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Chemistry Aptitude Test MCQ

Chemistry Aptitude Test MCQ

1. In 506.40, ____ significant figures are there.


Correct Answer: Five

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2. 700 tort is equal to?


Correct Answer: 0.92 atm

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3. 58.5 is ____ of NaCL.


Correct Answer: Formula weight

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4. Relationship studied in stoichiometric calculations are?


Correct Answer: All of these

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5. The % of nitrogen in NH3 is?


Correct Answer: 14 /17 x 100

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6. A graph between pressure and inverse of volume and constant temperature and number of moles?


Correct Answer: Straight line passing through the origin

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7. 1 dm3 of 02 is equal to?


Correct Answer: 1.43gm

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8. Gas equation is the combination of?


Correct Answer: Avogadro’s Law, Charle’s Law & Boyle's law.

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9. The ratio of hydrogen and Oxygen in water by mass is?


Correct Answer: 1:8

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10. Nitrogen and Ethene (C2H4) have the same rates of diffusion at a fixed temperature because?


Correct Answer: Their molecular masses are same

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11. Volume occupied by one mole of a gas at S.T.P is called?


Correct Answer: Molar volume

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12. Isotopes are sister atoms of same elements with similar chemical properties but different?


Correct Answer: Atomic mass

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13. Compounds having some molecular and Empirical formulas?


Correct Answer: Ionic compounds

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14. The ideal gas constant R, when expressed in dm3 — atm unit, be a value of?


Correct Answer: 0.0821

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15. S.T.P correspond to?


Correct Answer: 760 Tort and 273°C

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16. The gas law giving relationship between volume and pressure of gas?


Correct Answer: Boyle’s Law

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17. At constant temperature if the pressure is reduced to half, the volume of a gas will be?


Correct Answer: Doubled

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18. One mole of cl ions contains?


Correct Answer: 6.02 x 1023 ions

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19. The mass of 22.4 dm3 of N2 is?


Correct Answer: 28 gm

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20. A simple formula of a compound contains 8 1.8% carbon and 18.2% hydrogen is?


Correct Answer: CH3

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