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Introduction to Java MCQ

Assigning ____ to a field means that no other classes can access the fields values.


Correct Answer: Private access

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A method can receive ____ arguments, even if it is defined as needing double arguments.


Correct Answer: Integer

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A ________ is a value that signals when the end of a list of values has been reached.


Correct Answer: Sentinel

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When method printf requires multiple arguments, the arguments are separated with ________.


Correct Answer: Commas (,)

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When you instantiate an object from a class, ____ is reserved for each instance field in the class.


Correct Answer: Memory

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The signature of a method consists of ________.


Correct Answer: Method name and parameter list

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The __________ function returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the number.


Correct Answer: CEILING

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The ________ properties are defined in the javafx.scene.text.text class.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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The ________ method is used to display a message dialog.


Correct Answer: ShowMessageDialog

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The ________ loads java bytecode to the memory.


Correct Answer: Class loader

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The ____ method takes a string argument and returns its double value.


Correct Answer: ParseDouble()

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The ____ method converts any object to a string.


Correct Answer: ToString()

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The ____ class represents more serious errors from which your program usually cannot recover.


Correct Answer: Error

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The ____ class provides the definitions for gui objects.


Correct Answer: Control

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When you create an array of objects, each reference is assigned the value ____.


Correct Answer: Null

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The expression ""Java "" + 1 + 2 + 3 evaluates to ________.


Correct Answer: Java 123

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The cookie property is created with a required ____ attribute.


Correct Answer: Name

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The class used as a basis for inheritance is the ____ class.


Correct Answer: Base

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The characters ____ move the cursor to the next line when used within a println() statement.


Correct Answer: \n

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The character class ____ from java.lang.object.


Correct Answer: Inherits

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Static methods can only operate on ________ fields.


Correct Answer: Static

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You use the keyword ________ to reference a method in the superclass from a subclass.


Correct Answer: Super

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You compare two strings s1 and s2 using ________.


Correct Answer: S1.compareTo(s2

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You can use the ________ method to replace an item at a specific location in an arraylist.


Correct Answer: Set

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You can obtain the server's hostname by invoking ________ on an applet.


Correct Answer: GetCodeBase().getHost()

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You can leave out the ____ statements in a switch structure.


Correct Answer: Break

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You can declare two variables with the same name in __________.


Correct Answer: Different methods in a class

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You can create an arraylist using ________.


Correct Answer: New ArrayList<>()

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Whenever a method requires multiple arguments, the arguments are always separated with ____.


Correct Answer: Commas

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Use the ________ method to write text to a web page.


Correct Answer:

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To use a public variable or method outside of its class, you must ____ the name.


Correct Answer: Qualify.

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To specify a stacking order, one can use the _____ property.


Correct Answer: Z-index

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The __________ method parses a string s to an int value.


Correct Answer: Integer.parseInt(s);

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The __________ method immediately terminates the program.


Correct Answer: System.exit(0);

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The not equal comparison operator in java is ________.


Correct Answer: !=

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To convert a javascript object to a json string, you use the ____ method.


Correct Answer: Stringify

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When an object of one class is a data field within another class, they are related by ____.


Correct Answer: Composition

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Some programmers refer to a catch block as a ____ clause.


Correct Answer: Clause

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Regarding enumerations, the ____ method returns the name of the calling constant object.


Correct Answer: ToString

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Programs that are embedded in a web page are called java ____.


Correct Answer: Applets

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Overloaded methods always have the same _________.


Correct Answer: Method name

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One or more objects may be created from a(n)________.


Correct Answer: Class

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On many keyboards, the break key is also the ____ key.


Correct Answer: Pause

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Methods that set values are called ____ methods.


Correct Answer: Mutator

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Method calls cannot be distinguished by ________.


Correct Answer: Return type

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Local variables must be ________.


Correct Answer: Initialized before their values are used in expression

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Javascript requires _____ programming knowledge and experience as java.


Correct Answer: The same

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Java.util.vector is a subtype of ________.


Correct Answer: Java.util.AbstractList

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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Java, c#, and are examples of ________.


Correct Answer: Object-oriented languages

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Java uses class ________ to represent colors using their rgb values.


Correct Answer: Color

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Java contains a class named ____ that allows you to produce dialog boxes.


Correct Answer: JOptionPane

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Java ________ can run from a web browser.


Correct Answer: Applets

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It is important that the loop control ____ be altered within the body of the loop.


Correct Answer: Variable

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Invoking ________ returns the number of the elements in an arraylist x.


Correct Answer: X.size

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Information is passed to a method in ________.


Correct Answer: The arguments to the method

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In pcdata, the ____ symbol is used to indicate a special character.


Correct Answer: $

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In order to allocate the needed memory for an object, you must use the ____ operator.


Correct Answer: New

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In java, you use variables of type ____ to store integers, or whole numbers.


Correct Answer: Int

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In java, ________ must be declared before they can be used.


Correct Answer: Variables

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In java, the word true is ________.


Correct Answer: A Boolean literal

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In java graphics, coordinate units are measured in ________.


Correct Answer: Pixels.

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In java all output uses the ______ data type.


Correct Answer: String

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In a do…while loop, the loop will continue to execute until ____.


Correct Answer: The loop control variable is false

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If you attempt to add an int, a byte, a long, and a float, the result will be a ________ value.


Correct Answer: Float

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If an exception occurs in a try-catch block, the code in the finally clause ________.


Correct Answer: Is executed

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If a programming language does not support ____, the language is not considered object-oriented.


Correct Answer: Polymorphism

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If a key is not in the list, the binarysearch method returns ________.


Correct Answer: -(insertion point + 1

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For input we will use the ______ class.


Correct Answer: Scanner

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Exception handling helps you create ________ programs.


Correct Answer: Fault-tolerant

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Every object is a _____ of a more general class.


Correct Answer: Member

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Every class in java, except ________, extends an existing class.


Correct Answer: Object

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Declaring instance variables ________ is known as data hiding or information hiding.


Correct Answer: Private

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Data items you use in a call to a method are called ____.


Correct Answer: Arguments

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Character literals are enclosed in ________; string literals are enclosed in ________.


Correct Answer: Single quotes; double quotes

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By convention, a class diagram contains the ____ following each attribute or method.


Correct Answer: Data type

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Boolean values can be displayed as the words true and false with the ________ format specifier.


Correct Answer: %b

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Before entering a loop, the first input statement, or ____, is retrieved.


Correct Answer: Priming read

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Arguments to methods always appear within ________.


Correct Answer: Parentheses

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Any field declared with keyword ________ is constant.


Correct Answer: Final

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Another name for a nonstatic member class is a(n) ____.


Correct Answer: Inner class

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A static method can ________.


Correct Answer: All of the above

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A method must declare to throw ________.


Correct Answer: Unchecked exceptions

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A method that has no implementation is called a/an ____ method.


Correct Answer: Abstract

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A method header is also called a(n) _____.


Correct Answer: Declaration

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A loop controlled by the user is a type of ____ loop.


Correct Answer: Indefinite

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A literal string is a(n) ____ object.


Correct Answer: Anonymous

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A javafx action event handler is an instance of ________.


Correct Answer: EventHandler

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A javafx action event handler contains a method ________.


Correct Answer: Public void handle(ActionEvent e)

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A java program is stored in an executable file called a(n) ____ file.


Correct Answer: Class

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A java character is stored in ________.


Correct Answer: Two bytes

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A class specifies the ________ and ________ that a particular type of object has.


Correct Answer: Fields; methods

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A block is enclosed inside ________.


Correct Answer: Braces

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