Classroom as Community MCQ

Learning can happen in silence, and it is important to provide regular quiet times in class.


Correct Answer: False

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Teachers must provide opportunities and structures that can encourage students to help and support one another to create a classroom community.


Correct Answer: True

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Classroom management is sometimes frowned upon because it can imply that teachers use the power differential between them and their students to force students to follow a certain set of rules.


Correct Answer: True

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Title IX requires schools to ______.


Correct Answer: Take steps to prevent and remedy sexual harassment and gender-based harassment

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When building a classroom community, having ______ includes mapping out your class in advance with students.


Correct Answer: Foresight

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______ is a type of learning that connects students to the larger community.


Correct Answer: Service learning

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A responsive classroom approach rests on all of the following EXCEPT ______.


Correct Answer: What students learn is more important than how they learn

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Which of the following is not part of the morning meeting?


Correct Answer: Lesson planning

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While teachers have different personalities, they are the responsible adult in the classroom and are obligated to ______.


Correct Answer: Create a safe, secure, and organized learning environment

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A(n) ______ is a viewpoint when rules and conditions are not established by the teacher alone, but by the group as a whole.


Correct Answer: Classroom community

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Sexual harassment is welcome sexual advances, requests for unsexual favors, or other physical and expressive behavior of a unsexual nature that interferes with a person’s life.


Correct Answer: False

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_______ is a broad term including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and gender-based harassment.


Correct Answer: Sex-based harassment

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Community service done in collaboration with a larger project at the school is known as _____.


Correct Answer: Service learning

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______ is law enforcement officers specially trained to work with and in schools, addressing a safe school climate and preventing crime


Correct Answer: School resource officers

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An approach to teaching and learning, developed by the Northeast Foundation for Children, that seeks to bring together social and academic learning is known as ?


Correct Answer: Responsive Classroom

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Harassing conduct based on a student’s failure to conform to sex stereotypes is known as Gender-based harassment


Correct Answer: True

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Bullying or harassment through electronic means such as e-mail, website postings, instant messaging, text messaging, blogs, mobile phones, or chat rooms; also called online bullying is known as ?


Correct Answer: Cyberbullying

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______is the way teachers create an effective classroom environment for learning, including all the rules and conditions they establish


Correct Answer: Classroom management

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A sense of common purpose and values shared by the teacher and students in a classroom so that they see themselves as working together in the process of learning is known as Classroom community


Correct Answer: True

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Repeated cruelty, physical or psychological, by a powerful person toward a less powerful person.


Correct Answer: Bullying

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