MCQs > Finance & Management > Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) MCQs > Basic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) MCQs

Basic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) MCQ

1. ________ is an advantage of cloud-based erp systems.


Correct Answer: Recovery

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2. Which of the following modules should never have a financial impact on the accounting module?


Correct Answer: Human resources

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3. Why should the ERP systems from vendors from other countries be evaluated with caution?


Correct Answer: There may be currency, grammar, and business practices which differ in the software vendors' companies which will be difficult to work with.

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4. What must an ERP software package do in order to be classified as ERP software?


Correct Answer: It must provide the functions of at least two separate systems and integrate them.

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5. What would be considered a mid-tier ERP system?


Correct Answer: One which has functionality beyond simple accounting and business practices, but not adequate enough to handle international transactions, multiple locations, complex transactions and several users at one point in time

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6. Why would employees in the accounting department not be allowed to access the payroll module?


Correct Answer: So that they may not be able to see sensitive data. They need only to see the accounting impact of the payroll which they can see through the accounting module

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7. Why do many companies utilize third-party software to do financial reporting instead of using the ERP system built-in capabilities?


Correct Answer: Traditionally the built in reporting abilities have been weak and not flexible and do not meet the requirements of the companies.

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8. Why is the security measure of not allowing the deletion of information sometimes a disadvantage?


Correct Answer: Employees create

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9. What level of detail can a person using an ERP system view profitability, assuming the system has been set up to facilitate reporting on the most detailed level?


Correct Answer: At a granular level, for a specific item

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10. Which of the following factors should be considered in the ERP system selection?


Correct Answer: Both the current and the future needs of the company

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11. Which of the following is an advantage of having centralized data in an ERP system?


Correct Answer: It eliminates the need to enter information into multiple systems.

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12. Why would a company choose a system which is larger in nature than the company's current needs?


Correct Answer: The company anticipates growth and will grow into the functionality of the system.

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13. What does the newest "ERP 2" software offer that original ERP systems did not?


Correct Answer: Web access and the ability of vendors, customers and suppliers to log in from the internet

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14. Why is it important to factor in future growth into IT decisions made in the present?


Correct Answer: It will be more cost effective to implement all upgrades that will handle future growth simultaneously.

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15. What advantage does a data warehouse have over using multiple databases?


Correct Answer: It allows the ERP system to read and write data faster by using a central location.

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16. Why is it important to have a project team dedicated to an ERP system implementation?


Correct Answer: It is a several month long project which requires the input and coordination of all departments.

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17. Why can the interconnected nature of data between different departments in an ERP system be a disadvantage?


Correct Answer: Employees in one department do not want to share information with others and resist utilizing the full functionality of the system.

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18. Why does "out of the box" ERP software typically need customization before it is useful?


Correct Answer: The software is complex and built to fit the needs of companies from all industries with the expectation that it will be tailored for the specific customers.

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19. What is the decision which must be made during the Inventory module implementation and will have long lasting effects on the company?


Correct Answer: Choice of the inventory accounting methodology such as FIFO or LIFO

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20. What is the main task involved in the configuration stage?


Correct Answer: Designing and customizing the system to do what the company needs within the confines of the system's abilities

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21. Which of the following is typically not a unique module?


Correct Answer: Accounts payable

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22. What is the term used for the past software which is typically replaced by an ERP system?


Correct Answer: Legacy software

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23. Why are third party consultants usually employed to help with the implementation process?


Correct Answer: They provide in-depth knowledge on the software and implementation process, which are seldom the employees skills.

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24. Who from the IT department in an organization should be responsible for maintaining the ERP system?


Correct Answer: A devoted employee who is an ERP system expert

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25. What is one of the main reasons which prevents an ERP system implementation from being successful?


Correct Answer: Poor or no mapping of current business processes

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26. Why is an ERP system not suitable for all companies?


Correct Answer: It can be expensive and provides more functionality than is needed by smaller companies.

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27. What part of the IT infrastructure typically needs to be upgraded in order to facilitate the use of an ERP system?


Correct Answer: Servers

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28. Why would an accounting employee need access to the manufacturing module?


Correct Answer: To look at specific financial data related to work orders

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29. Why should end users be involved in system demonstrations and selection?


Correct Answer: They will have valuable feedback apart from the cost and technical perspective.

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30. What is the purpose of mapping business processes prior to implementation?


Correct Answer: It allows the implementation team to understand the flow of data.

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31. What information from the payroll module should never be shared with the other modules and departments?


Correct Answer: Wage rates for the employees

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32. What is the most efficient way for the employees to access the ERP desktop client without having it installed on their local machines?


Correct Answer: By using a virtual private network to log in remotely to the server the ERP system is installed on

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33. What are the best practices related to ERP software design?


Correct Answer: ERP software is designed with general and often adopted rules of business in order to meet most customers' needs before customization.

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34. What reason would a company have for disallowing the ERP desktop to all users and instead require them to use a virtual private network to access the system?


Correct Answer: Local software will typically run faster than the software accessed over a VPN.

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35. Which module of the ERP system is typically the driving force for switching away from the legacy systems in search of better functionality?


Correct Answer: The accounting module

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36. What do transaction identification numbers allow to be done?


Correct Answer: To specifically identify who performed an entry or transaction in the ERP system, and all consequences related to it.

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37. How does the manufacturing process module impact the accounting module?


Correct Answer: As an item is produced and moves through the manufacturing process, direct and indirect costs impact the general ledger.

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38. How is data transferred between user terminals and the data warehouse?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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39. What additional costs besides the cost of the software need to be considered while selecting the ERP software?


Correct Answer: The cost of infrastructure upgrades needed, of training and documentation, and of the upgrades to other software needed

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40. What does the abbreviation "ERP" represent?


Correct Answer: Enterprise Resource Planning

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41. Which of the following is not a typical module of an ERP system?


Correct Answer: Software development

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42. Which of the following is a way to create increased security in the ERP system against employee tampering of data?


Correct Answer: Allow employees access only to the modules and functions they need for their specific jobs

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43. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the web based ERP software?


Correct Answer: If a company loses an internet connection, they will have no access.

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44. What are the four general steps in an implementation plan?


Correct Answer: Configuration, Documentation, Testing, Training

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45. Why would a web-based software be chosen over a desktop system?


Correct Answer: It can be hosted online and mitigates the company's need to purchase several hardware upgrades to support the new system.

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46. What is involved in the "data migration" process of implementation?


Correct Answer: Identifying what data is to be migrated to the new system and establishing a clear cut off

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47. What is meant by "extensions" to the ERP system which need to be implemented?


Correct Answer: Third party software which integrates with the software and data capture devices such as scanners

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48. What data from the human resource module can be used by the payroll module in order to reduce duplicate entries?


Correct Answer: Employee names and addresses

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49. Why would user desktops need to be upgraded in order to use the ERP system?


Correct Answer: To run additional third party software.

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50. Why is there often resistance from employees to adopting a new ERP system?


Correct Answer: They do not receive any of the benefits of the new system, but have to learn it.

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51. Why would a busy retail chain with multiple locations and a head office choose a high-tier ERP system?


Correct Answer: Their needs require that multiple users and locations should be able to use the system simultaneously with no latency.

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52. What feature of an ERP system would a manufacturing company require that a financial services company would not?


Correct Answer: Job costing

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53. Why does having all employees of a company use the same ERP system, enhance the efficiency of the business?


Correct Answer: Everyone is utilizing the same data and can view it in real time.

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54. What is a data warehouse?


Correct Answer: A repository of the company's data from all of the company's systems to facilitate reporting and analysis

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55. How do end users of the ERP software learn how to navigate and utilize the software?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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56. Why is ERP software typically more expensive as compared with individual software products?


Correct Answer: The software essentially contains several individual software packages all at once, and the price also includes the cost of the time spent by the consultants to implement the software.

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57. How do switching costs affect a company once an ERP system is implemented?


Correct Answer: They are prohibitive and make it difficult to change to a different system frequently.

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58. How can a company receive help in choosing between several systems without detailed knowledge of them?


Correct Answer: By utilizing the services of the ERP consultants who also act as third-party resellers and can help companies choose between several options

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59. How long does it take to implement a mid-tier ERP system on an average?


Correct Answer: Several months

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60. How does the ERP system know which general ledger accounts to credit and debit based on the type of entry made into the system?


Correct Answer: All possibilities for entry are mapped to specific codes during the implementation phase.

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61. Who should be the ultimate owner of the ERP system in an organization?


Correct Answer: The information technology department

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62. Which of the following is an advantage of using open source ERP software?


Correct Answer: Security

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63. Technology that involves a large number of computers connected through a communication network such as the Internet is called as:


Correct Answer: Cloud Computing

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64. What is one of the most important things to do at the planning phase?


Correct Answer: Define user roles and activities

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65. What is a common criticism on organizations looking to implement ERPs?


Correct Answer: Doesn’t allow for decisions and databases from all parts of the organization to be integrated

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66. What does the R in SAP R3 represent?


Correct Answer: Real Time

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67. What is ERP system nervousness?


Correct Answer: How a system reacts to changes

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68. What is the first activity in ERP projects?


Correct Answer: Business modeling

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69. When Table in source system records changes to a replication table, it is known as a:


Correct Answer: Logging Table

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70. What phase is data conversion done?


Correct Answer: Go-live

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71. All of the following are disadvantages of an ERP system, EXCEPT:


Correct Answer: Data security is compromised

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72. What does SAP represent?


Correct Answer: Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing

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73. True or False? The benefit of an MRP system depends on the ability to have large amounts of unorganized information readily accessible


Correct Answer: False

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74. Which of the following are tasks involved during 'Execution' phase of ERP implementation?


Correct Answer: Document the new procedures

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75. What does ETL mean in data warehousing?


Correct Answer: Extract Transform Load

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76. What is the strategy of package evaluation?


Correct Answer: Do it right the first time

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77. What module is not typical in ERP applications


Correct Answer: Marketing

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78. Which of the folowing extensions is used by Oracle Reports Files?


Correct Answer: RDF

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79. When all modules are implemented at all locations at the same time, it is called:


Correct Answer: Big Bang

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80. The ability to view detailed source documents from the summary reports is known as:


Correct Answer: Drilling

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81. Which technology is used in building SAP R/3?


Correct Answer: Client Server Technology

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82. What is the type of backup which is taken while the Oracle database is still up and running and in archive log mode?


Correct Answer: Hot Backup

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83. ERP systems have been traditionally been an on premise installation. In what other technology form are they also available as?


Correct Answer: Cloud computing

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84. What is the term for a broad category of applications and technologies that enable gathering, storing, analyzing and providing access to data to help users make informed decisions?


Correct Answer: Business Intelligence

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85. SaaS (Software as a Service) is also referred to as:


Correct Answer: On Demand Software

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86. What is the terminology used to understand the present business situation?


Correct Answer: As Is

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87. What is the main drawback of legacy systems?


Correct Answer: No integration

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88. What is considered the “third generation of manufacturing software.”?


Correct Answer: ERP

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89. What is the most important step of an ERP implementation?


Correct Answer: Gap analysis

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90. ERP systems integrate all business management functions but does NOT include:


Correct Answer: Process improvement

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91. What is the direct computer-to-computer exchange of standard business document known as?


Correct Answer: EDI

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92. In order for an ERP implementation to be successful, all the following must be completed successfully, EXCEPT


Correct Answer: Continue using same processes

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93. Which technology is key to cloud computing?


Correct Answer: Virtualization

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94. What are software, computers, procedures alongwith human resources used to store data in organization called?


Correct Answer: Information System

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95. Which is TRUE about Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?


Correct Answer: An advanced MRP II system that ties-in customers and suppliers

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96. What options in ERP allow businesses to customize the modules to meet their needs?


Correct Answer: Configuration

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97. Which system in ERP includes risk management and access controls to promote corporate accountability?


Correct Answer: Governance Risk & Compliance

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98. All the following are major reasons why companies would undertake ERP, EXCEPT:


Correct Answer: Follow competitors IT strategy

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99. All of the following are advantages of ERP, EXCEPT:


Correct Answer: Requires major changes in company and process to implement

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100. Which of the following is true of ERP?


Correct Answer: Requires intensive employee training

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101. In an ERP environment, what does MDM mean?


Correct Answer: Master Data Management

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102. Which is NOT a critical success factor for successful implementation of ERP system


Correct Answer: Number of ERP application releases

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103. What does EDI stand for?


Correct Answer: Electronic Data Interchange

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104. Which of the following automates business process execution?


Correct Answer: Workflow

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105. What task should companies conduct before implementing ERPs?


Correct Answer: Feasibility study

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106. All of the following describes an ERP system, EXCEPT:


Correct Answer: Decreases worker productivity and efficiency of processes

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107. Which of the following is NOT another name of ERP?


Correct Answer: Employee relationship plan

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108. What is the process of analyzing step by step program code and fixing any encountered problems called?


Correct Answer: Debugging

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109. Which of the following is NOT a typical cost associated with ERP implementation?


Correct Answer: Leadership buy-in

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110. Which is correct about ERP?


Correct Answer: Automates and integrates the majority of business processes

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111. What system involves activities to enable transfer of products and services from supplier to customer?


Correct Answer: Supply Chain

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112. What is the terminlogy used for old systems?


Correct Answer: Legacy systems

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113. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of ERP?


Correct Answer: Decentralized business data

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114. What is an information system that allows data to be shared throughout the organization called?


Correct Answer: Integrated

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115. Which area is Manufacturing and Production is a key function?


Correct Answer: Supply Chain Management

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116. How do we measure the numeric figures against performance measures?


Correct Answer: Key Performance Indicators

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117. What would be a potential reason for an ERP software implementation to fail?


Correct Answer: All of these

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118. Which is NOT a financial business function that is supported by ERP?


Correct Answer: Raising capital

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119. Which module in ERP system is used to manage manufacturing processes?


Correct Answer: Material Requirements Planning

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120. Which area is the Financial Module responsible for?


Correct Answer: Cash Flow Management

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121. Which factor is most important to consider when implementing an ERP application?


Correct Answer: Meets business strategy and requirements

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122. When the source code is made available to general public for use and modification, it is known as:


Correct Answer: Open Source

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123. The technology used to manage organization's customers relationships is known as:


Correct Answer: CRM

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124. True or False? A business "process" may involve activities from more than one business "functional area"


Correct Answer: True

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125. What does ERP stand for?


Correct Answer: Enterprise Resource Planning

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126. What does DBMS represent?


Correct Answer: Database Management System

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127. In ERP, what does BI represent?


Correct Answer: Business Intelligence

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128. What are most organizations implementing or planning to implement?


Correct Answer: Packaged software solutions

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129. What is the technology that is used to publish content to the web and collaborate under a single server?


Correct Answer: Sharepoint

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130. How many business functionalities can an ERP package handle?


Correct Answer: All

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Subjects