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Public Finance and Public Choice MCQ

Public Finance and Public Choice MCQ

1. Entrepreneurship (profits) account for about ______ percent of national income.


Correct Answer: 23

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. Public goods are a form of _____.


Correct Answer: Market Failure

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3. The private benefit is ________, while the social benefit is ________.


Correct Answer: The benefit recieved by the consumer of a good or service; the total benefits from consuming the good

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4. When politicians trade votes for their legislation, it is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Log rolling

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5. When individuals and firms use resources, like money and lobbyists, to influence government to grant them special privileges, it is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Rent seeking

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6. Special interest groups ______.


Correct Answer: Have an intense interest in particular voting issues that may be different from the interests of the general public

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7. The lack of incentive to be informed is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Rational ignorance

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8. The application of economics to politics is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Public choice theory

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9. Public choice economists believe that government actions are an outgrowth of ______.


Correct Answer: Individual behavior

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10. A flat tax is also called a ______.


Correct Answer: Proportional tax

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11. Historically, most state and local tax revenue has come from ______ taxes.


Correct Answer: Property

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12. The fraction of additional income paid in taxes is called the ______ tax rate.


Correct Answer: Marginal

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13. What do we call a sales tax on individual products such as alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline?


Correct Answer: Excise tax

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14. The current federal income tax is a ______ tax.


Correct Answer: Progressive

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15. Payroll taxes are levied on ______-related income.


Correct Answer: Work

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16. Most federal taxes are aimed at ______.


Correct Answer: Income

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17. What event in 2008–2009 had a lasting influence on government expenditures?


Correct Answer: Global recession

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18. What did government expenditures do between 1950 and 1975?


Correct Answer: Grow slowly

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19. The concept that people with different levels of income should be treated differently is called


Correct Answer: Vertical Equity

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20. Groups with an intense interest in particular voting issues are called


Correct Answer: Special interest groups

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21. In _____ smaller percentage of taxable income is taken as taxable income increases


Correct Answer: Regressive tax

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22. Rational ignorance is sufficient incentive to be informed


Correct Answer: False

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23. _____ is designed so that a larger percentage of taxable income is taken as taxable income increases.


Correct Answer: Progressive tax

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24. Median voter model is A model that predicts candidates will choose a position in the ______ of the distribution


Correct Answer: Middle

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25. Exchanging votes to get support for legislation is called.


Correct Answer: Logrolling

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26. ____ is a tax that charges all income earners the same percentage of their income.


Correct Answer: Flat Tax

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27. A sales tax on individual products such as alcohol, tobacco is called


Correct Answer: Excise Tax

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28. According to Ability-to-pay principle those with greatest ability to pay taxes should pay ____ than those with less ability to pay


Correct Answer: More Tax

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