MCQs > Culture & Ethics > Media And Society MCQs > Media and Ideology MCQs

Media and Ideology MCQ

Ideology can be described as ________


Correct Answer: A system of concepts and relationships.

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A pseudo-event is ______.


Correct Answer: Any activity held for the sole purpose of getting media coverage

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Gina Marchetti found that a major theme in action-adventure films was the drawing of rigid lines between in-groups and out-groups.


Correct Answer: True

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A main purpose of advertising is to sell individual products, not to create consumers.


Correct Answer: False

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The increase of images of foreign people and lands due to a global media culture often depicts American power over subordinate foreigners.


Correct Answer: True

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Television is considered to be “ideologically charged” because ______.


Correct Answer: It relies on “realist” image construction that masks the workings of the camera

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Advertising is ideological in all but which of the following ways?


Correct Answer: It is separated from other social institutions like family and religion.

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Hegemony is important to the study of the media because ______.


Correct Answer: The mass media produce images of the world that give events particular meanings

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While American families have changed over the past few decades, images of the American family on television have remained fairly static.


Correct Answer: False

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What percentage of news stories in the United States challenge traditional gender stereotypes, according to the Global Media Monitoring Project?


Correct Answer: 13%

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A system of meaning that helps define and explain the world and that makes value judgments about the world is called ______.


Correct Answer: Ideology

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The term “culture wars” in discussion of the media means ______.


Correct Answer: Cultural warfare over fundamental issues of morality

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It is possible to make sure that audiences will understand or interpret the meaning of media content in a uniform way.


Correct Answer: False

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How is ideology seen in news coverage of economic issues?


Correct Answer: The primary focus on the health of companies who sell goods and services

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The notion that, while women can make choices about their lives, the only enlightened choice is to become a mother, is called ______.


Correct Answer: The new momism

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The genre of the “return-to-Vietnam” film served what purpose?


Correct Answer: All of these

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When William O’Barr talks about “secondary discourses” in advertisements, he means ______.


Correct Answer: The message that the advertiser is associating with the product

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