1. The temporary memory storage of the computer is known as _________.
2. The programming language used in creating an applet, which could be included on a Web page is:
3. You plan to utilize your broadband Internet connection for your VoIP telephone in addition to your PC. What hardware device would you need to connect the Internet signal from the modem in order to simultaneously forward the broadband signal to both the phone device and the computer?
4. The communications protocol typically used for uploading files onto a Web site's server is:
5. How do you paste text matter into a Notepad text file?
6. You want to set up your email accounts with emphasis on higher download speed. Which email protocol should you use?
7. Business transactions over the Internet are termed as ________.
8. What type of software would you use to represent financial data in a tabular format?
9. Your Internet connectivity suddenly dies and stays that way afterwards. Which one of the following would usually restore its functioning back to normal and should be tried first before any of the other remedies?
10. A software (PC) firewall can block both incoming and outgoing threats at the PC level, but a hardware firewall cannot block outgoing threats.
11. The classification of software where a user can try out or evaluate the product for free for a trial period after which the user is expected to eventually purchase it is termed as:
12. Which programming language is used to create just one bytecoded application that can be ported to almost any machine that has preinstalled the necessary interpreter.
13. What is the maximum power that can be delivered by using USB 3.0 port?
14. You received an email alerting you that your bank account needs to be rectified online and asks you to enter sensitive data, like your password or PIN number, etc. This criminal activity is called:
15. What is the name of the built-in feature in Windows that allows you to browse through your files and folders?
16. What is the function of a modem?
17. In Windows, can a file name consist of only numbers, excluding its extension?
18. The process of extracting audio files from a CD and copying and storing them on a hard drive is called burning.
19. If you are looking for information about a certain subject on the Internet, what is the quickest way to get started?
20. A collection of software applications that contains word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications, among others, is often described as a(n):
21. What is the name of the language that is recognized by all Internet browsers and in which most websites are developed?
22. How do you copy text matter in Notepad to the computer buffer?
23. What does the term CAD stand for?
24. What information should never be emailed to unknown parties?
25. What is the full form of ASCII?
26. When replying to an e-mail, who do you place in the cc: line and who in the bcc: line?
27. If you don't want to type your name at the end of every email you send, what can you do instead?
28. Can you use a % sign while naming a file in Windows?
29. Which software would you use to make a business presentation using slides?
30. You are preparing a letter in Notepad and your computer reboots without saving your file. Can you recover what you had written?
31. If you are using Windows 7, which keys should you press to logoff the computer?
32. In order to improve the performance and dependability of your computer system, you should:
33. What one is essential for connecting two computers in a local area network (LAN)?
34. Using return receipt requested (read receipt) should be reserved for unique instances where both parties need to know an email was read.
35. Which one is extensions of graphics files?
36. What is the default extension of a file developed in Notepad?
37. The instructions written in a high-level language are converted into machine instructions by the __________.
38. Which protocol (communication standard) does the World Wide Web use?
39. The type of software whose programming code is able to be modified by a user or any group is termed to be:
40. Which one is true regarding deleted files in Windows?
41. The process of writing audio, video, or other data onto a CD or a DVD is called ripping.
42. Which one is a computer programming language?
43. The computer hard disk is a device that stores permanent memory in the computer and uses __________ storage technique.
44. Which key can be pressed to refresh a Web page?
45. What is the maximum data-transfer rate through a USB 3.1 Gen2 port?
46. If you have multiple windows open at the same time, which key combination allows you to switch between windows.
47. A computer that is scalable means that it is expandable. The more scalable your equipment is, the easier and less expensive it would be for you to upgrade them.
48. What are the two main classifications of software?
49. Which hierarchical structure does Windows Explorer display?
50. A dedicated computer that delivers information to other computers called clients, that are connected through a network is typically referred to as being a ___________.
51. The programming language that allows a viewer of a Web page to take advantage of embedded special effects and functions is:
52. A ____ displays the options associated with a command.
53. The underline format will underline ____.
54. The ____ command exits running apps, shuts down windows, and then turns off the computer.
55. The process of moving a slide object to a new location using the mouse pointer is called ____.
56. The tcp/ip ____ layer supports network applications and may include presentation services.
57. To ________ a variable means to decrease its value.
58. To allocate means to _____ . give away for free use up distribute
59. To change an inline object to a floating object, you need to _______.
60. To change page formatting for a portion of a document, a new ____ must be created in the document.
61. To create a label with the specified text and node, use ________.
62. To delete a row from the product table, use the ____ command.
63. To delete only the selected contents of the table, but not the table itself, ____.
64. To display the start screen, press ____.
65. To insert characters within a string, you use the ____ method.
66. To make a background appear on all slides in the presentation, click the apply to ____ button.
67. To move left one word with the keyboard, press the ____ key(s).
68. To prevent round-off errors, use the ____ function.
69. To view the code of a macro, you need to open the visual basic _____.
70. Use the ______ attribute to display an image to the right of a block of text.
71. Use the ________ property to resize or scale the background image.
72. Use the __________ property to align text within an element.
73. Use the __________ property to configure italic text using css
74. When a continue statement is executed in a ____, the update statement always executes.
75. When a placeholder is selected, the ____ are displayed.
76. When excel imports a database table, the data is placed in an excel ____.
77. When excel opens, a new blank ________ is displayed.
78. When formatting a worksheet to be printed, ________ show where page breaks are located.
79. When objects contain pointers, it is a good idea to create an explicit ________ function.
80. When powerpoint starts, it displays a blank presentation in ____ view.
81. When wordart is selected, the drawing tools format tab appears as the active tab _______.
82. When working with a table, press ____ to move to the next line within the same cell.
83. When you _______ data, you specify which records you want to retrieve using specific criteria.
84. When you create a data source, word saves it by default as a microsoft office address _______.
85. When you want to reference an entire column of data in a table, you create a column _____.
86. Which of the following is not a comparison operator? ____
87. You have a microsoft account if you use any of the following except ____.
88. To select a content control, you ____ it.
89. By default, the normal style places ____ points of blank space after each paragraph.
90. In a client/server design, a database server ____.
91. The ____ arrow displays the locations you have visited
92. To increase a paragraph indent use the _____ shortcut keys
93. _____ means to create an uncompressed copy of a compressed file or folder.
94. Susan doesn't want to _______ you with her problems
95. Teotihuacan and the avenue of the dead were built by _____.
96. Theme is not __________.
97. Words for which pronouns stand are _____. antecedents inflections connotations infinitives
98. To access context-sensitive help, simply enter a ___________ at the cli.
99. You should use a ____ chart to compare values side by side, broken down by category.
100. A ____ in excel is like a notebook
101. The chapter lists all of the following types of proposal except ____.
102. To make it easier to see the relative position of objects, you can display a document's _______.
103. Once you have created a table, the ____ tab appears on the ribbon.
104. On the ribbon, each set of primary commands is identified by a(n) ____.
105. Open the ____ view and then click options to display the word options dialog box.
106. The ____ includes a button that enables you to display all of your apps.
107. To display formatting applied to text, use the ____ task pane.
108. To replace ____ text in a content control, you select it and then type.
109. ____ contains many features to design, develop, and organize slides.
110. The ____ allows you to adjust the screen resolution.
111. A ____ paragraph places the first character of a text line near the left border of a placeholder.
112. ____ allow you to control how objects enter, move on, and exit slides.
113. As you type, excel displays the entry in the ____ bar.
114. By including worksheets in a ________, you can enter or edit data on them simultaneously.
115. Data in date/time fields are automatically ____-aligned.
116. A ____ file is a text file with a .sql extension that contains sql commands.
117. A ____ is an individual media file, such as art, sound, animation, or a movie.
118. Hardware diagnosis and failure alert are handled by ____.
119. A(n) ____ is a computer program that coordinates all the activities of computer hardware
120. Headers, footers, and margins are all ____ options.
121. A(n) ____ bridge is used to segment network traffic for the purpose of reducing bottlenecks.
122. ____ are reusable pieces of formatted content or document parts, such as custom headers.
123. ___________ key encryption in wep uses the rc4 encryption algorithm.
124. ______________ in sonet are analogous to the ________________ of t-carriers.
125. A ____ graphic is a professional-quality diagram that visually illustrates text.
126. A dmz is a subnet of _____________ accessible servers placed outside the internal network.
127. If you selected nine cells with numeric data to create a chart, each cell is a ________.
128. Importing ____ provides greater flexibility to manipulate text in excel.
129. In goal seek, the ________ box contains the formula that calculates the information you seek.
130. In ipv4 addressing, a node with an ip address of belongs to a class ____ network.
131. In most cases, bootp has been surpassed by the more sophisticated ip addressing utility, ____.
132. In the domain name www.google.com, ____ is the top-level domain (tld).
133. In the edit formatting rule dialog box, click the _____ button to open the format cells dialog box.
134. In the figure above, if you only want to set one criterion for this filter, you will ____.
135. Ip class ____ addresses (also known as multicast addresses) are reserved for multicasting.
136. Setting the _____ to a1:l10 will print only data in those cells.
137. The ____ arrangement option layers the open workbooks on the screen.
138. The ____ criteria filter requires the records displayed to have the specified text string anywhere.
139. The ____ identifies which data markers are associated with each data series.
140. The ____ option button lists formatting options following an insertion of cells, rows, or columns.
141. The ________ element displays a visual gauge of a numeric value within a known range.
142. The amount of money being loaned is known as the ____.
143. The exclusive use of 0s and 1s as a way to communicate with the computer is known as ____ language.
144. The fields you use to order your data are called sort ____.
145. The wordart text styles and effects include ____.
146. To select adjacent worksheets, you use the ____ key.
147. Use ____ references when you want different formulas to refer to the same cell.
148. A _______ file is a type of vector graphics file created specifically for windows.
149. Each slice in a pie chart represents a single value from a data series. ____________
150. Header and footer elements such as worksheet name, current date, and time are _____ elements.
151. Pie charts are most effective with ten or fewer slices. _________________________
152. Pivottables are ____ by nature
153. Point mode allows you to ____, as shown in the accompanying figure.
154. The dominant architecture used to secure network access today is the __________ firewall.
155. In excel, a number can contain the characters ____.
156. A worksheet ____ is a collection of two or more selected worksheets
157. Protecting the _____ prohibits users from renaming, deleting, hiding, or inserting worksheets.
158. To accept an autocomplete suggestion, press the _______ key.
159. An eap failure message is sent to the ________.
160. If data takes up more than one line in a cell, ____.
161. A general rule for adding text to a slide is ____.
162. A ____ is shading in which one color blends into another or varies from one shade to another.
163. ____ shows the report as it will appear when printed.
164. _____ each slide master layout to display the name of the layout.
165. _____ text often provides a strong visual appeal.
166. _______ for better visibility.
167. As a general rule, use no more than ____ fonts in a presentation and vary the font size.
168. By default, ________ text wrapping is applied to wordart as needed.
169. If you have closed a saved presentation, open it in backstage view by using the ____ command.
170. If you position the mouse pointer over the border of a column and double-click it, ____.
171. If you see a black square when you insert a video, you can override this by setting a ____ frame.
172. If you want to conserve ink or toner, you can instruct powerpoint to print ____ documents.
173. In ____ orientation, a page is taller than it is wide.
174. In a clustered column chart, the names of each column are part of the ____ series.
175. A form created from two tables that have a ____ relationship creates a main form and a subform.
176. A(n) ____ resume groups information by skills and accomplishments.
177. In a line chart, the data markers are the points connected by the line. _________________________
178. A primary objective of a rule base is to ______________ communications based on complex rules.
179. The transitions between slides in a presentation are one type of powerpoint ____.
180. Solver allows you to set a constraint that includes a cell reference followed by a(n) ____.
181. Text ____ defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols.
182. The _____ center is a central location for all the security settings in office.
183. The ________ command can display a pc's current ip routing table.
184. The ________ command can similarly be used to resolve fqdns to ip addresses.
185. The ____________ command displays the route packets take between two computers.
186. The smartart organization chart is in the ________ category.
187. The start timing setting is on the video tools playback ____.
188. The target link-layer address option is used in neighbor advertisement and ____ messages.
189. The worksheet range ____ references the worksheets, "sheet1," "sheet2," "sheet3," and "sheet4."
190. To change all margin settings, use the margins button on the ____ tab.
191. To change the direction of text you click on the text direction control on the ______ tab.
192. To copy the contents of a cell to the cell directly below it, click the target cell and press ____.
193. To hide an entire workbook on an unattended computer, click the hide button on the ____.
194. To insert a shape, click a shape in the shapes ____.
195. To instruct powerpoint to confirm each change, click the find next button in the ____ dialog box.
196. To open the table styles gallery from the table styles group, click the ____ button.
197. To quickly format a document in columns, click the columns button on the _______ tab.
198. To ungroup worksheets, you can click a sheet ____ of a sheet not in the group.
199. To use an app you must instruct the operating system to ____ the app.
200. Using ________ allows a cell to change appearance based on criteria.
201. Using autofill, what would be the extended series of the initial entry jan? ___
202. When combination charts have data series with vastly different values, you can create ____ charts.
203. When excel follows the order of operations, the formula, 8 * 3 + 2, equals ____.
204. With a 3-d pie chart, you can explode ____ of the slices.
205. With the last quarter criteria filter, quarters are defined as, for example, ____.
206. When selecting font size in a document, ____ points equals one-inch-tall text.
207. Speed fill enters text based on patterns it finds in the data. _________________________
208. Once authentication is completed, _________ can occur.
209. When a router forwards incoming packets closer to their destination hosts, this is ________.
210. The item marked _______ in the accompanying figure is top and bottom text wrapping.
211. Mm/dd/yyyy is known as ____.
212. Vpn endpoints provide ____ and encapsulation of data.
213. The image file should be coded using a(n) _________________ file path.
214. The left column values in a table array are called table ____.
215. One of the most serious mistakes that home users make when installing a wireless network is ____.
216. Like cell ____, a worksheet group can contain adjacent or nonadjacent sheets.
217. Names are ____ to the workbook
218. The illustrations group contains all but a _______.
219. The show iteration results check box is located in the ____ dialog box.
220. To display formatting marks on the screen, tap or click the ____ button.
221. On a pie chart, the ________ determines the size of each pie slice.
222. The ____ function is useful when you want to add values in a range only if they meet criteria.
223. The white space in the left margin is sometimes referred to as the ______ bar.
224. To create a footnote, click insert footnote in the footnotes group on the ____ tab.
225. Wimax and umb are competing standards for ______.
226. Continued notices are also called ____.
227. A(n) ____ resume is recommended by experts for an entry-level job search.
228. While working inside the computer, you should clip a ____________ bracelet to the computer case.
229. In dotted decimal notation, a(n) ____ separates each decimal.
230. In powerpoint terms, ____ a photo means cutting out the parts you dont want to include.
231. In the ____ configuration, a central wireless device is used to serve all wireless clients.
232. Reflection, glow, and soft edges are options in the drop-down list of the ____ button.
233. In a(n) "_______" pie chart, each slice is slightly separated from the whole.
234. The b2b electronic exchange differs from global supply management in that it focuses on _____.
235. The basic job of a ________ is to enforce an access control policy at the border of a network.
236. In pie charts, its best to make the slice colors as similar as possible. ___________
237. Information that prints on each page, like a company name or logo, may be set as a _____.
238. Ipv6 duplicate address detection protocol can be compared with ipv4 ____.
239. The cell reference for the merged cell is the upper-right cell reference. _________________________
240. The default settings in word include left tabs set every ____ inch(es).
241. The default tab stops are indicated at the bottom of the horizontal ruler by small vertical ____.
242. Onenote captures your ideas and schoolwork on any device so you can _____, _____, and _____.
243. The enable ___________ password uses type 5 encryption and overrides the enable password.
244. The easiest way to deploy several printers to several clients is to ______.
245. Isa server can use ____ technology.
246. Packer.io & boxful represents __________________________ type of pattern
247. Paid obituaries in newspapers and roadside memorials illustrate the fact that mourners _____.