eBay Web Services Quiz # 2

Quiz: eBay Web Services Quiz # 2
Total Questions: 15 MCQs
Time: 15 Minutes


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  • Results along with correct answers will be shown at the end of the test.
EBay Web Services Quiz # 2
Question 1 of 15
  • What will happen if we provide 24 comma separated ItemIDs to the ItemIDs parameter of a GetItemStatus API call of eBay Shopping Web Service?

  • Which of the following is not an Input field while making a createDSRSummaryByPeriod call using eBay FeedBack API?

  • Which of the following are not Trading API calls?

  • Which notification is sent to the third parties subscribed on the buyers behalf whenever a buyer removes an item from his or her watchlist.?

  • Which of the following arguments is required in a GetCategoryInfo API Call of eBay Shopping Web Service?

  • What will the following API call return?
       &ClientAlertsAutHToken=Token value

  • Using Trading  API, how many store categories can you add to an eBay store?

  • Which of the following causes token expiration to occur?

  • Which of the following datatype is not supported by Trading API ?

  • What is the data type of the Item.AutoPay input field in a ReviseFixedPriceItem API call for eBay Trading Web Service?

  • How many records will we get if we make the following API call?

  • What will be the datatype for the ChannelID parameter when you make a GetPublicAlerts API call of eBay Client Alerts API?

  • By Default, What will be the maximum number of entries to return in a single getMostWatchedItems API call?

  • The user token is used to represent the authorization of your application to access the eBay data. Which of the following characters are not included in the user token?

  • Which of the following criteria should be fulfilled if you want to create eBay stores in the Production environment by using API?