1. Rahul will pass the message.
2. His hard work satisfied me.
3. His comment hurt me deeply.
4. He stole that watch.
5. Sita was reading the Gita.
6. Who can count the stars in the sky?
7. He was disgusted with the flattery of his assistant.
8. The packet will be delivered to your house.
9. I dont know his whereabouts.
10. The packet has not been opened by anyone.
11. Two motorcycle mechanics were arrested for their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts.
12. They have built a perfect dam across the river.
13. Do you imitate others?
14. You need to clean your shoes properly.
15. The invigilator was reading out the instructions.
16. Darjeeling grows tea.
17. I remember my sister taking me to the museum.
18. Who is creating this mess?
19. They greet me cheerfully every morning.
20. We must respect the elders.
21. Has anybody answered your question?