Pega MCQ

Application express doesn't create


Correct Answer: All of these

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Document Wizard does not generate which of the following documents


Correct Answer: Guardrails Doc

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City property of Shipping address class needs to be mapped to Billing address using Data transform. What should be the source property.


Correct Answer: Shippindaddress.City

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A chart can be used in both summary and list report.


Correct Answer: False

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A step in a case implies


Correct Answer: Action or Actions for resolving a case

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Auto-Complete can use same source list as of Dropdown


Correct Answer: True

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Need to create a report with case id and purchase order id then


Correct Answer: Need to optimise only purchase order id

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Which all shapes can be used to send an email notification


Correct Answer: Utility And Notification tab of Assignment shape

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Alternate stages ______________________.


Correct Answer: Can be used as resolution stages And Represent alternate stages in no specific order.

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A specification can be linked to its implementation(s), but not its requirement(s).


Correct Answer: False

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Defined a data page refresh strategy as reload if older than 2 hrs


Correct Answer: Data page will get refreshed once we access it after 2 hrs of in active

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The usecase is to create a purchase request case upon receiving an email and need to fetch thecurrecy values from an external system.How would u implement this scenario.


Correct Answer: Create a service for Purchase Request and a connector for retrieving currecny values

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We need to create a report with Work status and assigned Operator as columns.How do you optimize the report.


Correct Answer: No need to optimize any column.

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Where do u create a section related to all properties in a page which references a data class


Correct Answer: In data class where the data class is present.

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