eBay Web Services Quiz # 1

Quiz: eBay Web Services Quiz # 1
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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EBay Web Services Quiz # 1
Question 1 of 30
  • Which of the following arguments are required in a SetShipmentTrackingInfo API call of eBay Merchant Data Web Services?

  • Which of the following is related to the Client Alert API call?

  • User alerts are about events that affect a particular user. Which of the following parameters are essential to call Client Alert API?

  • What is the difference between FindPopularItems and FindPopularSearches API calls for eBay Shopping Web Service?

  • Which of the following URL (endpoint) will be used to post requests to Feedback API?

  • "ack" indicates whether there are any errors or warnings associated with the processing of the request. Which of the following are the applicable values for the ack output field that can be returned by the web service when you make a Merchandising API call?

  • How many DSR query requests are allowed per seller per day?

  • Which of the following request and response formats are supported by the Merchandising API?

  • Which will take the precedence if you specify both the categoryId or the ItemId when you make a getRelatedCategoryItems API call?

  • In production environment by default how many Merchandising API calls per day is an application allowed to make?

  • What is the functionality of the RelistFixedPriceItem API call for eBay Trading Web Service?

  • What is the purpose of SetSellingManagerTemplateAutomationRule Trading API call?

  • EndFixedPriceItem API call of eBay Trading Data Web Services is used to end the specified item listing before the date and time. For which of the following websites it is applicable?

  • Which of the following issues trigger a seller to open an Unpaid Item dispute?

  • Which createDSRSummaryByShippingDetails Input Field is used to specify whether to aggregate DSRs from items with domestic shipping destinations or international shipping destinations using eBay FeedBack API?

  • Feedback API is supported by eBay Sandbox environment.

  • State True or False
    An EndOfAuction notification is sent when the auction of an item ends. An auction ends either when its duration expires or the item is purchased with Buy It Now.

  • eBay offers several listing types to accommodate the selling needs, styles, and approaches of different sellers. Which of the following listing types are supported by the eBay?

  • Which Client API call will you use to retrieve public alert messages?

  • Which notification is sent to a subscribing user when another buyer places a higher maximum bid than his own highest bid and he no longer remains the current highest bidder?

  • While using Feedback API, which HTTP header will be used to store the sellers user token?

  • Which of the following is not true while specifying a date range in createDSRSummaryByPeriod call?

  • What does a GeteBayTime API call of eBay Shopping Web Service return?

  • Which of the following dateRangeEventType value will be used to create a DSR summary report for a specific time period based upon the category in which the items were listed?

  • Does Feedback API provide Feedback related operations such as leaving and retrieving Feedback?

  • Which of the following is optional while making a createDSRSummaryByTransaction call using eBay FeedBack API?

  • Which of the following is not a Merchandising API call?

  • What will the following API call return?

  • Which of the following arguments are required in an AddFixedPriceItem API call of eBay Trading Data Web Services?

  • Which of the following is optional while making a createDSRSummaryByCategory call using FeedBack API?