1. Which of the following file types does Rhino typically operate in by default?
2. How many lines/polylines may be used to complete the 'Loft' command?
3. What does the "ShowEdges" command do?
4. The CPlane may be set to all of the following except:
5. What does the "Snap" command do?
6. Which command should you use if you want to copy, move, rotate, and scale an object?
7. What does the rebuild tool do?
8. What is a "Naked Edge"
9. What is the quickest command to create a series of 20 equally spaced parallel lines?
10. NURBS objects can be turned into meshes through which toolbar?
11. Which of the follow methods can be used to create a circle?
12. Which symbol in the layers window shows if a layer is on or off?
13. Which of the following viewport options is NOT available?
14. To combine multiple curves into one, use:
15. Which of the following commands shows information about selected Objects?
16. Which of these is a rendering plugin for Rhino?
17. What is the term for downloaded third-party software that add specific abilities or functions?
18. What are the main types of Objects used in Rhino?
19. Which command is used to join 2 or more lines?
20. What command would you use to subtract one solid object from another?
21. What plane does the "Countour" command output in?
22. Which of the following is a curve?
23. Which command creates a 2-D line drawings from a 3-D model?
24. Which of the following display options does not show curves?
25. Which of the following is not an option to create a circle?
26. What command would you use to change the Number of control points on a surface?
27. What constitutes a "Curve" in Rhino?
28. The command "PointsOn" does which of the following?
29. Which of the following is true about Mesh and Nurbs Surfaces?
30. Which Viewport does the output from Make2D go?
31. What is the difference between the commands "Sweep1" and "Sweep2"
32. Which of the following shapes does not have a command to construct it?
33. What does the "Project" option in the "Osnap" panel do?
34. You can join two solids through which of the following commands?
35. Which Viewport shows the orthographic projection of the Rhino model on the x-y plane?
36. What does the 'chamfer' command do?
37. What is the difference between the "Snap" command and the "OSnap" command?
38. What of the following is the default to "Pan" across a viewport?
39. What the fungtion CagEdit?
40. What kind of plugin is Grasshopper?
41. What is one way that "Group" is different than "Join"
42. In perspective view which of the following actions will allow you to pan across the view?
43. What Item would decrease the file size in saving process while keeping objects and file properties?
44. At what angle does the "Fillet" command command two lines?
45. How is the "BooleanUnion" command different from the "Join" command?
46. What does the "Explode" command do?
47. Which of the following commands CANNOT be used to create a surface?
48. How does the "Curve" command work?
49. In what increments can the degrees in "Ortho" be set to?
50. Which is the most appropriate Zoom Command to focus entirely on a single object in a single viewport?
51. Which version of Rhinoceros is able to import sketchup files?
52. Which of the following file types is NOT available in the 'save as' menu?
53. What does the "Points" option in the "Osnap" panel do?
54. Hot-key for disabling Osnap:
55. The term NURBS stands for which of the following?
56. What does the "SrfPt" command do?
57. What is the command to turn off the default blue to gray gradient background?
58. What, by default, are the elements of a "Leader"?
59. What the button key for close edit point
60. The "InsertKnot" command does which of the following?
61. What is the best command for measuring exact maximum and minimum distance between 2 coplanar curves?
62. Which command will allow you to import a .bmp file which can be edited as an object?
63. What kind of Loop can't Grasshopper achieve?
64. The ChangeDegree command will
65. What is the difference between a Control Point and a Knot?
66. How does the "InterpCurve" command work?
67. Which command helps to align unarranged Points in a planar situation?
68. If the tolerance between two surfaces is too great for the "Join" command, what command can join the edges of those surfaces?
69. What does the "Silhouette" command do?
70. Which hot-key constrains the cursor Direction?
71. What degree curve is a circle?
72. The "Divide" command does what in Rhino?
73. What is the difference bithween tools control points on and edit points on?
74. The dimensions of an object can be measured WITHOUT being drawn using the _________ toolbar.
75. What command enables you to edit the points on a polysurface?
76. Typing "L" into the command prompt brings up which command?
77. What typed command allows for surface creation between 2, 3, or 4 curves only?
78. What is the relationship between the Ctrl+C and "Copy" command?
79. What breaks the Cage capability of a "CageEdit"?