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Basic Excel MCQ

1. Panes created using the vertical split bar scroll together horizontally. ________________________


Correct Answer: A relative cell reference instructs

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2. The summary function that calculates the smallest data value in a pivottable report is ____.


Correct Answer: Min

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3. In pivottables, ____ fields correspond to columns in the original data.


Correct Answer: Category

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4. A(n) ____ is an entry in a cell that contains text such as 2016 sales or travel expenses.


Correct Answer: Label

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5. One of the benefits of live preview is that it _____.


Correct Answer: Lets you see and evaluate different formats as you develop your workbook

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6. The name peter is entered in cell b4. this is a ____.


Correct Answer: Label.

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7. The goal of a ______ is to convey the maximum amount of information within a very small space.


Correct Answer: Sparkline

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8. Voice and unified communications are ________ applications that use 64-byte ip packets.


Correct Answer: Real-time

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9. Viewing a pivottable report only for a subset that meets a selection criterion is known as ____.


Correct Answer: Filtering

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10. The ____ caption indicates a worksheet group.


Correct Answer: Group

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11. Text annotations are ____ that you can add to further describe the data in your chart.


Correct Answer: Labels

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12. The _____ alert accepts the invalid data but still allows you to cancel the data entry.


Correct Answer: Information

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13. If either ____ or sharing is enabled, excel enables the other by default.


Correct Answer: Tracking

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14. Goal seek uses a different approach from traditional _______ analysis.


Correct Answer: What-if

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15. When a mistake of fact occurs, ______ is absent.


Correct Answer: Chervrons

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16. Excel's ____ function is used to perform a test of independence.


Correct Answer: CHISQ.DIST.RT

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17. Excel treats ____ as graphic objects that can be moved, resized, and formatted.


Correct Answer: Slicers

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18. By default, excel keeps a change history of ____ days for a shared workbook.


Correct Answer: 30

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19. ____ a shape within a smartart graphic means moving it to a lower level.


Correct Answer: Demoting

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20. When creating a pivottable report, the active cell should be positioned ____.


Correct Answer: Anywhere in the range that contains the data

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21. A subtotal row must contain at least one ________ function.


Correct Answer: Aggregate

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22. Importing ____ provides greater flexibility to manipulate text in excel.


Correct Answer: Raw data

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23. Click the save button on the ____ to overwrite a previously saved file.


Correct Answer: Quick Access Toolbar

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24. A(n) _______ is a limit that is placed on a solver problem


Correct Answer: Constraint

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25. Excel's __________ can be used to construct a frequency distribution for categorical data.


Correct Answer: COUNTIF function

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26. ____ makes it easier to enter repetitive text in cells.


Correct Answer: AutoComplete

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27. The ____ function calculates the number of entries in a table.


Correct Answer: COUNT

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28. A(n) _______ is a limit that is placed on a solver problem's solution.


Correct Answer: Constraint

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29. With the last quarter criteria filter, quarters are defined as, for example, ____.


Correct Answer: April, May, June

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30. To hide an entire workbook on an unattended computer, click the hide button on the ____.


Correct Answer: (VIEW tab | Window group)

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31. To erase an entire entry in a cell and then reenter the data from the beginning, press the ____ key


Correct Answer: ESC

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32. Excel supports all of the following types of sparklines except ____.


Correct Answer: A true/false sparkline for help making decisions

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33. To size a chart proportionately, hold down the ________ key and ________.


Correct Answer: Shift; drag a corner sizing handle.

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34. Charts can either be embedded in a worksheet or placed in a separate ____.


Correct Answer: Chart sheet

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35. You should create good ____ to ensure your workbooks are free of errors.


Correct Answer: Test data

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36. Setting the _____ to a1:l10 will print only data in those cells.


Correct Answer: Print Area

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37. Headers, footers, and margins are all ____ options.


Correct Answer: Page setup

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38. To copy the contents of a cell to the cell directly below it, click the target cell and press ____.


Correct Answer: CRTL

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39. The opposite of merging cells is splitting a merged cell. _________________________


Correct Answer: Standard

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40. Pressing the ____ key to complete an entry activates the adjacent cell to the right.


Correct Answer: Left-aligned

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41. Each worksheet has a sheet name that appears on a(n) ____ at the bottom of the workbook.


Correct Answer: Sheet tab

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42. You can drill all of the following down through a workbook except ____.


Correct Answer: Groupings.

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43. When excel follows the order of operations, the formula, 8 * 3 + 2, equals ____.


Correct Answer: 26

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44. To paste copied cell contents, you can press the ____ keys.


Correct Answer: CTRL+V

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45. The following sequence, jan, feb, mar, etc., is an example of a ____ series.


Correct Answer: Date

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46. The first sort field in a sort is called the major sort field. ____________________


Correct Answer: Secondary sort

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47. The path to the format painter button is ____.


Correct Answer: (HOME tab | Clipboard group).

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48. Using autofill, what would be the extended series of the initial entry jan? ___


Correct Answer: Feb, Mar, Apr

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49. In a line chart, the data markers are the points connected by the line. _________________________


Correct Answer: True

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50. Function(argument1, argument2, ...) is ____.


Correct Answer: The general syntax of all functions.

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51. A data ____ table describes the fields you plan to maintain in a table


Correct Answer: Definition

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52. You can apply font styles and alignment options using the ____ tab of the ribbon.


Correct Answer: INSERT

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53. A cell is referred to by its cell ____.


Correct Answer: Reference

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54. ____ format codes allow you to specify how a cell entry assigned a format will appear.


Correct Answer: Custom

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55. ____ order arranges labels in reverse alphabetical order, from a to z


Correct Answer: Descending

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56. A pie slice is a data marker that represents ____ from a data series


Correct Answer: Only one value

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57. In a clustered column chart, the names of each column are part of the ____ series.


Correct Answer: Data

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58. In pie charts, its best to make the slice colors as similar as possible. ___________


Correct Answer: False

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59. The ____ option button lists formatting options following an insertion of cells, rows, or columns.


Correct Answer: Insert

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60. Placing a chart in a ____ displays only the chart and no worksheet cells.


Correct Answer: Chart sheet

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61. On a pie chart, the ________ determines the size of each pie slice.


Correct Answer: Data series

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62. PMT(rate, nper, pv [, fv=0] [, type=0]) in the figure above, pv stands for the ____.


Correct Answer: Present value of the loan

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63. In a(n) _______ trend, the values change by a constant amount.


Correct Answer: Linear

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64. A chart that compares three set of values in a three-dimensional chart is _____.


Correct Answer: Surface

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65. You may use the ______________ settings as an easy way to align text in columns.


Correct Answer: Alignment options

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66. You can import data stored on a web site using a(n) ____.


Correct Answer: Web query

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67. Whenever a window contains information that is not in view, a(n) ________ will display.


Correct Answer: Scroll bar

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68. Validation rules are entered in the ____


Correct Answer: Text box

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69. Using ________ allows a cell to change appearance based on criteria.


Correct Answer: Conditional formatting

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70. Use ____ references when you want different formulas to refer to the same cell


Correct Answer: Absolute

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71. In ____ orientation, a page is taller than it is wide.


Correct Answer: Portrait

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72. Each time you create a conditional format, you are defining a conditional formatting _____.


Correct Answer: Rule

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73. Each copy of a workbook to be merged must have a different ____.


Correct Answer: File name

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74. Formulas created using the point-and-click method contain ____ references.


Correct Answer: Absolute

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75. Excel's ________ function retrieves the date and time from the computer's calendar and clock.


Correct Answer: Now

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76. Excel organizes fonts into theme and non-theme fonts. _________________________


Correct Answer: True

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77. Excel measures row height in _____ and column width in _____.


Correct Answer: Points; characters

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78. Excel displays various ________ on the right to enable you to format different chart elements


Correct Answer: Panes

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79. Elements in a smartart graphic are grouped in ____.


Correct Answer: Levels

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80. Point mode allows you to ____, as shown in the accompanying figure.


Correct Answer: Select cells for use in a formula using the mouse pointer

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81. In goal seek, the ________ box contains the formula that calculates the information you seek.


Correct Answer: Set cell

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82. When using a spreadsheet, the expression =d8-d17 is called a ________.


Correct Answer: Formula

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83. In the accompanying figure, the split double arrow mouse pointer ____.


Correct Answer: Is the result of moving the mouse pointer to the boundary between column heading A and column

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84. The ____ button gives options for how to fill cells following a fill operation.


Correct Answer: Auto Fill Options.

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85. A form created from two tables that have a ____ relationship creates a main form and a subform.


Correct Answer: One-to-Many Relationship

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86. A report formatted where the page is taller than it is wide is formatted in ____.


Correct Answer: Portrait orientation

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87. To quickly jump to the last cell in a worksheet press ____.


Correct Answer: [Ctrl][End].

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88. The less precise way to move objects in report layout view is to ____.


Correct Answer: Drag objects

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89. In a worksheet the ____ is called the formula prefix


Correct Answer: Equal sign (=)

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90. In a pie chart, slices that are pulled away are said to be ____.


Correct Answer: Exploded

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91. Functions can be entered for formulas using all of the following methods except ____.


Correct Answer: Typing the function argument

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92. Excel recognizes an entry as a value if it is a number or it begins with ____.


Correct Answer: All of the above.

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93. Excel assigns the name ____ to the first excel table created in a workbook.


Correct Answer: Table

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94. Cooler colors tend to pull away from the reader. _________________________


Correct Answer: True

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95. Before applying a conditional format in a report, the ____ box must be selected.


Correct Answer: Field valued.

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96. Autofill will fill a series when you establish a pattern ________.


Correct Answer: With two or more cells

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97. A ____ is an individual media file, such as art, sound, animation, or a movie.


Correct Answer: Clip

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98. ________ software is used to perform calculations and numerical analyses.


Correct Answer: Spreadsheet.

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99. Today is an example of a(n) ____________________ function.


Correct Answer: Date

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100. To switch to ____ mode, you double-click the cell.


Correct Answer: Edit

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101. To split a merged cell, select the cell and click the ____ button.


Correct Answer: Merge and center

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102. To select nonadjacent changing cells, press and hold the _______ key as you click each cell.


Correct Answer: Ctrl

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103. To rotate text in a worksheet, in the format cells dialog box, you can click and drag the ________.


Correct Answer: Blue diamond

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104. To resize an embedded chart, ____.


Correct Answer: Select the chart and drag the corner sizing handle of the selection box

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105. To perform a what-if analysis with more than two input cells, you _______.


Correct Answer: Use only exchange values

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106. To keep a workbook displayed in the recent files list in backstage view, you click the ________.


Correct Answer: Pushpin icon

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107. To create range names for multiple cells at once, use the ________ tool.


Correct Answer: Create from selection

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108. To center worksheet data horizontally and vertically on a page, use the ________ dialog box.


Correct Answer: Margins

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109. To add a sort field in the sort dialog box, click the ____ button.


Correct Answer: Add Level

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110. To add a blank table to a page, use the table button on the ____ tab.


Correct Answer: INSERT

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111. The worksheet is organized into individual cells. _________________________


Correct Answer: True

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112. The report layout tools tabs are ____ tabs available only when working with report objects.


Correct Answer: Contextual

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113. The insert function dialog box has a(n) ____ option


Correct Answer: Search

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114. The formula bar displays the value or formula of the active cell. _________________________


Correct Answer: True

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115. The find & select button is found in the editing group on the ____ tab on the ribbon.


Correct Answer: HOME

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116. The fields you use to order your data are called sort ____.


Correct Answer: Fields

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117. The default view for a worksheet is ____.


Correct Answer: Normal view

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118. The default border color around a chart title is ____.


Correct Answer: Blue

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119. The conditional formatting button provides access to the _____.


Correct Answer: Manage Rules option

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120. The code _____ will display the filename of the current workbook.


Correct Answer: &[File]

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121. The clear all option in the clear button removes the ____ from the active cell.


Correct Answer: All of these

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122. The best way to apply page setup options to multiple worksheets is to ________.


Correct Answer: Group the worksheets

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123. The amount of money being loaned is known as the ____.


Correct Answer: Principal

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124. The accounting number format assigns a floating dollar sign. _________________________


Correct Answer: True

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125. The _____ sheet button allows you to add worksheets to a workbook.


Correct Answer: New

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126. The ____ is the typeface used to display and print data. it is measured in


Correct Answer: Font: points

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127. The ____ identifies which data markers are associated with each data series.


Correct Answer: Legend

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128. The ____ button allows you to move through a formula step by step.


Correct Answer: Evaluate Formula

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129. The ____ button allows you to erase recent cell entries.


Correct Answer: Undo

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130. The ____ aggregate function finds the smallest value.


Correct Answer: Min

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131. Select _______ to apply formatting to several cells at the same time.


Correct Answer: A range

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132. Print all, pages, and selected record(s) are options available from the ____ for printing forms.


Correct Answer: Print dialog box

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133. Placing a chart in a ____ dlls.


Correct Answer: Chart sheet

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134. Only images that are ____ are free for anyone to use without permission.


Correct Answer: In the public domain

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135. Normal view shows how the worksheet will appear when printed. _________________________


Correct Answer: True

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136. Names are ____ to the workbook


Correct Answer: Global

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137. You would ________ a table if you wanted to display only data that matches specific criteria.


Correct Answer: Filter

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138. You should hold down the ____ key to select the nonadjacent cells.


Correct Answer: CTRL

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139. You can use _____ to reference cells within an excel table.


Correct Answer: Cell and range addresses

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140. You can use ____ to move around in a document that is too large to fit on the screen at once.


Correct Answer: Scroll bars

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141. You can switch to page layout view by clicking the page layout button ____.


Correct Answer: On the status bar

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142. You can replace a formula with its function so it remains constant.__________


Correct Answer: True/Function

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143. You can display the ____ tab to specify page setup options.


Correct Answer: Page Layout

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144. You can customize a format code in a cell entry to specify how ____ are displayed in a cell.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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145. You can click the ____ button to undo an automatic correction.


Correct Answer: AutoCorrect Options

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146. You can add a text box using the chart tools ____ tab.


Correct Answer: Format.

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147. When you type text in a cell it is ________.


Correct Answer: Left aligned

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148. When you _______ data, you specify which records you want to retrieve using specific criteria.


Correct Answer: Filter

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149. When working with a large worksheet, you can split the window into ____ panes.


Correct Answer: Two or four

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150. When formatting a worksheet to be printed, ________ show where page breaks are located.


Correct Answer: Dotted lines

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151. When excel opens, a new blank ________ is displayed.


Correct Answer: Workbook

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152. When a cell is part of an active formula, it is surrounded with ________.


Correct Answer: A colored border with small boxes on each side

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153. When a cell contains a(n) ____ reference, it means that one of its defining values is itself.


Correct Answer: Circular

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154. Viewing and printing options for forms and records are available on the ____ tab.


Correct Answer: PRINT PREVIEW

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155. The date you change a file is an example of a(n) ____ property.


Correct Answer: Automatically updated

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156. ____ are named combinations of values that are assigned to variables in a model.


Correct Answer: Scenarios

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157. When you use a range check, you compare a variable to the _____ value in the range.


Correct Answer: Lowest or highest

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158. Pseudocode uses the end-structure statement ____ to clearly show where the structure ends.


Correct Answer: Endif.

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159. Like other block-level elements, you can ____ tables using the same styles you've already studied.


Correct Answer: Both

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160. By default, numbers appear in the _____ and generally display values exactly as you type them.


Correct Answer: General format

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161. You have a column of dog breeds that are in all capital letters. What function would you use to convert those dog breeds so that only the first letter of each word is capitalized?


Correct Answer: Proper

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162. Your transactions data set contains more than 10,000 rows. Some rows contain the same transaction. How would you remove the rows containing the identical transactions?


Correct Answer: With your cursors in the data range, on Data tab click Remove Duplicates.

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163. To insert a new column to the left of a specific column, right-click the header containing the column's letter and select _.


Correct Answer: Insert

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164. What is one way to center text in a cell?


Correct Answer: Select the cell and, on the Home tab in the Alignment section, click Center (Windows) or Center Text (Mac).

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165. A file extension of .xlsm indicates what type of workbook?


Correct Answer: Macro-enabled workbook

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166. To ensure that a collection of shapes are evenly spaced apart from left to right, select the shapes, click Page Layout > Align, and then click _.


Correct Answer: Distribute Horizontally

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167. Which chart type provides the best visual display of the relationship between two numeric variables?


Correct Answer: XY scatter chart

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168. What ribbon command on the Home tab can you use to change a cell's fill color automatically, based on the value of the cell?


Correct Answer: Fill

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169. To split text across cells without using Merge & Center, click Formt Cells. The, on ** Alignment** tab, click**_**.


Correct Answer: Text control > Merge cells

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170. How would you search an entire workbook with Find & Select?


Correct Answer: On the Home tab, click Find & Select > Find > Options (Windows) or Find & Select > Find (Mac). Change the Within drop-down to Workbook.

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171. Cell A1 contains the number 3. Which formula returns the text Apple?


Correct Answer: =CHOOSE(A1, "Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango")

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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172. Which formula contains a valid absolute reference?


Correct Answer: =B7*$G$3

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173. What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet?


Correct Answer: An Excel file is a workbook. A workbook contains one or more worksheets.

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174. How do you remove everything (values, formatting, etc.) from a cell?


Correct Answer: Select the cell. On the Home tab, click Clear > Clear All.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

175. What is the result of the formula =4&3?


Correct Answer: 43

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

176. How do you remove the background of an inserted image?


Correct Answer: Select the image and, on the Picture Tools Format tab, click the Remove Background button.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

177. Before publishing a document, you want to identify issues that may make it difficult for people with disabilities to read. Which feature should you use?


Correct Answer: Check Accessibility

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

178. Columns D, E, and F are hidden in your worksheet. What is one way to unhide these columns?


Correct Answer: Click and drag to select columns C and G, then right-click and select Unhide.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

179. Which is a valid Excel formula?


Correct Answer: =(A5+B5)*B7

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

180. How can you use Format Painter to apply the format of a single source cell to several nonadjacent destination cells?


Correct Answer: C: Select the source cell. Double-click the Format Painter. Click each destination cell. Press Esc.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

181. How can you drill down into a PivotTable to show details?


Correct Answer: Select the cell into which you want to drill down and double-click.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

182. What is the intersection of a worksheet row and column?


Correct Answer: Cell

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

183. What is the difference between pressing the delete key and using the clear command in the Home tab's Editing group?


Correct Answer: Deletes removes formulas, values and hyperlinks. clear removes formulas, values, hyperlinks, formats, comments and notes

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

184. In the worksheet shown below, cell C6 contains the formula=VLOOKUP(A6,$F$2:$G$10,2,FALSE). What is the most likely reason that #N/A is returned in cell C6 instead of mallory's ID (2H54)


Correct Answer: A trailing space probably exist in cell A6 or F7

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

185. From which field list was the pivotTalble created?


Correct Answer: Rows:donor, event / values: Sum of amount

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

186. Which function returns the number of characters in a text string in cell A1?


Correct Answer: =LEN(A1)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

187. Which formula calculates the total value of a single row of cells across a range of columns?


Correct Answer: =SUM(C15:Y15)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

188. What is Colors[Inventory] referring to here? =SUMIFS(Colors[Inventory],Colors[Colors],"Orange")


Correct Answer: The Inventory column in the Colors table

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

189. An .xlsx workbook is saved into .csv format. What is preserved in the new .csv file?


Correct Answer: Cell values only

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

190. In the formula =VLOOKUP(A1,D1:H30,3,FALSE), the lookup value (A1) is being looked for in _.


Correct Answer: Columns D through H

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

191. Cell A2 contains the value 8 and cell B2 contains the value 9. What happens when cells A2 and B2 are merged and then unmerged?


Correct Answer: Cell A2 contains the value 8 and cell B2 is empty.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

192. The NOW() function returns the current date and time as 43740.665218. Which part of this value indicates the time?


Correct Answer: 665218

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

193. Which function returns TRUE if cell A1 contains a text value?


Correct Answer: =ISTEXT(A1)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

194. Which function returns the leftmost five characters in cell A1?


Correct Answer: =LEFT(A1,5)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

195. Which formula returns the value in cell A10 of the worksheet named Budget Variances?


Correct Answer: ='Budget Variances'!A10

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

196. In a worksheet, column A contains employee last names, column B contains their middle initials (if any), and column C contains their first names. Which tool can combine the last names, initials, and first names in column D without using a worksheet formula?


Correct Answer: Concatenation

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

197. How does the appearance of an array formula differ from that of a standard formula?


Correct Answer: In the formula bar, an array formula appears surrounded by curly brackets.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

198. What is the term for an expression that is entered into a worksheet cell and begins with an equal sign?


Correct Answer: Formula

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

199. What does this formula do? =Sum(Sheet1:Sheet4!D18)


Correct Answer: It adds data from all D18 cells in Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

200. Cell A20 displays an orange background when its value is 5. Changing the value to 6 changes the background color to green. What type of formatting is applied to cell A20?


Correct Answer: Conditional Formatting

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

201. For an IF function to check whether cell B3 contains a value between 15 and 20 inclusively, what condition should you use?


Correct Answer: AND (B3>=15,B3<=20)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

202. Your worksheet has the value 27 in cell B3. What value is returned by the function =MOD (B3,6)?


Correct Answer: 3

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

203. To discover how many cells in a range contain values that meet a single criterion, use the _ function.


Correct Answer: COUNTIF

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

204. If you start a date series by dragging down the fill handle of a single cell that contains the date 12/1/19, what will you get?


Correct Answer: A series of consecutive days following the initial date

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

205. In Excel, what do most formulas begin with?


Correct Answer: =

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

206. Which format setting does not change the background appearance of a cell?


Correct Answer: Font color

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

207. When you sort a list of numerical value into ascending or descending order, the value in the middle of the list is the _.


Correct Answer: Median

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

208. What tool would you use to prevent the input in a cell of a date outside a specific range?


Correct Answer: Data Validation

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

209. Which Excel add-in will help you find a target result by varying multiple inputs to a formula?


Correct Answer: Goal Seek

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

210. After activating a chart, which sequence adds a trendline to the chart?


Correct Answer: Right-click a data series and select Add Trendline.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

211. Which formula correctly counts the number of numeric values in both B4:E4 and G4:I4?


Correct Answer: =COUNT(B4:I4)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

212. Which formula returns the value in cell A1 of the worksheet named MySheet?


Correct Answer: =MySheet!A1

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

213. Which chart type can display two different data series as a different series type within the same chart?


Correct Answer: XY chart

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

214. Which function returns the largest value amongst all values within the range H2:H30?


Correct Answer: =MAX(H2:H30)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

215. To round up a value to the nearest increment of your choice, such as the next five cents, what function should you use?


Correct Answer: ROUNDUP

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

216. You want to be able to restrict values allowed in a cell and need to create a drop-down list of values from which users can choose. Which feature should you use?


Correct Answer: Data Validation

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

217. An organization chart, which shows the hierarchy within a company or organization, is available as _ that is included with Excel.


Correct Answer: SmartArt

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

218. To ensure shapes and other objects are an equal left-to-right distance apart, select the shapes, click Page Layout > Align, and then click _.


Correct Answer: Distribute Vertically

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219. Of the four chart types listed, which works best for summarizing time-based data?


Correct Answer: Line chart

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

220. You're working with columns whose width and font-size should not be changed. Yet the columns are too narrow to display all the text in each cell. What tool should you use to solve the problem?


Correct Answer: Wrap Text

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

221. Which function returns a reference to a cell (or cell range) that is a specified distance from a base cell?


Correct Answer: OFFSET

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

222. Which custom format will make the cells in column A appear like the corresponding cells in column B?


Correct Answer: MMMM-YYYY

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

223. Which formula is NOT equivalent to all of the others?


Correct Answer: =SUM(A3,A6)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

224. When using Goal Seek, you can find a target result by varying _ at most.


Correct Answer: One input

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225. Which format will display the value 27,500,000 as 27.5?


Correct Answer: ###.0,,

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226. What is the best way to activate the Excel Help system?


Correct Answer: All of these answers.

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227. When editing a cell, what do you press to cycle between relative, mixed, and absolute cell references?


Correct Answer: The F4 (Windows) or Command+T (Mac)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

228. If cell A3 contains the text THE DEATH OF CHIVALRY, what will the function =PROPER(A3) return?


Correct Answer: The Death Of Chivalry

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

229. Which two functions check for the presence of numerical or nonnumerical characters in cells?


Correct Answer: ISNUMBER and ISTEXT

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

230. Some of your data in Column C is displaying as hashtags (#) because the column is too narrow. How can you widen Column C just enough to show all the data?


Correct Answer: Double-click the vertical boundary between columns C and D.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

231. An answer report shows original and final values of the target cell and changing cells plus ____.


Correct Answer: Constraints

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232. PMT (rate, nper, pv, [fv=0], [type=0]


Correct Answer: Optional arguments

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233. When you enter a two-digit year that is less than 30, excel changes the year to ____.


Correct Answer: 20xx

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234. To prevent round-off errors, use the ____ function.


Correct Answer: ROUND

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235. To organize large amounts of information, it is best to use ____.


Correct Answer: Tables

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236. The median function finds ________.


Correct Answer: The middle value in a range of cells

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237. The entry in cell b15 is =sum(b5:b14) which is a ____.


Correct Answer: Formula

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238. The ____ error code indicates that a cell reference in a formula is not valid.


Correct Answer: #REF!

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239. Circular errors are caused by adding the cell name of a/an _______ cell to a formula


Correct Answer: Active

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240. A cell containing a formula that references other cells is said to have ____.


Correct Answer: Dependant

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241. Referring to the figure above, the rectangular area to the right of the pie chart is the ____.


Correct Answer: Legend

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242. Double-clicking the column line to the right of a column activates the ____ feature for the column.


Correct Answer: Autofit

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

243. By including worksheets in a ________, you can enter or edit data on them simultaneously.


Correct Answer: Group

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244. By default, excel aligns date entries at the ____ of the column.


Correct Answer: Right edge

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245. Dates in excel are stored as a serial number starting with ____ as 1 and increasing sequentially.


Correct Answer: January 1, 1900

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246. Data in date/time fields are automatically ____-aligned.


Correct Answer: Right

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247. Combining two or more selected cells into one cell is called ____ cells


Correct Answer: Merging

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248. Cells of the second line of defense called ________ recognize and kill virus-infected cells.


Correct Answer: NK cells

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249. Cell references that reference other sheets behind the summary sheet are known as ____ references.


Correct Answer: 3-d

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250. Cell references in a formula are called ____.


Correct Answer: Assumptions

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

251. Cell ____ are predesigned combinations of formats


Correct Answer: Styles

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252. Because a chart is _______, it can be dragged to another area of the worksheet.


Correct Answer: A graphic

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253. As a general rule, you should _____.


Correct Answer: Center column titles, left-align text, and right-align numbers

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254. Arrow a is indicating a(n) _____ protein.


Correct Answer: Structural

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255. Apa-style papers use ________ as the title of the list of sources.


Correct Answer: References

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256. An excel ____ allows data to be summarized and charted easily.


Correct Answer: Worksheet

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257. An example of a(n) ____ chart is a column chart with a line chart.


Correct Answer: Combination

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258. An adjacent range is a collection of separate ranges. _________________________


Correct Answer: False

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259. An absolute cell reference _____ change when copied to another cell.


Correct Answer: Does not

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260. An __________ is an object in a worksheet.


Correct Answer: Embedded Chart

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261. All of the following are options in the delete menu except ____.


Correct Answer: Delete All

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262. All functions begin with the formula prefix ____.


Correct Answer: =

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263. A(n) ________ refers to a cell by its fixed position in the worksheet.


Correct Answer: Absolute cell reference

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264. A(n) ________ is a worksheet where totals from other worksheets are summarized and displayed.


Correct Answer: Summary sheet

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265. A(n) _______ is a file that stores a collection of related data.


Correct Answer: Database

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266. A(n) _____ chart is drawn on the same worksheet as the data.


Correct Answer: Embedded

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267. A(n) ____ reference is a formula that depends on its own value.


Correct Answer: Circular

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268. A(n) ____ identifies each data series in a chart, generally with a different color.


Correct Answer: Legend

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269. A(n) ____ contains little or no formatting.


Correct Answer: Text file

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270. A worksheet is made up of _____ organized in a grid of rows and columns.


Correct Answer: Cells

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271. A worksheet ____ is a collection of two or more selected worksheets


Correct Answer: Group

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272. A theme can be applied using the themes button in the themes group on the ____ tab on the ribbon.


Correct Answer: Page Layout

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273. A scatter chart ____.


Correct Answer: Compares trends over uneven time or measurement intervals

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274. A range of cells can be converted into an excel ________ so that the data can be analyzed.


Correct Answer: Table

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275. A pie chart with one or more slices offset is referred to as a(n) ____ pie chart.


Correct Answer: Exploded

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276. A macro name can be up to ____ characters long.


Correct Answer: 255

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277. A lookup table organizes numbers or text into categories. _____________


Correct Answer: True

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278. A field ____ uniquely identifies each column in a data source.


Correct Answer: Name

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279. A combination chart can add a(n) ____ axis to chart related data.


Correct Answer: Secondary

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280. A chart that is inserted directly in the current worksheet is called a(n) ____ chart.


Correct Answer: Embedded

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281. A _____ is a rectangular-shape block of cells in an excel worksheet.


Correct Answer: Range

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282. A ____ is used to display only certain records within a table that meet the specified criteria.


Correct Answer: Filter

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283. A ____ is text and graphics that print at the bottom of every page.


Correct Answer: Footer

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284. A ____ is an interactive view of worksheet data.


Correct Answer: PivotTable report

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285. A ____ in excel is like a notebook.


Correct Answer: Workbook

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286. A ____ file contains data fields separated by a selected character.


Correct Answer: Delimited

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287. _____ messages appear as screentips next to the active cell.


Correct Answer: Input

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288. _____ is a single cell that occupies more than one cell row and/or column.


Correct Answer: Spanning cell

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289. _____ are an example of conditional formats in excel.


Correct Answer: Data bars

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290. ____ is the amount added to the prinicpal of a loan by the lender.


Correct Answer: Interest

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291. A constant is a value in a formula that doesn’t change. _______________


Correct Answer: True

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292. Excel provides _____ so that you can easily create a professional, consistent worksheet appearance.


Correct Answer: Styles

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293. You should ____ a function name in the formula autocomplete list to select the function.


Correct Answer: Double click

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294. The columns and pie slices in the charts above are ____.


Correct Answer: Data markers

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295. ____provide descriptive text for the individual data markers, such as pie slices


Correct Answer: Data labels

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296. In excel, max and average are examples of ____.


Correct Answer: Functions

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297. You can use the ____ key(s) on the keyboard to navigate a worksheet.


Correct Answer: Arrow

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298. To move the insertion point to the next cell to the right in a table, you can ____.


Correct Answer: Press the Tab key

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

299. To copy cell contents, you can select the cell and then press the ____ keys.


Correct Answer: CTRL+C

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

300. The ____ feature is especially useful when working with very large worksheets.


Correct Answer: Summary

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301. To create a summary sheet requires navigation of ____________.


Correct Answer: Summary sheet.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

302. When you copy a formula that contains an absolute reference to a new location, the reference ____.


Correct Answer: Does not change

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

303. To go to column a of the current row press ____


Correct Answer: Home

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304. The formula used to multiply cell a1 by cell c1 is ____.


Correct Answer: =A1*C1

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

305. You can use predesigned, formatted files called ____ to create new worksheets quickly.


Correct Answer: Templates

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306. The range of cells receiving copied content is called the ____ area


Correct Answer: Destination area

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

307. If you deselect an item from the filter menu, it is called the filter ____.


Correct Answer: Criterion

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

308. You reference columns individually using the ____ element.


Correct Answer:

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

309. When you want to reference an entire column of data in a table, you create a column _____.


Correct Answer: Qualifier

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310. When you don’t want to associate a font with a particular design, you use a _____ font.


Correct Answer: Non-theme

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

311. The ____ option helps fit the data on a single page without making changes to individual margins.


Correct Answer: Scale to Fit

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312. A _____ indicates a manual page break.


Correct Answer: Solid Blue Line

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

313. A pie chart ____.


Correct Answer: Compares sizes of pieces as part of a whole.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

314. The default format for cells that meet a condition with conditional formatting is ____.


Correct Answer: Light Red Fill with Dark Red Text

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

315. You relate tables to one another by using _______ fields.


Correct Answer: Common

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316. In producing a newsletter, you should develop ____ with as few words as possible.


Correct Answer: Subheads

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

317. ____ is extremely useful for making large tables more manageable in size and appearance.


Correct Answer: Outlinin g

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

318. Which of the following is a statistical function? _____


Correct Answer: AVERAGE

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

319. Which of the following is a math & trig function? ____


Correct Answer: INT

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

320. When using vlookup, the _____argument is optional.


Correct Answer: Range_lookup

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

321. To hide a selected column, click the _____ button in the cells group on the home tab.


Correct Answer: Format

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322. The oracle string concatenation function is _____.


Correct Answer: CONCAT.

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323. The major difference between hlookup and vlookup functions is the way the lookup tables are _____.


Correct Answer: Organized.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

324. The general form of the vlookup function is ____


Correct Answer: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

325. The countif function is sometimes referred to as a(n) _____ count.


Correct Answer: Conditional

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326. The ________ function returns one value if a condition is met, and a different value if it is not.


Correct Answer: IF

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327. The ____ of a cell determines how the labels and values look.


Correct Answer: Format

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328. Spreadsheets are particularly useful for ____.


Correct Answer: What If analysis

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329. In the formula =int(average(a1:a100)), which would occur first? ____


Correct Answer: The average of the values in the range A1:A100 is added to the integer.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

330. Cells and ranges in a worksheet can be formatted ____.


Correct Answer: Before or after data is entered

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

331. By default, the pivottable report uses the ____ function for numbers in the values area.


Correct Answer: SUM

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332. All of the following are vertical alignment options except ____


Correct Answer: Middle

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333. A(n) ____________________ conveys a visual representation of data.


Correct Answer: Chart

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334. A(n) ____ is a group of cells in a rectangular block


Correct Answer: Range

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335. A(n) ____ is a built-in formula that uses arguments to calculate information


Correct Answer: Function

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336. ###### in a cell means that the ____


Correct Answer: Column is too narrow to display the value completely

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337. Values are evaluated using ________ operators.


Correct Answer: Arithmetic

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338. If is an example of a ________ function


Correct Answer: Logical

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339. Excel charts are either placed in their own chart sheets or embedded in a worksheet. ____________


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

340. When you nest functions, you should have ____.


Correct Answer: The same number of left and right parentheses

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

341. The ____ criteria filter requires the records displayed to have the specified text string anywhere.


Correct Answer: Contains

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

342. ____ arguments may provide more control over the returned value.


Correct Answer: Optional

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

343. A table name cannot include ____.


Correct Answer: Underscores

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

344. A _______ is the cell containing the formula or value the selected cell refers to.


Correct Answer: Precedent

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

345. The general format of a 3-d cell reference is ____.


Correct Answer: WorksheetRange!cellrange

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

346. One way to structure text files is to use a(n) _______.


Correct Answer: Delimiter

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

347. You can ____ a table field if the information stored in a field becomes unnecessary.


Correct Answer: Remove

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

348. A ________can retrieve data from multiple fields in different tables in the data model


Correct Answer: PivotTable

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

349. Functions can be selected by using the ________.


Correct Answer: Insert Function dialog box

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

350. A ____ total sums all of the data in a row or column.


Correct Answer: Grand.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

351. In the following formula: =if(a1=""yes"", ""done"", ""restart""), what happens if a1= no? _____


Correct Answer: The formula returns the text

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

352. The range of cells receiving the content of copied cells is called the ____.


Correct Answer: Paste

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

353. The numbers, text, or cell references used by the function to return a value are called ____.


Correct Answer: Arguments

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

354. The header and footer sections include a _____.


Correct Answer: Left, right, and center section

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

355. The characters +, -, *, and / are examples of ____.


Correct Answer: Arithmetic operators

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

356. Excel's __________ can be used to construct a crosstabulation.


Correct Answer: PivotTable report

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

357. Excel remembers the last ____ actions you have completed


Correct Answer: 100

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

358. A ________ displays and summarizes totals from other worksheets.


Correct Answer: Summary sheet

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

359. Which of the following is not a comparison operator? ____


Correct Answer: =<

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

360. When you create a calculated column, you can use _____ references to create the formula.


Correct Answer: Structured

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

361. Using ________ telephone marketing, marketers sell directly to consumers.


Correct Answer: Outbound

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

362. To open the table styles gallery from the table styles group, click the ____ button.


Correct Answer: Modify

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

363. The section breaks part of the breaks menu includes all of the following breaks except ____.


Correct Answer: Page

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

364. Grouping is ________.


Correct Answer: Joining rows or columns of related data into a single entity for analysis

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

365. _____ refers to cells not wide enough to display the entire entry.


Correct Answer: ####

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

366. Each slice in a pie chart represents a single value from a data series. ____________


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

367. All of the following are valid excel arithmetic operators except ____


Correct Answer: >

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

368. Data catalogs _____.


Correct Answer: Can be shared with everyone within a business

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

369. A ________ in a pie chart identifies the pie slices.


Correct Answer: Data lable

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

370. The study of human interaction with machines in general is called ____.


Correct Answer: Human-computer interaction

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

371. The if function's logical test returns _____ result.


Correct Answer: Only a true or false

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

372. The format painter button is found in the ____ group on the home tab of the ribbon.


Correct Answer: Clipboard

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

373. The following sequence, 2, 4, 6, etc., is an example of a ____ series.


Correct Answer: Linear

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

374. The first step in creating an effective worksheet is to make sure you ____.


Correct Answer: Understand what is required

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

375. The default number format is ________.


Correct Answer: General

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

376. The advanced filter tool can ________.


Correct Answer: Search for unique records, only

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

377. The ________, when outlined in black, indicates it is ready to accept data.


Correct Answer: Active cell

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

378. The ________ group on the design tab is useful for adjusting the data source of a chart.


Correct Answer: Data

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

379. The ________ displays the current cell mode, the page number, and the zoom buttons.


Correct Answer: Status bar

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

380. The _____ error value means that a value is not available to a function or formula.


Correct Answer: #N/A

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

381. The ____ function is useful when you want to assign a value to a cell based on a logical test.


Correct Answer: IF

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

382. The ____ dialog box provides options for moving charts between worksheets and chart sheets.


Correct Answer: Move chart

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

383. The ____ criteria filter requires the records displayed to have the current date.


Correct Answer: Today

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

384. The ____ aggregate function finds the largest value.


Correct Answer: Max

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

385. Tables are organized into rows, called ____.


Correct Answer: Records

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

386. The underline format will underline ____


Correct Answer: Only the characters in the cell

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

387. Which of the following is not a date function? ____


Correct Answer: AND

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

388. You insert a comment in a worksheet by using a command on the ____ tab on the ribbon.


Correct Answer: Review

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

389. You can split the worksheet window into ____ separate panes.


Correct Answer: Two or four

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

390. You can insert a ____ at the bottom of a table.


Correct Answer: Total row

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

391. You can enable or disable macros with options in the ____ dialog box


Correct Answer: Excel Options

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

392. You can change, or ____, the contents of an active cell at any time.


Correct Answer: All of these

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

393. You can apply the bold font style by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.


Correct Answer: CTRL+B

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

394. You can access the find and replace feature by pressing the ____ key(s).


Correct Answer: CTRL+H.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

395. You can ____ the chart title text to select it.


Correct Answer: Triple-click

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

396. Which of the following is not an excel function category? ____


Correct Answer: Algebria

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

397. When you click the header & footer button on the insert tab, excel switches to _____ view.


Correct Answer: Page Layout

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

398. Using the mouse to move or copy cells is called ____.


Correct Answer: Drag and drop.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

399. Using the excel spell checker, you can ____.


Correct Answer: All of these

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

400. Using the _____ key allows you to select multiple items, including multiple worksheet tabs.


Correct Answer: Ctrl

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

401. Using ________ enables you to select one or more rows or columns and lock them into place.


Correct Answer: Freeze Panes

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

402. Use the ____ function to enter the system date into a cell in the worksheet.


Correct Answer: =NOW()

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

403. To start a new line in a cell press the ____ keys


Correct Answer: ALT+ENTER

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

404. To set a page break in excel, select the _____.


Correct Answer: First cell below the row where you want to insert a page break

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

405. To make data easier to understand, use a ________ instead of a table of numbers.


Correct Answer: Chart

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

406. To erase an entire entry in a cell and then re enter the data from the beginning press the ____ key


Correct Answer: ESC

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

407. To enter data in a cell, you must first select the ____.


Correct Answer: Cell

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

408. To design a form using the form wizard, begin by clicking on the ____ tab on the access ribbon.


Correct Answer: CREATE

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

409. To create smartart, switch to the insert tab and use a button in the ____ group.


Correct Answer: Illustrations

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

410. To ________ a table means to arrange all of the data in a specific order.


Correct Answer: Sort

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

411. The ____ cell on the worksheet is the one into which you can enter data.


Correct Answer: Active

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

412. The ____ category of excel functions returns (true-false) values.


Correct Answer: Logical

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

413. The path to the comma style button is ____.


Correct Answer: (HOME tab | Number group)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

414. The percent style button formats selected cells as a percentage with ________.


Correct Answer: Zero decimal places

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

415. The path to the sum button is ____.


Correct Answer: Home tab / Editing

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

416. Sheet tab names are ________ when they are grouped.


Correct Answer: Underlined

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

417. Rows are typically represented by _______ and contain data for individual records.


Correct Answer: Numbres

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

418. Once you have selected a range to chart, you can press ____ to draw a chart on a worksheet.


Correct Answer: F11

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

419. On a chart created in excel, the vertical axis is also called the ____.


Correct Answer: Y-axis

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420. Most software programs can both save and retrieve data in a(n) _______ file format.


Correct Answer: Text

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

421. Make sure the header row option button is selected to indicate ____.


Correct Answer: Not to include that row in a sort

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

422. Italic, bold, bold italic, and underline are examples of _____.


Correct Answer: Font styles

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

423. In the figure above, if you only want to set one criterion for this filter, you will ____.


Correct Answer: Leave the lower boxes empty

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

424. In the figure above, fv and type are ____.


Correct Answer: Optional arguments

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425. In excel, a number can contain the characters ____.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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426. If all of the logical conditions are true, the and function returns the logical value _____.


Correct Answer: TRUE

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427. If a sheet tab has ________ you know that it is not selected.


Correct Answer: Background color

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

428. Header and footer elements such as worksheet name, current date, and time are _____ elements.


Correct Answer: Dynamic

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429. Excel includes ____ types of smartart graphics.


Correct Answer: 9

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

430. Excel allows you to take a ____ of any open window and add it to a workbook.


Correct Answer: Screen shot

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431. Every ____ consists of an object that contains a button for each unique value in that field.


Correct Answer: Slicer

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432. Error messages begin with the _____ symbol.


Correct Answer: #

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433. Data in a form created from the primary table is contained in the ____.


Correct Answer: Main form

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434. Ctrl + g is used to access the ____.


Correct Answer: Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

435. Columns and rows in a spreadsheet collectively are called a(n) ______.


Correct Answer: Worksheet

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

436. Clicking the ____ opens the insert function dialog box.


Correct Answer: Insert Function box in the formula bar

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

437. Clicking the ____ box completes an entry.


Correct Answer: Enter

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438. Center, left and right text justification are examples of ________.


Correct Answer: Typographic alignment used in formatting a document

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

439. Category values are usually located in the ____ of the data source.


Correct Answer: Either a or b

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440. By default, excel worksheets appear in ____________ view.


Correct Answer: Normal

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441. By default, excel includes _______________ when copying or filling a series.


Correct Answer: Formatting

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442. Argument names that display in ________ are required; others are optional.


Correct Answer: Bold

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443. An error value begins with a(n) _____ followed by an error name that indicates the type of error.


Correct Answer: Number sign

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444. A screen ____ is a portion, usually of one object or section of a window, of the screen.


Correct Answer: Clipping

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445. A logical function is a function that works with values that are either ____


Correct Answer: True or false

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446. A header contains ____ boxes.


Correct Answer: 3

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447. A formula can contain ____ and mathematical operators


Correct Answer: Arithmetic

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448. A chart sheet can contain ____.


Correct Answer: Only one chart

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449. A ________ identifies a worksheet in a workbook.


Correct Answer: Sheet tab

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450. A _______ refers to the entire excel file.


Correct Answer: Workbook

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451. A _______ is used to analyze and summarize your data without graphical support


Correct Answer: PivotTable

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452. A _______ describes the location of a cell based on its column and row location.


Correct Answer: Cell address

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453. A ____ is a reference to a cell or range of cells in another workbook.


Correct Answer: Link

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454. ________ is the process of arranging data in a specific order based on the value in a field.


Correct Answer: Function

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455. ____ shows you how a fill color will look before you apply it.


Correct Answer: Live Preview

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below.


Which of the following tools is used to format Excel worksheet data, as shown in the figure above? 



Correct Answer: SmartArt

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below


Analyze the image shown. What would be the output when you use the following formula in an MS Excel 2010 worksheet? =SUM(A2:CHOOSE(2,A3,A4,A5))


Correct Answer: 80

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below.


What does the icon marked with a red square in the figure above signify? 



Correct Answer: It signifies that the document contains digital signatures.

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This question is based upon the figure shown below.


With reference to the screenshot given, which of the following formulae CANNOT be used to calculate the average of the column 'Marks' in the cell 'E17'? 



Correct Answer: =AVERAGE(E6 to E15)

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below.


In the given screenshot, the letter X is pointing to an area between the first Row header, and the first Column header. What will happen when this particular area is selected? 



Correct Answer: It will select the whole sheet

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below

When you double-click on a pivot report value of a PivotTable in Microsoft Excel 2010, Excel creates new ________ with data corresponding to the pivot report value.



Correct Answer: Worksheet

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State whether the following is true or false: Excel Web App supports Undo/Redo but it is disabled when multiple users are collaborating on the same workbook


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


State whether the following statement regarding cell references in Microsoft Excel 2010 is true or false: A Relative cell reference consists of the column letter and row number surrounded by dollar signs ($).


Correct Answer: False

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Suppose you have created a report in Excel named 'report.xlsx'. Now you want your team members to be able to see the report remotely on a web browser, and edit the report, as desired. Also it is required that the previous versions of the report are maintained to protect against any loss of data. Which of the following options is the most suitable one to deploy this report?


Correct Answer: Share 'report.xlsx' by saving it to a SharePoint site.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below

Suppose you clone the slicer shown in the image above into another worksheet in Microsoft Excel 2010. Considering that you make changes to the tile selected, in one of the slicers, which of the following statements shall be true?



Correct Answer: All cloned copies of that slicer are also updated instantly.

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Excel can publish a workbook to the server only in ________ or ________ format.


Correct Answer: .xlsx, .xslb

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


You are creating a new formatting rule which will be used to format a PivotTable report. Which of the following formatting styles is NOT available while formatting all cells of PivotTable report based on their values in an MS Excel 2010 worksheet?  


Correct Answer: 4-Color Scale

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Which of the following components of Excel Services enables the user to edit a published workbook inside a web browser?


Correct Answer: Excel Web Access (EWA)

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What is the purpose of time stamping a digital signature in Microsoft Excel 2010?  


Correct Answer: It ensures that digital signatures remain valid and legally defensible even if the certificate that is used to sign the document expires.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which among the following settings is the default macro security setting


Correct Answer: Disable all macros except digitally signed macros.
Disable all macros except digitally signed macros.

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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Which of the following statements is true regarding PowerPivot in Microsoft Excel 2010?  


Correct Answer: Version control and tracking is supported by PowerPivot.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which of the following is available as fill options while formatting cells of an Excel worksheet using the format style as Data Bar?  


Correct Answer: Gradient Fill

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State whether the following statement regarding cell references in Microsoft Excel 2010 is true or false.

An Absolute cell reference consists of the column letter and row number. 


Correct Answer: False

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Analyze the syntax of LOOKUP function when used in vector form?

LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, result_vector)

The values in the lookup_vector must be placed in ________ order.  


Correct Answer: Ascending

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Slicers are filtering components which are used to filter the data in a PivotTable report or CUBE functions. Which of the following data sources is/are supported by Slicers in Microsoft Excel 2010?  


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Which of the following statements is not true regarding offline cube files in Microsoft Excel 2010?  


Correct Answer: If you delete the offline cube file for a report, still you can create a new offline cube file for the report.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


You are a financial consultant to multiple clients and you made an investment model for them. Now you want to find out how investment rates change under different market conditions. Which of the following Microsoft Excel 2010 What-if analysis tools will you use to study such conditions?  


Correct Answer: Scenarios

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Analyze the syntax of LOOKUP function when used in vector form?

LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, result_vector)

Which of the following arguments of the LOOKUP function is optional?  


Correct Answer: result_vector

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


How would you assign a macro to a graphic? 


Correct Answer: On a worksheet, right-click on the graphic, then click on Assign Macro on the shortcut menu. In the Macro name box, click on the macro that you want to assign.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding import of data into PowerPivot?  


Correct Answer: The PowerPivot Import Wizard provides you with an SQL Query builder.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which of the following sorting options is NOT available under the Sort On option while sorting the data of a table in an Microsoft Excel 2010 worksheet?  


Correct Answer: Font Style

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Deleting a PivotChart report automatically deletes the associated PivotTable report.  


Correct Answer: False

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Microsoft Excel Services is a component of:  


Correct Answer: Microsoft SharePoint Technology

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State whether following statement regarding images in Microsoft Excel 2010 is true or false:

Microsoft Excel 2010 supports 3D rotation of images.  


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which of the following statements is true regarding MS Excel Web Access on a SharePoint Foundation 2010 Server?  


Correct Answer: It is not possible to use the CTRL+Enter keyboard combination on formulas entered in multiple cells in a worksheet.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which of the following areas in the Microsoft Excel 2010 PivotTable Field List, calculates the aggregates of columns?  


Correct Answer: Values

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What are the benefits of digitally signing an e-mail in Microsoft Excel 2010?  


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Suppose you create a workbook in Microsoft Excel 2010 and run the 'Check Accessibility' option. This option is used to check the workbook for ____________.  


Correct Answer: Content that people with disabilities might find difficult to read.

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below

Which of the following options should be used to create a connection to a shared network folder, as shown in the picture?


Correct Answer: A

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Which keyboard shortcut re-calculates all formulas in all open workbooks, regardless of whether or not they have changed since the last time?


Correct Answer: CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+F9

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When 'a' or 'p' is not typed after the time in Worksheet cells, what does Excel enter the default time as?


Correct Answer: It enters the time as AM

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which of the following options is not available on the Status bar?


Correct Answer: Start mode

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State whether true or false:

When a part of a formula is replaced with its calculated value, it cannot be restored.


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which option would you choose to display a list of formula used in the current PivotTable report?


Correct Answer: On the Options tab, in the Tools group, click on Formula, and then click 'List Formula'

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the given image. Which of the following Fill options should be used to add color and transparency to a shape?


Correct Answer: C

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Which of the following wildcard characters can be used as comparison criteria for Text Filters?


Correct Answer: ~

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State whether true or false:

No data is deleted when an outline is hidden or removed.


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


Which of the following is not true regarding naming a cell?


Correct Answer: Names are case sensitive

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State whether true or false:

If a SmartArt graphic was converted to individual shapes, it is not possible to convert them back to the SmartArt graphic.


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below

What does the red icon indicate, as shown in the given picture?


Correct Answer: It tells the user that the document contains Signatures

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one


This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the given picture. Which option causes the last row in the table to appear and displays the word Total in the leftmost cell?


Correct Answer: B

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

Referring to the given image, point out which option should be selected to automatically save a backup copy of a workbook.


Correct Answer: B

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When does the error, as shown in the picture, occur?


Correct Answer: It occurs when a column is not wide enough

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the given image. What is the purpose of the cell denoted as 'A' in the worksheet?


Correct Answer: It selects all the cells in the worksheet
It selects all the cells in the worksheet

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

What is the purpose of using the Keep text flat option, as shown in the picture?


Correct Answer: It prevents the text inside the WordArt from rotating when rotate WordArt is rotated

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How will you find cells with data validation?


Correct Answer: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to Find & Select,, then click Go To Special. Click on Data Validation, and then click All

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Which Consolidate option would you choose when you want to arrange the data in all the worksheets in identical order and location?


Correct Answer: Consolidate by position

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Which of the following options would you choose to clear a PivotChart report?


Correct Answer: On the Options tab, in the Actions group, click on Clear, and then click 'Clear All'

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Which of the following is not true about an offline cube file?


Correct Answer: The file format for an offline cube file is .CUE

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How can a chart be modified?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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Which file format is typically used to remove printer corruption?


Correct Answer: SYLK format

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Which of the following methods would you follow to remove subtotals?


Correct Answer: On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click on Subtotal. The Subtotal dialog box is displayed. Click Remove All

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Which tab should be used to display or hide axes?


Correct Answer: Layout tab

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How will you display the Go To dialog box?


Correct Answer: You will press F5

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How would you select an entire PivotTable report?


Correct Answer: On the Options tab, in the Actions group, click on Select, and then click 'Entire PivotTable'"

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What is the option on the Document Inspector that finds the content type information?


Correct Answer: Document Properties and Personal Information

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State whether true or false:

For XY (Scatter) and bubble charts; error bars for the x values, the y values, or both, can be displayed.


Correct Answer: True

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Which of the following is not true about the Watch Window?


Correct Answer: There can be two Watch Windows per cell

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Which of the given Document properties includes both file system properties and statistics that are maintained by Office programs for the user?


Correct Answer: Automatically updated properties

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the given image. Which formula should be written on the given table to display "Nancy Davolio"?


Correct Answer: =PROPER(A2)

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

Which Chart type is displayed in the given picture?


Correct Answer: A surface chart

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

As shown in the image, the checkbox 'Create links to source data' has been selected. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this?


Correct Answer: None of the above

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

What is the significance of the red symbol at the top right corner of the cell, as shown in the picture?


Correct Answer: It signifies that the cell contains a comment

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

What would be the result, when =T(A4) is applied on the given table?


Correct Answer: Empty text is returned

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This question is based upon the figure shown below


Which part of the formula displays references in the given picture?


Correct Answer: B

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

What does the screen tip displaying "Showing All" mean?


Correct Answer: It means that Filtering has been enabled but not applied

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

When does the triangle appear in the top-left corner of the cell, as shown in the picture?


Correct Answer: When there is an error in the formula

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This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the given image. Which line style option should be used to specify the style used for the end of the line?


Correct Answer: C

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Which of the following charts have no axes?


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Which of the given methods would you follow to add an alternative text to a picture?


Correct Answer: Right-click on the picture, click on Size and Properties. Click on the Alt text tab, and then in the alternative text box, enter your text

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State whether true or false:

A Macro project can be digitally signed.


Correct Answer: True

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Which database function estimates variance based on a sample from selected database entries?


Correct Answer: DVAR

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Which of the following is not true regarding column width?


Correct Answer: If the column width is set to 0, the column is hidden

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Where can the 'Show All Comments' command be found?


Correct Answer: On the Review tab

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Which keyboard shortcut should be used to minimize or restore the ribbon?


Correct Answer: CTRL+F1

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Which Lookup function should be used when the comparison values are located in a column to the left of the data that is to be found?


Correct Answer: VLOOKUP

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How should blank cells be inserted on a Worksheet?


Correct Answer: Select the cell or the range of cells. Then right-click on the selected cells and click on Insert in the shortcut menu

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State whether true or false:

When you freeze panes, you select specific rows or columns that remain visible when scrolling in the worksheet.


Correct Answer: True

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Which scoping method should be used to conditionally format a set of fields in the values area for all levels in the hierarchy of data?


Correct Answer: Scoping by value field

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State whether true or false:

When the table headers are turned off, the table header Autofilters and all other applied filters are removed from the table.


Correct Answer: True

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Which type of additional information is stored within the digital signature?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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State whether true or false:

Case-sensitive sorting of text in Excel2007 can be performed.


Correct Answer: False

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Which of the following is a default method of a PivotTable report for scoping the conditional format of fields in the values area?


Correct Answer: By selection

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Which keyboard shortcut should be used to enter the current time in a cell in an excel sheet using a QWERTY computer keyboard?


Correct Answer: CTRL+SHIFT+:

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When would the data validation command be unavailable on the data tab?


Correct Answer: When data in a cell is entered

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Which method will you use to update table data from a Sharepoint list?


Correct Answer: On the Design tab, in the External Data group, click Refresh

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State whether true or false:

When you sign the stamp signature line in an Office document, you add both a visible stamp and a digital signature.


Correct Answer: True

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Which chart displays axes but cannot display axis titles?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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How would you locate the last filled cell on a worksheet?


Correct Answer: Click anywhere in the worksheet, and then press CTRL+END

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How will you reverse the direction of a SmartArt graphic?


Correct Answer: Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click on Right to Left

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551. Which statement is incorrect?


Correct Answer: The default value for an argument can be a global constant.

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What will be the result of calling the h() function in the following C++ code?

const char* upwork[] = { "Freelancers", "Projects", "Fixed", "Hourly" }

const char* f(int i) { return upwork[i]; }
void g(string s){}

void h()
    const string& r = f(0);
    string s = f(2);
    cout << "f(3): " << f(3) << " s: " << s << " r: " << r <<