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Understanding Terrorism MCQ

In Nazi Holocaust approximately _____ Jews were murdered.


Correct Answer: 6 million

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UNABOM is the FBI’s case designation for its investigation into bombings perpetrated by Theodore Kaczynski. “Un” was short for university, and “a” referred to


Correct Answer: Airlines

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Tyrannicide is the assassination of tyrants for the _____ of society.


Correct Answer: Greater good

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The unrestrained use of force against a broad selection of targets to utterly defeat an enemy is known as _____


Correct Answer: Total War

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Elements from the American definitional model define terrorism as a premeditated and unlawful act in which groups or agents of some principle engage in a threatened or actual use of force or violence against human or property targets. These groups or agents engage in this behavior intending the purposeful intimidation of governments or people to affect policy or behavior with an underlying _____ objective.


Correct Answer: Political

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Symbolism is the symbolic value represented by a victim is a fundamental consideration in the selection of targets by terrorists.


Correct Answer: True

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Struggle meetings refer to rallies held during the _____ Revolution. Denunciations were often made against those thought to be a threat to the revolution.


Correct Answer: Chinese

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Civilian and other undefended targets that are easily victimized by terrorists are referred to be _____ Targets.


Correct Answer: Soft

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Sicarii refers to the Zealot rebels who opposed _____ rule. Named for the curved dagger, or sica, that was a preferred weapon.


Correct Answer: Roman

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Revolutionary TRibunal is the revolutionary court established during the _____ Revolution.


Correct Answer: French

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Reign of terror is a period during the ______ Revolution when the new republic violently purged those who were thought to be a threat to the prevailing ideals of the revolution.


Correct Answer: French

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Regicide is the killing of______.


Correct Answer: Kings

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Mala prohibta is an act designated as a crime that is not fundamentally evil, such as ______


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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An act designated as a crime that is fundamentally evil, such as murder or rape is known as ______


Correct Answer: Mala in se

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Komiteh were revolutionary tribunals established after the Islamic revolution in_____.


Correct Answer: Iran

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A moral and ethical doctrine that raises the questions of ______


Correct Answer: All of these

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One’s correct behavior while waging war refers to _____


Correct Answer: Jus in bello

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Correct conditions for waging war refers to _____


Correct Answer: Jus ad bellum

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Hague Conventions are a series of international agreements that tried to establish rules for_____ .


Correct Answer: Conflict

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Extremism forms the ideological foundation for _____ violence.


Correct Answer: Political

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Crucifixion is a form of public execution during the time of the _____ Empire. It involved affixing condemned persons to a cross or other wooden platform. The condemned were either nailed through the wrist or hand, or tied to the platform; they died by suffocation as their bodies sagged.


Correct Answer: Roman

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_____ refers to autonomous groups of terrorists who may be loosely affiliated with a larger movement but who are largely independent of hierarchical control.


Correct Answer: Cells

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