1. Can video files be uploaded directly to Yola?
2. To learn the basics of Yola yourself which support tool is best?
3. Can you click directly on your web page and type out text you wish to be displayed on your website?
4. What is the primary function of Yola?
5. What does Yola use Wufuu for?
6. How does a Yola user know that their style supports custom banner images?
7. When using Yola, is there a style that is already implemented when your website is finished?
8. How is a Google+ Badge useful in Yola?
9. How do you upload a file to Yola?
10. How do you change your style layout from the default layout provided?
11. If you needed to change the settings of a widget after setting up your e-commerce site, how would it be done?
12. How does one copy a page?
13. How does a Yola user edit a banner?
14. To view templates of sample Yola accounts visit which page?
15. How do you copy and paste text from your word processor into a text widget?
16. Drag and Drop widgets can be used in which plans?
17. What must you drag to your page to fill it with content?
18. Users will get these programs with an upgrade?
19. Which service level offers unlimited bandwidth and automatic SEO monitoring?
20. Can I link Facebook and Twitter to my Yola website?
21. How does one change the order of links to be navigated?
22. Can I add pictures to my website?
23. Yola Bronze includes what Premium Support features?
24. All packages include phone support except:
25. A yearly package includes which of the following?
26. Where must you click to create a new page?
27. What ability does the HTML Code Widget give to Yola?
28. What must be true about all of the products you feature on a Yola e-commerce site?
29. How much coding is necessary to set up a social media button?
30. Does Yola offer a website design service?
31. How do I delete an unwanted website that I created?
32. You won't get a Yola subdomain with which service level?
33. How can I get email through my website domain?
34. From which country is Yola's founding team?
35. How does one adjust their CSS styles in Yola?
36. How can I tell how much traffic is going to my website?
37. If you needed to add a single image to your website, what tool would you use?
38. Yola partners with which of the following companies to offer customer support?
39. Yola can be used to edit all but the which of these?
40. Yola SEO services include all but the following?
41. Does Yola's Link Editor support file links?
42. Site statistics will most help you do the following?
43. Which of these is not a Yola service level?
44. How do you change the formatting of copied text so it will not break your website?
45. Premium style templates are available for which service levels?
46. Which of the following is one of Yola's PayPal e-commerce Widgets?
47. Does Yola require lead time to cancel an account?
48. Professional Photos are included in which service levels?
49. Are Yola users allowed to upload their customized styles or templates?
50. Yola will register your website in all but which domain suffix?
51. How often are automatic sitemaps generated?
52. Yola online stores do all but the following?
53. Yola Free has a website limit of how many sites?
54. Mobile publishing can be used for all but which smartphone?
55. What compression format does Yola allow for its files?
56. Which of these is not a Yola Silver feature?
57. Which service level does not offer a footer with no logo?
58. Which of these is not a feature of Yola?
59. Which tool is used to collect and monitor customer email addresses?
60. Yola can most help you increase traffic through which of these?
61. What is Yola's send/receive size limit ?
62. How do you add a Google Gadgets widget to your page?
63. When you have chosen a name for your website, does Yola require that you keep the same name indefinitely?
64. If you wanted to add a social media button from a certain website, e.g., Facebook, where would you find its code?
65. How does one unzip a compressed file in Yola?
66. The majority of Yola users hail from what country?
67. What is the download capacity of a free Yola account?
68. Yola Premiere includes all but which feature?
69. Which of these is not an advanced Yola feature?
70. How do you add a large number of pictures to your website in a single instance?
71. What is a “Follow Me” badge used for?
72. Community Badges are available in which sizes?
73. Community Badges come in how many sizes?
74. Which two packages offer the same number of websites?
75. The company name Yola is derived from which language?
76. What two methods of linking does Yola allow?
77. Yola partners with which of the following companies to provide stock photography?
78. If you wanted to customize the CSS for your website, what must be done first?
79. Which of the following is an example of parameters you will see after the #sys_banner { tag?
80. How much are Yola users required to pay to publish their sites?
81. When using the MetaCafe Widget, where must the video URL be pasted for it to be embedded into your website?
82. Which of the following is a video format compatible with Yola?
83. You must be how old to create a Yola account?
84. Yola mail offers how many GB of storage?
85. How do users access their website portfolio?
86. How does one make a duplicate of a blog page?
87. Which of these is not an issue type in Yola's Contact Support Menu?
88. Yola has availability in how many languages?
89. Which of the following is a function of the Picture Widget?
90. What is used with the Picture Widget to convert an image into a link?
91. What is Yola's recommended banner image dimensions?