MCQs > Finance & Management > Six Sigma Black Belt MCQs > Basic Six Sigma Black Belt MCQs

Basic Six Sigma Black Belt MCQ

1. What is the minimum allowed number of data points for Cpk Analysis


Correct Answer: 17

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2. The accuracy of a measuring instrument is linked to the U.S National Standards by:


Correct Answer: Traceability

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3. What design methodology uses the IDEA process for product definition and development?


Correct Answer: Portfolio architecting

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4. Which of the following statements about the Student T distribution are true? i) It has a mean of t=0 ii) As the sample size reduces, the student t distribution gets closer to the standard normal distribution iii) The standard deviation of the t distribution is always greater than 1


Correct Answer: 1,2 & 3

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5. Which of the following is NOT an automated regression testing tool?


Correct Answer: TinderBot

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6. In Measurement System Analysis the variance contribution allowed for Gage R & R is a maximum of:


Correct Answer: 30%

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7. Cpk has been calculated for a stable, non-automated process. Then, the operator is told to check samples at random and make centering adjustments based on the sample readings. One would expect that:


Correct Answer: Process capability has gotten worse

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8. Kano Model shows the path towards what behavior?


Correct Answer: Delighting a customer

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9. Of the following, for what purpose would a p-chart be used?


Correct Answer: Monitor the fraction defective

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10. If the data set which gives a KS Test p-Value greater than 0.05, the data is called


Correct Answer: Not Not Normal

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11. Which of the following is NOT a normally accepted control chart interpretation rule violation?


Correct Answer: Ten points in a row in zone 1

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12. If four inspectors were evaluated for the detection and non-detection of a defect in twenty samples, how many degrees of freedom would be used to determine the critical chi-square value?


Correct Answer: 3

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13. A manufacturer of bicycles would like to visualize where the defects occur on the bicycles. The defects encountered so far include missing bolts, paint peeling, missing decals, sharp edges, and bent metal parts. A useful tool for this application is a:


Correct Answer: Measles chart

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14. "Process ACME" involves the manufacturing of Smart boxes. In Process ACME, A,B,C & D are the opportunities for defects. In one such process, 20 defects were found in 100 smart boxes made. What is the six sigma level at which Process ACME is operating?


Correct Answer: 3.145

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15. Which of the following statements is false with respect to Gage R&R?


Correct Answer: When conducting an R&R Study, you must not use production parts, or parts that are similar to production parts

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16. What does a control limit indicate?


Correct Answer: a process event or measurement is likely to fall within that limit

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17. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the short run set chart?


Correct Answer: The control limits are looser than with X-bar and R charts

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18. Which of the following sets of variables can be controlled to change performance in six sigma?


Correct Answer: Independent Variables

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19. What information does Cp convey?


Correct Answer: Process potential

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20. There is a 50% chance that a bike will be produced with a defect. This probability is called the:


Correct Answer: throughput yield

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21. When the Upper Specification Limit (USL) and Lower Specification Limit (LSL) for a Six Sigma Process are plotted on a Normal Distribution, they are located at:


Correct Answer: +6 standard deviations and -6 standard deviations from the Mean, respectively

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22. A chart that contains defect types on the X axis, customers on the Y axis, and numbers of defects at the corresponding column and row intersections is called:


Correct Answer: A matrix diagram

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23. The expected (theoretical) value for a cell in a contingency table is calculated by which formula:


Correct Answer: row total * column total / grand total

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24. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is what kind of a tool?


Correct Answer: Planning Tool

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25. What does 5 sigma represent in defects per million opportunities (DPMO)?


Correct Answer: 233 defects per million opportunities

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26. Subgroups are used in which types of SPC charts?


Correct Answer: Xbar charts

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27. Why is acceptance sampling conducted?


Correct Answer: To estimate if the entire lot is of acceptable quality

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28. A process resulting in 99% accuracy to customer specifications, is equivalent to what Sigma level (Process Capability)?


Correct Answer: 3.8 Sigma

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29. The following objectives are relevant to which Phase of a DMAIC Six Sigma Project: * Identify the measurable Y metric that will be improved. * Define a defect from the customer’s perspective * Ensure that you can trust the measurement of the Y


Correct Answer: Measure

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30. Which of the following devices are associated with the visual factory


Correct Answer: Andon boards

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31. The following objective is relevant to which Phase of a DMAIC Six Sigma Project: To identify the process and Critical to Quality (CTQ) parameters which will be improved, using Voice of the Customer (VOC), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Pareto Chart, etc.


Correct Answer: Define

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32. A Six Sigma Black Belt would be responsible for all of the following except:


Correct Answer: Line management of improved processes, post-implementation

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33. Which of the following represents how variance is computed?


Correct Answer: Average squared deviation of each individual data point from the mean

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34. What six sigma technique is used to quantify the amount of error in a measurement system?


Correct Answer: Gage R&R

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35. My company operates at a yield of 68.27%, At what sigmal level is my company operating at?


Correct Answer: 1 sigma

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36. Which of the following is not the preserve of a "Project Champion"


Correct Answer: Provides technical six sigma expertise

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37. What is the most logical reason for using short run SPC charts?


Correct Answer: There is limited data

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38. Cpk can be done only if KS Test p-value is greater than


Correct Answer: 0.05

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39. Which of the following methods model the effect of two or more inputs on an output variable?


Correct Answer: Multivariate regression

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40. The QFD process can be described as:


Correct Answer: A customer driven process

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41. The distribution of the average of n samples will follow which distribution as n becomes large?


Correct Answer: Normal

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42. How is the risk priority number in a FMEA exercise derived?


Correct Answer: severity x occurrence x detection

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43. When used together for variables data, which of the following pair of quantities is the most useful in preparing controls charts?


Correct Answer: X-bar and R

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44. What is the F distribution used for?


Correct Answer: To study the equality of two variances

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45. Which of the following techniques is most suitable to collect requirements at the earliest stages of designing a process or a product


Correct Answer: QFD

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46. Which of the following tools is used to translate broad requirements to specific requirements:


Correct Answer: Critical to Quality (CTQ) tree

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47. When implementing Statistical Process Control which of the following would be considered undesirable?


Correct Answer: The control limits are wider than customer specification limits

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48. Callaway makes golf clubs. Which of the following is not considered one of Callaways internal customers?


Correct Answer: Retail Store

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49. What does the total area beneath a normal curve equate to?


Correct Answer: 1

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50. Excessive conflict within a work team: A: Has a positive effect on creating alternate solutions B: Most often results in lose-lose situations C: Has a negative effect on team members and should be avoided


Correct Answer: B and C

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51. The proportion of units that go through a process for the first time without defect is called:


Correct Answer: the first pass yield

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52. TPM efforts attempt to minimize six big losses. Which of the following would NOT be included:


Correct Answer: Employee absenteeism

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53. The mentor for a Green Belt exam should be at least be designated what?


Correct Answer: Black Belt

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54. Why are variable control chart subgroup sizes generally 3, 4, 5, or 6? A: Larger subgroup sizes would permit an opportunity for process changes with the subgroup. B: They easily fit on traditional chart paper C: They are large enough so that averages of data will follow the normal distribution D: They permit a separation of within time from time-to-time variation


Correct Answer: A, C, and D

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55. The objective of Design of Experiments (DOE) is to:


Correct Answer: Find the right settings for key process input variables, to optimize process performance

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56. In an estimated Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY) equation, what is the Defects per Unit (DPU) threshold limit?


Correct Answer: <10%

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57. What first step should six sigma projects begin with?


Correct Answer: Define

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58. Six Sigma is a managerial approach designed to create processes resulting in at most how many defects?


Correct Answer: 3.4 defects per million opportunities

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59. The surface appearance of a refrigerator is not satisfactory. This statement is the outcome of what analysis/evaluation?


Correct Answer: Attribute Measurement

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60. Which quality innovator formulated the cause and effect diagram?


Correct Answer: Ishikawa

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61. A team has been asked to improve the small purchase process in a firm. They decide to create a flow chart of the existing process because it will:


Correct Answer: Visualize the process

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62. Team empowerment derives from: A. The organizational management B. Access to organizational information C. Access granted to organizational resources


Correct Answer: A, B, and C

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63. When considering the "rule of thumb" that 20% of the inputs result in 80% of the outputs, what graphical tool is effective for prioritizing Critical X's?


Correct Answer: Pareto Chart

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64. Which of the following are potential benefits of Process Mapping?


Correct Answer: (All of these)

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65. Measuring a process' performance against that of a best-in-class peer or competitor, and then using the findings to identify opportunities to improve, is defined as what?


Correct Answer: Benchmarking

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66. When the mean of the process is outside the customer specification limits the value of Cpk will be:


Correct Answer: Negative

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67. What does a diamond symbol signify in a Process Map


Correct Answer: Decision

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68. When would Cp equal Cpk in a capability index calculation?


Correct Answer: When the process is perfectly centered

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69. Which of the following reflects the meaning of the word “Poka –Yoke”?


Correct Answer: Mistake Proof

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70. The over-arching intent of a Six Sigma analysis is to:


Correct Answer: Reduce variation to be within the customer's specification limits, and to center the process mean to align with the customer's target.

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71. What is mode?


Correct Answer: The most frequently occuring data point in a set of observations

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Six Sigma Black Belt Subjects