YAML Programming Quiz # 2

Quiz: YAML Programming Quiz # 2
Total Questions: 8 MCQs
Time: 8 Minutes


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  • Results along with correct answers will be shown at the end of the test.
YAML Programming Quiz # 2
Question 1 of 8
  • Which of the following contents can be included in the YAML nodes?

  • Which of the following Type specifiers is/are available in YAML?

  • Which of the following presentation details are not considered while resolving the tag of a node in YAML?

  • What is the significance of the "++" sign in the YAML information model?

  • Which of the following parameters must be mentioned while resolving the tag of a node in YAML?

  • Which of the following correctly describes the characteristics of the flow style of node content in YAML?

  • Which of the following correctly describes the Verbatim tags?

  • Which of the following character symbols should not be used with the primary tag handle?