency)?
319. Puppet Warp tool used for?
320. What appears as nonprinting lines that float over the image?
321. Double clicking on the layer icon in the layers palette does what?
322. How can you desaturate layer?
323. What does pressing Q do?
324. What happens if you use the gradient tool on a layer mask?
325. When using the Brush Tool, dissolve mode:
326. Which file format is not an option when Saving for Web and Devices?
327. How could you convert a color image to grayscale?
328. Magic Eraser tool...
329. How to be able to open RAW files in Photoshop?
330. How do you hide or show all panels, including the Toolbar and Control Panel.
331. Which color mode can be converted to Duotone?
332. You've adjusted the size, hardness, spacing, etc. to a brush; how do you add it to your Brush Palette?
333. Which transform cannot be performed using Free Transform?
334. What does the Histogram show?
335. How do you display the Layers Panel if it is not present on the desktop?
336. Which Filter will allow you to directly manipulate the layer(s) using a brush-like tool to push and pull the pixels?
337. How to get a temporary Hand tool?
338. What would cause the paintbrush to remain a crosshair even if you tried to make it bigger or smaller using keyboard shortcuts?
339. Shortcut to adjust the image size?
340. Shortcut for altering Image Size?
341. Definition of an alpha channel?
342. The shortcut key Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S selects all the hidden layers.
343. In the layer pull down menu, where can you find the drop shadow menu?
344. When you hold down the shift key while dragging with the elliptical marquee tool what will your results be?
345. Shortcut key to toggle between standard mode and quick mask mode?
346. Shortcut key to the Crop tool?
347. File menu to make the exact same change to multiple images at once?
348. Way to change the opacity of a selected layer?
349. Which menu allows you to create a guide at a specific place according to ruler measurements?
350. What are Adjustment Layers an example of?
351. Which Color Mode uses Subtractive Color?
352. Which is not an option when refining the edge of a selection?
353. If you select a portion of an image and then select EDIT/DEFINE BRUSH PRESET from the application menu, which portions of the selection will show up when you use the brush preset to paint?
354. Which is not a range of the Burn and Dodge tools?
355. Adjustment layers are used for...
356. What setting/tool will change the apparent light source when you apply a layer effect?
357. Keyboard shortcut to make a new layer by copying the current layer?
358. Shape Dynamics in the brush palette allow you to do?
359. Symbol for decreasing the size of your brush?
360. Not using global lighting on drop shadows does what?
361. How do you transition a layer from 0% opacity to 100% opacity over either the full or partial image area?
362. If you change a layer blending mode to 'screen' - which color will be 'knocked out'
363. To add a one-color gradient to an image, which gradient mode is used?
364. How can you automate batch processing in Photoshop?
365. Tasks that you can record and play back to alter an image that consist of menu commands, panel options, work done with tools, etc., are called:
366. Shortcut for the Clone Stamp Tool is
367. When using Blend Modes, the original color in an image is called the:
368. Which of these can you do with a layer mask?
369. Command to identify highest and lowest brightness values in an image?
370. Which shortcut will close a document without closing the program?
371. Keyboard shortcut that will hide all the palettes except the toolbar?
372. Shortcut to apply the last filter used?
373. Which one is not a preset zoom option?
374. Way to expand a selection made with the magic wand tool?
375. Which filter will result in sharpening your image?
376. How do you check spelling in Photoshop?
377. The Style options are disabled when the...
378. What does the folded over page icon in the layers palette mean?
379. After selecting with the marquee tool, which of these is a method to move your selection?
380. What are Slices used for?
381. You can refine the edge of a vector mask but not a layers mask.
382. You apply a hue/saturation adjustment to a completely black layer. You drag the hue slider all the way to the left or right. What is the result?
383. By default, an adjustment layer applies to...
384. Tool presets...
385. Which color mode should you use when the final output will be done as web offset print?
386. Which one cannot be found in Image > Mode ?
387. Which key do you hold down to subtract an area from a selection?
388. Tool for the alignment buttons to display?
389. Which tool lets you create a vector shape without having to make individual anchors?
390. If you Invert an image layer that has an active selection, which pixels will be inverted?
391. Where is the Pencil Tool located?
392. What happens to the number of pixels when you downsample?
393. Key command to fill a layer with the selected background color?
394. If you have 'Snap' activated; holding down the Shift key while dragging out a guide line will...
395. GIF stands for?
396. Which file format can be used without compression?
397. Vector masks are...
398. What happens when you press Caps Lock while using the Brush tool?
399. When you merge or flatten layers you help conserve which of the following?
400. When saving a document for the web, which image format supports lossless compression?
401. Keyboard shortcut (i.e., a 'hotkey') for activating the Move tool?
402. To show/hide Extras (i.e. Guides, Grids, Smart Guides) we can use this keyboard shortcut...
403. Which is not a format for saving alpha channels?
404. Which option will merge selected layers?
405. Shortcut for closing a psd file?
406. Shortcut to duplicate a layer?
407. HDR, now an option in Photoshop, stands for...
408. Already having a section selected, what does holding 'option' (or 'alt') do while using any of the lasso tools?
409. Tool to create a vector layer?
410. One way to change ruler increments:
411. Difference between the Spot Healing brush and the Healing brush?
412. Which tool does not exist in Photoshop?
413. Which blend mode will increase the contrast of an image if a curves adjustment layer has already been added?
414. What happens when holding CTRL/CMD and selecting the thumbnail preview in the layers palette?
415. A saved selection can be loaded from which menu?
416. How to save a multi-layer document as a single layer?
417. Can you use the Free Transform tool on a layer mask?
418. What does pressing Cmd/Ctl+ Y do?
419. How do you vectorize a Text layer?
420. Regarding a multi-color image, which one produces a bigger file size?
421. What does the Fuzziness slider in the Color Range dialog box control?
422. Features to create, manage, and view multiple versions of a layout as a single file?
423. NOT a valid unit for measuring type in Photoshop:
424. Definition of color depth?
425. Keyboard shortcut to send the selected layer to the top of the layer stack?
426. How do you change a color photo to grayscale while keeping all color information?
427. Where can you adjust the number of states that can be saved in the History?
428. Random bright and/or off-color pixels found in poorly compressed jpeg images are called...
429. You have two layers and want to hide all the white pixels on the top layer. What is one blend mode you can assign to the top layer?
430. Shortcut to the reuse last used filter on the current layer?
431. Which method combines a mask of an image with its negative to reduce blur in the image?
432. What happens when the ruler is double clicked?
433. If you have two layers and you want to hide all the black pixels from the top layer, what blend mode you assign to the top layer?
434. Which is not a Photoshop tool?
435. Which Standard Workspace does NOT exist in Photoshop CS5?
436. What is RGB?
437. Which one helps eliminate a moire pattern from a previously printed scanned image?
438. Which method would NOT give you a gray scale image?
439. When you create a selection with the quick selection tool which is NOT an option?
440. If you apply a High Pass filter to a duplicate layer, then change its blend mode to overlay, the result will be:
441. To edit the kerning of text you would use the... ?
442. A vector mask is?
443. What displays the files you are working on and can be tabbed and in certain cases, grouped and docked?
444. Keyboard shortcut to open the 'Curves' dialog?
445. How many filters are available in the Filter Gallery when working on a CMYK document?
446. Where can you find hyphenation options?
447. Keyboard shortcut to desaturate an image?
448. Default color mode for a new file in Photoshop?
449. Which Keyboard shortcut enables you to edit the image size?
450. Maximum possible zoom in Photoshop CS5?
451. If you want to merge one layer to the layer directly below it, which keys would you press?
452. On a layer mask, white represents areas that:
453. How to make a composite snapshot?
454. Keyboard shortcut for the Dodge, Burn and Sponge tools?
455. The Black and white adjustment is not available while...
456. What shortcut changes the foreground and background colors back to default black and white?
457. Shortcut for the Curves Menu?
458. What is a snapshot?
459. How to quickly reset the default foreground and background colors?
460. Shortcut for the history brush tool and the art history tool?
461. Double clicking the zoom tool makes your image zoom to?
462. Shortcut for saving an image for Web and devices?
463. Shortcut key for the path selection tool and direct selection tool?
464. An non-masking adjustment layer gets applied to:
465. A gradient map converts an image to greyscale and then replaces each level of grey with colours of your choice.
466. Short key for Levels Adjustment
467. Highest tolerance for Photoshop tools?
468. What does the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + E do?
469. Shortcut for the rectangle tool, rounded rectangle tool, ellipse tool, polygon tool, line tool, and custom shape tool?
470. Alt/Opt + Ctrl/Cmd + G is used for:
471. Which type of light is NOT an option in the lighting effects filter?
472. Keyboard shortcut for the Spot Healing Brush?
473. If you have two layers, what blend mode will hide the lighter pixel everywhere they overlap?
474. How do you define a source point for the tools that use them?
475. Default keyboard shortcut for filling the selection with the background color?
476. In order to reset the Point of Origin in Photoshop, you must single click the Point of Origin area.
477. Which one is NOT an option for modifying a selection.
478. Default keyboard shortcut to step backward multiple times?
479. NOT a light type in Photoshop 3D panel?
480. How do you open a closed note?
481. Way to apply a filter to a layer without destroying the original content of that layer.
482. To align multiple layers to their Top Edges you...
483. Way to enable the *.BMP extension mode in the 'Save As' menu?
484. A histogram...
485. It is possible to create a hyperlink in Photoshop.
486. Apart from the keyboard shortcut (Alt+Ctrl+G), how can you quickly create a clipping mask from a layer?
487. Which one is not an auto-select option for the move tool?
488. How large of a file does a PSD support?
489. How many modes of creating and combining selections are available?
490. What will loading an .ase file, or an .aco file, change in Photoshop?
491. Maximum number of saved Color Samplers that can be used in a layered document in order to monitor its color?
492. The minimum value of feather is:
493. To erase the last fastening point put down by the Magnetic lasso Tool
494. Function of the .psb file format?
495. Shortcut to make a copy of all the layers in a merged new layer?
496. Maximum number of sample points that Photoshop CS5 support with the Color Sampler Tool?
497. How does the smudge tool behave when the option 'Sample all layers' is enabled?
498. Way to create a new swatch using the foreground color?
499. Which one is NOT a shortcut for the 'Fit on Screen' view?
500. To close a selection drawn using the Magnetic Lasso tool you can:
501. How to cycle through various Preview modes?
502. Keyboard shortcut to liquify is...
503. Keyboard shortcut for the Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog?
504. Which modes are available in the Sponge tool?
505. What modifier keys allow you to cycle through tools in the same 'family?'
506. Unit of measure for hardness of a brush?
507. What does .psb stand for?
508. Keyboard shortcut for the Path Selection tool?
509. What function does holding down the CTRL (CMD) key have when using the Pen tool?
510. Which one allows the user to duplicate a layer inside Photoshop?
511. Which filter does not exist in Photoshop?
512. You can change the size of your current tool (such as a brush) by doing the following:
513. Is it possible to choose a source for the Clone Stamp Tool in a different document than the active one?
514. You have two images, both have same width and height but one is at 100 pixels/inch and the other at 100 pixels/cm. Which is bigger?
515. Shortcut for Refine Edge?
516. You can change the hardness of your current tool (such as a brush) by doing the following:
517. Holding Opt (Alt) after you start to draw a marquee selection will...
518. NOT an available option in the Blur Effects panel?
519. On the Rectangle Marquee Tool, Which style is not an option?
520. How do you duplicate a Smart Object that will not be affected if you edit the original?
521. When using the pencil tool, what happens when the Alt(Opt) key is held down?
522. Way to decrease the area of a marquee-selected region while constraining that region to its original proportions?
523. Which is not available in the Preferences window?
524. Which one does not require you to specify a sample area when it automatically samples from neighboring pixels?
525. Under which menu would you make a high pass adjustment?
526. Keyboard shortcut to access the Fill panel which includes Content Aware fill?
527. Which Image Mode uses a Color Table?
528. What does the Direct Selection Tool do?
529. When the brush tool is selected, how can you change its opacity to 75% by using the keyboard instead of the slider?
530. Which one is NOT a category under Preferences?
531. Under which menu is the Displace option located?
532. Which one is the use for alpha channels?
533. Where can you find the option to reverse the layer order?
534. You open a document and some of the filters are disabled in the Filter menu. Which could be a reason for this?
535. You can copy and paste a selection into a layer's mask but not a vector mask.
536. When resizing an image, which resampling method does not employ any anti-aliasing smoothing?
537. Version of Adobe Bridge that can be used from a palette within Photoshop CS5 and later?
538. If you have an active selection and you paste an image into your document, what is the result?
539. Which Photoshop commands or tools support the Content-Aware option in CS5?
540. It is possible to have rectangular (non-square) pixels.
541. Which one is NOT an option in the options bar for the Marquee tool?
542. NOT a default script in Photoshop under the File>Scripts> menu?
543. In CS6, Shortcut for applying a feather to a selection that has already been created?
544. If you use the eraser tool on a black layer mask with white foreground and black background colors, what is the result?
545. Which one will rotate the canvas?
546. Maximum number of History States?
547. Which tool prevents you from clicking Fade on the Edit menu?
548. What rasterizing engine Photoshop uses for rendering font?
549. You can reverse areas of a layers mask but not a vector mask.
550. If a brush has the blend mode clear, does it behave like the eraser tool?
551. Which keys must you press and hold to create a new layer?
552. Ten picas equal how many points?
553. Key command to bring up the last used Filter to apply again, but also show the options dialogue box? (Only applies to Filters that have options).
554. How can you make the opacity and blend mode of an applied filter editable after the fact?
555. The brush parameter known as 'spacing' refers to...
556. Which one is NOT a text warp option?
557. A layer in an open document, A, can be duplicated into another open document, B, by
558. What tool does not have the option to select anti-aliasing?
559. Standard shortcut for Vanishing Point?
560. Shortcut to change text to the background color?
561. Which sort of type expands or contracts as you edit it, but does not wrap to the next line.
562. What format is a DCS (Desktop Color Separations) file based on?
563. After you save a selection, it can be modified in...
564. Default Spacing value for a brush?
565. In which color mode is Lightness a channel in itself?
566. Filter for creating seamless tiling images from normal images
567. NOT a color swatch file format?
568. How can you zoom in or out using a mouse wheel?
569. The following is always true about filter masks:
570. If you try to create a brush from your current document but nothing is selected:
571. To temporarily draw freehand with the Polygonal Lasso, you:
572. How do you delete a saved selection?
573. NOT a Duotone option?
574. What happens on pressing the arrow keys while holding shift?
575. How can you view the Photoshop Splash Screen again after Photoshop has been started and has finished loading?
576. How do you import DICOM files?
577. Holding Cmd (Ctrl) while in Free Transform...
578. In the LAB colour space, what does the B stand for?
579. In the Crop Tool, the Cropped Area options are disabled if ....
580. NOT a valid Sample Size when using the Eyedropper tool?
581. .... is the best choice to make a precise color adjustment to an individual channel of a image.
582. A hollow/white lock icon in the Layers panel means:
583. There is a standard shortcut to invoke the Flatten Image command.
584. Which option replaces the color of any edge pixels with the color of pixels farther in from the edge of the selection?
585. Command to 'soft-proof' your image on-screen in the profile you will print from?
586. What keyboard command will load a channel as a selection while still keeping all color channels visible?
587. What modifier key allows you to reposition an in-process selection without tracing a path?
588. How do you print without displaying the print dialog box?
589. Photoshop actions are saved under which file format?
590. Which blending mode has a random replacement of the result color with the base color or the blend color?
591. If you apply the difference blend mode to a new layer duplicate, what is the result?
592. When using the Brush tool, Shift + [...
593. Which format cannot be imported as a 3D object?
594. Which control in camera raw lets you quickly recover detail in the shadows without unduly affecting highlights or causing posterization ?
595. Which file format supports 16-bit color, 8-bit color, indexed color, grayscale, and alpha channels, but not CMYK?
596. Which type of files can be used as a displacement map on the displace filter?
597. Which one is NOT included in the purge menu?
598. Shortcut for Auto Tone?
599. Which is NOT a texture option on the Underpainting filter?
600. Maximum positive value you can set for tracking in the Character palette?
601. While using the Free Transform command, which modifier key will change it to Perspective mode?
602. F6 is used to open the...
603. Shortcut key for opening the brush option windows?
604. Option to monitor and modify your work, and can be grouped, stacked, docked or closed?
605. Shortcut to close an open file in Photoshop and open Bridge?
606. When you export a 3D Layer from Photoshop CS5, which format is not an option?
607. How to rotate the view of your document (compass-assisted) while still anchoring it to it's original position?
608. Which one is a time-saving feature of Photoshop when creating data-driven graphics?
609. In a single selection you can have both straight lines and curved lines by...
610. What threshold value sharpens all pixels in an image equally?
611. What is NOT a filtering option for the Layers panel?
612. Which shortcut changes the active layer up or down in the layers panel?
613. How can you export multiple layers to separate files?
614. Which attribute is one NOT able to animate on a normal layer?
615. Which one is NOT an available Export options?
616. Which is not an option of type of texture on the glass filter?
617. What is the neutral color of the multiply blend mode?
618. To quickly convert text into all caps, highlight the text and use the keyboard shortcut:
619. How do you prevent a panel from docking while moving it?
620. You create an icon for a standard display that is 20 x 20 and want to make a Retina or Ultra HD version. What dimensions would this new version have?
621. What can you NOT do in Save for Web and Devices?
622. What groups all the workspace elements in a single, integrated window thet lets you treat Photoshop as a single unit?
623. The area that contains a workspace switch, menus and other application controls is called?
624. To resize an item in a layer, select the Move tool, then select .... in the Options Bar to see selection handles.
625. Maximum value for horizontal and vertical scale on the Displace Filter?
626. Which tool lets you paint with stylized strokes such as Tight Curl, Dab, Loose Medium, and Tight Short?
627. Which menu allows you to Auto Align Layers?
628. To switch between foreground and background color:
629. How do you toggle the layer mask on/off as a Rubylith with the layer mask selected?
630. How do you create a selection from intersection of current selection and a new one?
631. What keyboard shortcut rotates the clone source
632. What keyboard controls will take effect to deselect a selected object surrounded in dotted or dashed line?
633. How do you remove an item from a collection?
634. You want to make a second copy of an image in a folder called Assets that is on your desktop. You are using Bridge CS6. Which function under the Edit menu should you choose?
635. Photoshop is a bitmap or victor graphics ?
636. Tool to make a path?
637. What is rasterizing
638. Which shortcut accesses the brush tool?
639. The 'ruler tool' can be used to arbitrary rotate. For instance be used to straighten an unleveled horizon or building.
640. When working with layers , what does the commanded 'Ctrl- Alt- Shift-E Do.
641. Painting over a 'layer mask' with a black brush will?
642. Short Cut key to change canvas size
643. Which filter retains edge details in the specified radius and removes low-frequency detail from an image?
644. Preserving the quality of your layer is one of the most important features of:
645. When you want to lock the transparency of the layer, you can click the checkered icon near the 'Lock:' options in the Layer panel, or you can simply press
646. Which resolution will provide the highest quality for a printed image?
647. You can create new video layers by adding a video file as a new layer.
648. In a video layer a section of the footage in selected layers can be deleted, leaving a gap of the same duration as the removed section.
649. What does Field blur do?
650. What keyboard shortcut creates a new layer?
651. Shortcut for Rulers?
652. Holding which keyboard combination will combine selected shape with a new shape using a shape tool?
653. Which command is used to delete footage in one or more layers in the timeline mode?
654. The Image title bar states the name of the application.
655. Shake Reduction filter gives the option to change the area to blur that it has selected by default.
656. How will the Image asset option save the layers as files when we give the extension to a group?
657. It is possible to edit the ..... corners of the rectangle and copy the .... of the same to any text editor.
658. Which option helps to have the same settings in Photoshop workspace when we login from different machines?
659. Which option in the Shake Reduction dialog box gives the details about blur estimation regions in an image?
660. Which tool helps you move any content of an image and automatically fills the area from where the content has been moved with matching elements from the existing background?
661. Which option in the settings of crop option overlay the cropped areas with a tint?
662. Difference we get if the Artifact Suppression checkbox is not checked while moving the values from Artifact Slider in the image of Shake Reduction dialog image given above?
663. Which one is NOT a blending mode in the Layers panel?
664. The .... angle sets a range within which paint gradually fades as it approaches the ..... fall off angle.
665. What is the paint fall off angle while painting any 3D object with any of the painting methods available?
666. Blur Estimation Tool helps to add a shake reduction area manually.
667. What Sample All Layers option do when the Quick Selection tool is selected?
668. Available 3D painting method in Photoshop CC?
669. The .... option in the Snap To submenu snaps to the edges of your document in Photoshop.
670. Which 3D painting method works with gradient tool and filters?
671. .... draws a straight line representing the blur direction on the image.
672. What does the File > Generate > Image Assets options do in the Photoshop CC?
673. Filter > Sharpen > ... is a filter that determines the nature of the blur and extrapolates the appropriate corrections to the entire image.
674. The Multiply blending mode multiplies the base color of an image by the blend color.
675. Behance is the leading online platform to display and discover creative work and to share images directly from Photoshop.
676. We have to turn on the Image asset generation to save layers as file for each of the file we open.
677. Which formats is used to save the blur trace in Advanced panel flyout menu under Shake Reduction dialog box?
678. .... automatically estimates the amount of noise in the image.
679. What is a camera raw filter in Photoshop CC?
680. Which option in the Content-Aware Scale is used to specify the new position of the reference point in relation to its current position?
681. The Blur Trace Bounds setting represents the bound size of the blur trace.
682. Prefix and Suffix of the following file name specify? 60% rainbow.jpg 50%
683. Lens Correction and Adaptive Wide Angle are two filters available for correcting the perspective in an image.
684. Which color mode CANNOT have type layers?
685. JPG assets are generated at .... by default. PNG assets are generated as .... by default. GIF assets are generated with ....
686. The Path Selection tool lets you select individual nodes on the path, whereas the Direct Selection tool lets you the select path as a whole.
687. .... is the process of converting vector based layers into pixel based layers.
688. Which wrap text styles are available in Photoshop?
689. What are the Channel types?
690. Assume you have the text on the text layer selected. What will happen if you press alt+del?
691. Which statement is True for Clone Stamp Tool?
692. Which selection tools are available in Photoshop?
693. How you can remove a matte from a selection?
694. The Solidity and color choice options .... only on-screen previews and composite prints. They have no effect on printed separations?
695. Regarding Layer masks which is correct?
696. Which filter is unavailable in Lab color mode?
697. Which one correctly depicts Graduated Filter of Camera Raw's toolbar?
698. Which image file formats are RAW formats?
699. Which tool can be used to select irregular objects?
700. Which color mode below is not an option for Photoshop Image Color Mode?
701. Which file formats are appropriate for saving a high resolution photographic image intended for publication on the web?
702. The selection marquee produces a clean sharp edge. To create a softer edge to any selection marquee which can be used?
703. You can hold the __ key while using the elliptical marquee tool in order to constrain the selection to a perfect circle?
704. Which channel stores specific image selections?
705. Which image mode is appropriate for printing an image with process colors?
706. Darken, Multiply and Color burn are examples of _____.
707. Which statement can be done by Photoshop Bridge?
708. What occurs when you select the Flatten Image option from the Layer menu?
709. How do you correct image tones in an image without affecting the actual image content?
710. Scripting language for the script to work on both Mac OS and Windows?
711. What happens when you enter a negative value for Lightness in the Hue/Saturation dialog box?
712. Which option from the Brushes palette determines the number and placement of marks in a stroke?
713. Best suited tool to reposition a point on an existing path?
714. To add text shadow to Text Layer which one is correct?
715. Assume you're trying to apply the commands below to the text layer using the Faux bold style. Which one Photoshop will not allow you?
716. Which statement is True for Quick Mask?
717. Which selection tool has a Fuzziness option?
718. What does the Unsharp mask filter do?
719. Regarding Camera Raw's toolbar which tool will cool the colors if pixels are too warm?
720. Tool to make selections based on color and tone?
721. Which selection option can be selected from the top option bar when using the selection tool?
722. Adobe Bridge workspace provides the following features?
723. Which one is correct for screen modes?
724. To remove bruise, wrinkles or birthmarks which of the following tool is best suited for in Camera Raw?
725. To create a perfect circle with Elliptical Marquee which one is correct?
726. Which are true for Photoshop default settings?
727. Which filter from the list below, while not belonging to the Sharpen group, can be used for making an image sharper?
728. How to unlock the background layer in Layers Panel when new image is opened?
729. Which layer attribute can not be stored in a layer comp?
730. Which statements are correct for layers?
731. While resampling an image which interpolation method can be used?
732. Which one is true about feathering?
733. Imagine you are drawing a selection marquee and suddenly realized you need to move the whole marquee somewhere. What keyboard shortcut should you use while keep drawing the selection?
734. Imagine you are drawing a selection marquee and suddenly realized you need to move around the image. What keyboard shortcut will you use while keeping the selection?
735. Which are correct for the Dodge and Burn Tool?
736. Tools available in top toolbar panel when brush is select in left panel?
737. In File menu you will find the Photomerge command using as follow?
738. Which one is not the type of an adjustment layer?
739. Color monochrome images or create special effects with color images using as following?
740. Explain about extraordinary painting effects?
741. The Adobe Color Picker supports the following color systems?
742. Correct statement about Vibrance as following?
743. What does the Feather?
744. Which is True about Diamond gradient?
745. The Curves adjustment can also be applied to ... or Grayscale images?
746. Which is a Layer style options?
747. You're using quick selection tool to make a selection. What will the combo alt+right mouse drag up/down (PC) or ctrl-alt-mouse drag up/down (Mac) do?
748. Curves options in the Adjustment panel (CS5) and Properties panel (CS6)?
749. Available axis controls vary depending upon the current editing mode as following?
750. What does the Smart Objects as following?
751. Shortcut for zooming in an image?
752. Best method for sharpening a specific area of an image without residual artifacts?
753. Bevel, Stroke and Sating are examples of ____.
754. Which statement is True for Smart Objects?
755. Selections can be copied, moved, and pasted, or saved and stored in an?
756. Assuming you're working in Photoshop CC2015 or later, what are the image - adjustments converted to when applied to the smart objects?
757. Which technology below does not require GPU acceleration as a must (though could benefit from it)?
758. Maximum number of the color samplers for the Photoshop CS5 and CC (14.2) documents respectively?
759. When converting an image to an ICC profile, which rendering intent makes the black point compensation checkbox inactive?
760. Assume you have an image in Lab color mode. What color cast will appear if you choose Image - Adjustments - Curves and pull the middle dot of the channel 'a' up?
761. Not the way of making a clipping mask?
762. Which color is neutral for the Vivid Light blending mode?
763. What does Maximum filter do when applied to the quick mask?
764. Assuming you're working in Select and Mask workspace (formerly Refine Edge mode) and turning on the Decontaminate colors option, what output options will become unavailable?
765. When using the Field blur filter how can you temporary show the blur mask?
766. Assume you have the base layer filled with white color and the top layer filled with black color using the white (base) layer as a clipping mask. Given the white layer blending mode is Screen, black layer blending mode is Multiply and the checkbox 'Blend clipped layers as group' in the white layer blending options is set to off, what color will the result composition have?
767. Character panel option to adjust the spacing between characters in a proportional font?
768. While printing a 96 ppi image you choose to scale the image to 200% in the Print dialog window. What will the resolution of the printed image be?
769. In a personal photograph you want to remove a wrinkle from your forehead by painting over using samples from another part of the forehead. Which tool offers the most efficient performance of this task?
770. Best tool to use when you need to select an irregular shape in an image?
771. You want to modify an existing channel with a new selection by adding white within the newly selected area. Which option do you choose in the Save Selection dialog box after selecting the alpha channel?
772. How to increase the contrast in the highlight image areas?
773. Hue/Saturation adjustment slider as following?
774. HDR Color Picker panel consist following options?
775. Which operation will not turn Live shape rounded rectangle into a regular path?
776. Choose the Sketch filters as following?
777. Texture filters in Photoshop?
778. Specify an interpolation method to determine how pixels are added or deleted?
779. Assume you have an RGB 8-bit/channel document. What layer is suitable for applying Lens flare filter?
780. Character panel has the following options?
781. You can organise and work with layers efficiently by using the following features?
782. Slices are created using different methods?
783. Which layer option is recorded by the layer comp?
784. Correct statement for Luminosity Blending?
785. Stack modes operate on a __ basis only, and only on non-transparent pixels?
786. Toning Curve and Histogram adjustment using the Corner option?
787. Assuming you're in quick mask mode, how will the Gaussian Blur filter applied to the quick mask influence the resulting selection?
788. Default mask type used by a shape layer?
789. Which statement is correct for Zoom and Hand tools?
790. Photomerge can be found in following File menu item?
791. The Layer panel provides the following options?
792. The Fractional widths command in the Character panel rounds character widths to the nearest part of a pixel instead of the normal whole pixel.
793. You can define the area that you want to crop out of any image using the Crop tool.
794. Option to merge a selected layer with the layer lying immediately below it?
795. Images in which mode are called 1-bit images?
796. Option to change the Background layer's appearance when part of your image is transparent?
797. Using Render filters, you can
798. Substractive color system used for?
799. How 'Expansion Field' of Puppet Warp tool work?
800. What do the width and height of the histogram in levels adjustments represents?
801. Option to increase or decrease the size of the mask while editing the mask?
802. Option to get the effects shown in the image above?
803. It is possible to convert a type layer into a shape layer.
How do you write around any shape as shown in the image above?
This question is based upon the figure shown below
805. Which 'layer blend mode' lightens the image by increasing its contrast?
806. Which option is contained in the Brush dialog box?
807. Anti-aliasing allows you to smoothen the edges of a selection as well as smoothen text.
808. How many channels do lab colors have?
809. .... does NOT affect the original quality and size even if you resize the object.
810. Filters can affect multiple layers simultaneously.
811. In the Screen layer blend mode, Photoshop multiplies the opposite of the blend and base colors, making everything very light.
812. Bit depth controls the amount of color information that a pixel can hold.
813. Levels adjustments do NOT change the intensity levels of your shadows, midtones, and highlights.
814. Default blending mode of a layer group?
815. Which command lets you paste an image inside the selection you have made?
816. Image Processor option is used for resizing the Images in masses.
817. ..... filter helps to draw perspective planes or a mesh grid that can be used in editing.
818. Channels contain all the color information of a Photoshop document.
819. Which setting is available in the Lighting Effects dialog box?
820. What does the Use Global Light option in the Layer Style dialog box do when checked?
821. .... makes the pixels you are painting appear behind the pixels already on that layer, while .... makes the pixels you paint transparent in brush panel.
822. What are anchor points?
823. Content Aware Scale tool can work on the locked background layer.
824. Alpha Channels are basically grayscale representations of saved selections.
825. Which method of Resample Image gives the lowest image quality?
826. Duotone refers to an image that's made from two ink colors.
827. Revert command reverts the document to its most recent saved state.
828. What do the Horizontal Type Mask Tool and Vertical Type Mask Tool do?
829. What file formats are available to you when you save a file using the Save for Web & Devices dialog box?
830. Which one is measured in terms of pixels per inch in any Photoshop document?
831. Which value defines the maximum hardness and softness limits of the round brush tip?
832. Which layer blend mode lightens the image by decreasing its contrast?
833. Which filter gives your image a feel of painting?
834. It is possible to avoid Adjustment Layers while working with the Healing Brush tool.
835. ..... is available only if you have an alpha channel selected.
836. Smooth and Corner are two kinds of anchor points in Photoshop
837. Purpose does the area marked in blue in the given image serve?
838. What effect will checking the Constrain Proportions option shown above have on the size of an image?
839. A gray warning symbol means that you are using a font that is not installed in your system, whereas a yellow warning symbol means that the document you have opened was created in a different
840. Which image(s) belongs to the red channel if the source image is in RGB mode?
841. You can apply Brush, Eraser and Clone Stamp on vector based layers
842. What are the names of the tools marked in red in the image above?
843. The Mode pop-up menu of Puppet warp tells Photoshop how stretchable you want the mesh to be.
844. ..... is a process in which Photoshop responds to your size-change
845. Option in Stamp tool to clone all the layers simultaneously?
846. .... helps change the spacing between all letters in a word by the same amount.
847. Onscreen images are called .... because they are made up of red, blue, green light.
848. The Proximity Match option in the Spot Healing Brush tells it to use pixels just outside the edge of your cursor to fix spots.
849. Which one is not true about a Droplet?
850. Which is not true about the Fill Pixels (Drawing mode)?
851. Anti-aliasing option is available for which Tool?
852. Which blending mode is available only for the Apply Image and Calculations commands?
853. Which file format supports embedded color profiles?
854. Option to apply the Extrude filter?
855. Which file format works with the Image Processor?
856. Which one is not true about the Multichannel mode?
857. When you create a new image with the transparent content, the image does not have a background layer.
858. Kerning is the adjustment of the space between individual letter.
859. By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are linked to Smart object layers.
860. Changing units on the Info Palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.
861. The Match Color command works only in the RGB mode.
862. Option to display a file at 100% size?
863. Which file, saved in the Adobe Photoshop format, is used by the filter to create the displacement maps?
864. Color Dodge, Color Burn, Lighten, Darken, Difference, and Exclusion blending modes do not work on Lab images.
865. Auto Blend Layers is available for which mode?
866. Which Command lets you free memory, used by the Undo command, the History Palette, or the Clipboard?
867. The mask created by the Replace Color command is permanent.
868. Photoshop supports a maximum pixel dimension of 300,000 by 300,000 pixels per image.
869. The Out Of Gamut option works only on RGB and Lab images.
870. Which one is not a type of Variable?
871. Which file format saves a document of any size as well as preserves all the Photoshop features?
872. Option to Refresh a Histogram?
873. Keyboard shortcut (windows) for Auto Leading?
874. Option to export layers?
875. Which Mode does not support layers?
876. Which one is not a Color Adjustment command?
877. Which QuickTime Video format is supported by Photoshop extended?
878. Which Layer property can be animated?
879. Which one is not a Duotone mode type?
880. Which Slice is created with the Slice Tool?
881. Which images are resolution-dependent?
882. Layer styles cannot be applied to which option?
883. Hanging Punctuation controls the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific paragraph.
884. Option to convert Document Colors into another profile?
885. Option to remove an effect from a style?
886. View to display a Histogram with no controls or statistics?
887. Keyboard shortcut (windows) to close a Path?
888. Which Filter cannot be applied to a Smart Object?
889. Option to open the Levels dialog box?
890. The individual Histograms in the All Channels View does not include which of the following?
891. Channels can not be added to which image modes?
892. You cannot transform the background layer.
893. Which Slice cannot be divided?
894. Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to group Layers?
895. In which Format will you save your file to preserve the Alpha channels?
896. Option to select all layers of a similar type?
897. Which one is not true about the Curves dialog box?
898. Use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths palette ?
899. Which Filter embeds a digital Watermark into an image to store a copyright information?
900. The Rotate Canvas command does not work on which of the following
901. Which file format can be used to save Lab images?
902. Which Animation mode shows the frame duration and keyframed layer properties of the videos and animations in a Timeline?
903. The Healing Brush Tool cannot be applied to video or animation frames.
904. Option to convert Types to Shapes?
905. Which option is not turned off by the Extras command in the View menu?
906. You cannot arrange the stacking order of the Auto slices.
907. The Color Replacement Tool does not work in which of the following Image modes?
908. Keyboard shortcut (windows) to permanently Clear History (no Undo)?
909. Which one is not a kind of text type?
910. Which type of character is generated by Photoshop when the font does not include superscript or subscript characters?
911. Video layers do not work in the Frame mode.
912. With which option does the Signal Strength Meter appear?
913. Which one is not a right option for selecting a web-safe color from the Color Palette?
914. Which Saving command is available for an image that is managed by a Version Cue Workspace?
915. You cannot change the order of the Vector masks or working paths in the Paths palette.
916. A Motion Picture film has a frame rate of how many fps?
917. A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color in Adobe applications.
918. Which icon indicates Type 1 kind of fonts?
919. Which feature is supported by the EPS file format?
920. What do you mean by Contact Sheet?
921. Which keyboard shortcut (Mac OS) will you choose for Auto Leading?
922. In which Mode can you draw while working with the Shape or Pen tools?
923. Which keyboard shortcut (Mac OS) will you choose to permanently Clear History (no Undo)?
924. Which keyboard shortcut (Mac OS) will you choose to select the History Brush tool?
925. Which keyboard shortcut (Mac OS) will you choose to group Layers?
926. Which option displays an Action Safe Area?
927. Why do we select Remember Palette Locations option as shown in the given image?
928. What do you mean by kerning?
929. You cannot create Work paths from the fonts that do not include the outline data
930. Which one is not true about Filters?
931. To use the Apply Image command, the destination and source images:
932. The rubber stamp tool can be used to clone an area containing pixels from all the visible layers and layer sets.
933. Role of 'Edit' in the gradient tool options?
934. Which tool allows you to create 'Arrow heads'?
935. Most suitable option if you have to replace parrot green with red color in the image. The layers in the image are merged.
936. What does 'Opacity option' in Eraser tool let you do?
937. The maximum file size and pixel dimension which Photoshop supports is
938. What happens when you create a 'Note'?
939. The Snapshot command lets you make a temporary copy of any state of the image.
940. What does the 'Stop command' let you do in the Actions palette?
941. For type layers, preserve Transparency in the layer's palette is switched on by default and cannot be turned off.
942. What information does the 'Info palette' of the Measure tool contain?
943. What does 'Flatten Image' let you do?
944. What does the option 'Auto Erase' for the pencil tool let you do?
945. A modal control pauses an action so that you can specify values in a dialog box or use a modal tool. What is the result if you do not set a modal control?
946. Corrections made to an image, which uses RGB color spaces, are preserved regardless of the monitor, computer, or output device used.
947. What does the encirled area represent?
948. Advantage of working in RGB mode?
949. 'Feathering' blurs edges by building a transition boundary between the selection and its surrounding pixels.
950. Which Tool or Effect has led to the effect in the image?
951. 'Resampling' refer to?
952. You can apply transformations to the background as a layer. You cannot however, transform selections on the background.
953. For the 'Magnetic lasso tool', a higher value detects lower-contrast edges; a lower value detects only edges that contrast sharply with their surroundings.
954. Changing pixel dimensions...
955. Which one defines the purpose of creating a Slice from an image?
956. In the brush option palette, role of 'Hardness'?
957. Locked layers can be moved to a different location within the Layers palette, but they can't be deleted.
958. The Image Size command lets you adjust the pixel dimensions, print dimensions, and resolution of an image.
959. What does a 'Magic wand tool' let you do?
960. To subtract more of a selection, to an existing pixel selection, which of the below is used?
961. Role of the 'Crop tool'?
962. Channels cannot be rearranged or duplicated within or between images.
963. Which tool is activated by default, when a color adjustment dialog box is opened?
964. What happens if you double-click the slice with the slice select tool?
965. Which operation is to be performed to reverse all changes made to the image since it was last saved?
966. The 'Magnetic lasso' only detects edges within the specified distance from the pointer.
967. Playing actions that insert complex paths may require significant amounts of computer memory.
968. Which step has to be performed first to give 'Stroke to text'?
969. Why is 'Type' given in gradient tool option?
970. Which step has to be performed to delete all annotations of the same type?
971. Which of the below is not the function of 'Alt Tag' in the Slice options window?
972. Which is the first step to publish the images online, through Adobe Photoshop.
973. The only way to affect multiple layers at once?
974. If corrections are made to an 'Adjustment layer', changes reside not only in the adjustment layer but also alter pixels in the image.
975. In CMYK mode, 'K' stands for:
976. What does the 'Image Size' command let you do?
977. Role of the 'History palette' in Photoshop?
978. You cannot insert a path when recording an action or after it has been recorded.
979. Which one is not the function of the 'Convert direction point tool'?
980. To apply a 'Blur filter' to the edges of a layer, it is necessary to deselect the preserve Transparency option in the Layers palette.
981. The 'Lasso and Polygon lasso tools' let you draw both straight-edged and freehand segments of a selection border.
982. How many sets of color values for the pixels under the pointer are displayed when you work with a color adjustment dialog box?
983. 'Merge visible' compresses all unhidden layers into a single layer.
984. How many speeds does the Playback Options command give you, so that you can watch each command as it is carried out?
985. It is possible to drag italicized commands from the History palette to the Actions palette.
986. What does 'Rubber stamp tool' let you do?
987. With the 'Magnetic lasso tool', the border snaps to the edges of defined areas in the image.
988. Why is the 'Stroke command' used?
989. What does the option 'Message Text' in the Slice option window let you do?
990. What is the role of 'The Eye dropper tool'?
991. What does 'Image's color mode' contain?
992. What does 'Once' in the Sampling option in the background eraser tool mean?
993. Which file format can be used when you choose to optimize images?
994. What is the role of 'Dodge tool'?
995. Which step has to be performed to open a note or play an audio annotation?
996. In the actions palette a modal control pauses an action so that you can specify values in a dialog box or use a modal tool.
997. Which tool has led to the effect within the encircled area in the image?
998. The 'Info palette' only displays information about the color values beneath the pointer.
999. You can add notes and audio annotations anywhere on a Photoshop image canvas.
1000. What does 'Accelerated' in the Playback options let you do ?
1001. When adjusting out of gamut colors or making color corrections in RGB mode, CMYK colors can be previewed in an RGB image.
1002. The effect in the encircled area is the result of which Tool or Filter?
1003. To add more of a selection, to an existing pixel selection, which one is used?
1004. The 'Line tool' is used to create curved lines.
1005. Assigning a URL to a slice makes the entire slice area a hotspot, when a user clicks in the hotspot, the Web browser links to the specified URL and target frame.
1006. What does the 'history brush tool' let you do?
1007. Which will be most suitable for resizing and resampling images for printed or online display.
1008. The 'Magnetic lasso tool' is especially useful for quickly selecting objects with complex edges set against high-contrast backgrounds.
1009. 'RGB color mode' stand for?
1010. For 'Creating Type' you need to add a new layer in the layer palette.
1011. 'Merge Down' merges selected layer with the layer below it.
1012. Snapshots are not saved with the image. Closing an image deletes its snapshots.
1013. In which mode, can modal control be set?
1014. What is the role of 'Info palette' and 'Color palette'?
1015. The magic wand, smudge, or pattern stamp tools can be used for applying color sampled from pixels on the all visible layers.
1016. The 'Blur More' filter produces an effect three or four times stronger than that of the Blur filter.
1017. What does 'Smudge tool' let you do?
1018. Which Tool or Option gave the encircled area an orange color?
1019. The 'Preset Manager' allows you to easily reuse or share preset sets.
1020. What does the Anti alias PostScript option let you do, when you open a PDF or an EPS file?
1021. How many colors are used when an image is given a 'Grayscale mode'?
1022. Choosing the 'No Image type' (in the Slice options window) for a slice lets you enter text that will appear in the slice area of the resulting Web page.
1023. What does duplicating an action or command do?
1024. The 'Render filter' creates 3D shapes, cloud patterns, refraction patterns, and simulated light reflections in an image.
1025. We cannot change the opacity of an image that has only a background, or a locked layer.
1026. You use the Edit -> Define Pattern command to create new patterns based on a selection. Which statement is true while defining a pattern:
1027. Adding nontransparent layers to an image increases its file size.
1028. What does 'The red box' in the image indicate?
1029. The Create Droplets command lets you ....
1030. Which one is the first step to import annotations?
1031. What does the option 'discontiguous' in the Background eraser tool mean?
1032. What is 'Clone Aligned' option in 'Rubber stamp tool' used for?
1033. Which of the below are 'Primary colors'?
1034. What is the significance of 'The small arrow mark' at the right side of the respective tool in the toolbar?
1035. What does the encircled area in the image represent?
1036. What does the 'Purge command' let you do?
1037. Which tool is shown in the picture?
1038. The painting and toning tools, tool options, view commands, and window commands cannot be recorded.
1039. When a new brush, swatch, or a gradient is created, it displays in the preset Manager and is automatically saved as part of the current preset file.
1040. What drawing modes are available in Photoshop?
1041. .... control how pixels on different layers interact with each other?
1042. Which adjustment layer has the auto correction option to enhance an image?
1043. ..... appears when you check the Tint checkbox, as shown in the image above, in the Adjustments panel>> Black & White layer.
1044. .... channels are basically grayscale representations of saved selections.
1045. How do you solve the problem of misaligned tick marks shown in list A to obtain the result shown in list B?
The _________________________ command takes a document to its most recent saved state.
1047. Which tool of Photoshop makes the image shown above appear on screen?
1048. You can decrease or increase the opacity of multiple layers at the same time.
1049. Which tool will give you the result shown in the second image?
1050. Anti-aliasing allows you to smoothen the edges of a ..... as well as to smoothen text.
1051. .... is a grid-like mesh on your image that contains handles to distort the content the way you want.
1052. The number of color channels an image has by default varies depending on the ..... the image.
1053. The labels written in yellow in the above-given image are the correct names for the corresponding masks.
1054. The .... method of resampling helps maintain the detail in a resampled image.
1055. Which command in the Character panel rounds character widths to the nearest part of a pixel instead of the normal whole pixel?
1056. What all image sharpening techniques are available in Photoshop?
1057. Bit depth controls the amount of color information that a .... can hold.
1058. Which tool fall under the category of retouching tools?
1059. Option to merge two layers next to each other?
1060. The Render filter generates ... and ...., introduces .... and adds .... to your document.
1061. What does the Baseline option in Curves Display Options dialog box do?
1062. Which blending mode burns or dodges colors by increasing or decreasing the contrast?
1063. The ..... feature in Photoshop helps with precise placement of selection edges and cropping marquees.
1064. What is the icon highlighted in yellow called? How does enabling the option highlighted in red affect the functionality of the one highlighted in yellow?
1065. How many drawing modes are available in Photoshop, when you work with shape or pen tools?
1066. The _______ window displays the _______ file. if you close the ________ window, you close the file.
1067. Use the ______ attribute to display an image to the right of a block of text.
1068. _____ provide a level of control over the styling or formatting of specific elements on a webpage.
1069. One ________ equals about 768 pages of text.
1070. A path consists of _____.
1071. How can you open a file selected in Lightroom CC for retouching in Photoshop CC?
1072. How can you undo one or more changes just made to an image?
1073. How can you select a specific layer? (find all that apply)
1074. How can you avoid having transparent edges along the edge of a panoramic photo while retaining the largest image size?
1075. How do you crop a document without permanently discarding pixels along the edge?
1076. What feature should you use to simulate the in-camera development recipes applied by manufacturers with your own raw files?
1077. When working in an RGB document, which option is NOT a method for the Select Color Range command?
1078. How do you access the Auto Color Correction Options dialog box?
1079. Which options are available when using the Free Transform command on a Smart Object? A. Content-Aware Scale B. Scale C. Warp D. Distort E. Perspective Warp
1080. What is considered the minimum DPI for photographic-quality inkjet printing?
1081. Which scanner type is capable of producing the highest resolution scans?
1082. Which format does NOT support an alpha channel?
1083. What is the best way to save multiple images into a single PDF?
1084. What option cannot be adjusted with the Print command directly in the Print window?
1085. Which statement best describes the Quick Mask feature?
1086. What Photoshop feature was used to convert an image to black and white?
1087. What can you use to save a common crop size?
1088. To reduce the file size of a PDF, what should you do?
1089. Which image adjustment is not available as an adjustment layer?
1090. With default Essentials settings, where would you find the Red Eye tool?
1091. Which option would you use to clone while respecting perspective planes?
1092. In order to run a filter on an entire video file, what must you do first?
1093. Which file format does not support layers?
1094. Of these formats, which supports 16-bit images?
1095. What does the small black triangle in the lower-right corner of a tool indicate?
1096. Which command makes it easier to adjust selected areas of color in two images in order to make them similar?
1097. If you scan a film or slide negative, which command turns it into a positive?
1098. A filter recipe can be saved as an action and set to your desktop for drag-and-drop usage by converting the filter recipe into a ___.
1099. Which tool is not found in the Select and Mask taskspace?
1100. To use blending modes with a filter, choose the ___ command.
1101. Which image adjustment is optimized for 32-bit images?
1102. To hide the white borders around pixels that are viewed at a high magnification, which option do you disable?
1103. To save a panel layout arrangement, what should you create?
1104. Which filter should you use to create photorealistic blurs?
1105. When using the Type tool, what do you call the space between lines?
1106. You have an RGB image that you want to convert to a duotone, but in the image > Mode menu, the Duotone option in grayed out. Why is this happening?
1107. If you want the most control over color when inkjet printing, which option should you select?
1108. For smoother, curved edges on a selection, be sure to enable the ___ option.
1109. Which web-ready format supports transparency and is optimized for continuous tone images such as photos?
1110. You're trying to use the Healing Brush tool, but don't see results. What is the problem?
1111. Which color space is best for web graphics?
1112. Where do you find natural media brushes?
1113. The option bar, which is normally above the canvas, is not visible. Where would you go to reopen it?
1114. What would you use to create a vector path for the purpose of altering a letter or shape?
1115. How do you browse images on your hard drive using the companion application that is included with the Adobe Creative Cloud plans?
1116. Which command allows you to combine multiple channels into a new selection channel?
1117. How do you nondestructively crop an image without permanently discarding pixels?
1118. Which step is the most effective at making one image show through another to emulate a traditional double-exposure from film photography effect?
1119. Which special layer type applies nondestructive color corrections to all of the layers below it?
1120. Which Select and Mask workspace tool allows you to select fine hairs?
1121. What is the difference between the Lasso tool and the Polygonal Lasso tool?
1122. Which filter is useful for removing lens distortion from JPEG photos based on lens-specific settings?
1123. What image mode do professional offset printers usually use?
1124. If you want to change the resolution of an image using the Pixels per Inch setting, which command do you use?
1125. When assigning the attribute for an absolute link, begin with the _____ text.
1126. In a server-side image map, the image is displayed by the ____.