MCQs > Finance & Management > Taxation MCQs > Under a partnership agreement, Abhi, a partner, is to receive 40% of the partnership's income. but not less than $15,000. The partnership's net income for 2007 was $30,000 before considering theminimum guaranteed amount. What amount can the partnership deduct as a guaranteed payment and what amount of income is Abhi required to report in her individual tax return?

Taxation MCQs

Under a partnership agreement, Abhi, a partner, is to receive 40% of the partnership's income. but not less than $15,000. The partnership's net income for 2007 was $30,000 before considering theminimum guaranteed amount. What amount can the partnership deduct as a guaranteed payment and what amount of income is Abhi required to report in her individual tax return?


Correct Answer: $3,000 $15,000


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Taxation Skill Assessment

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