Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 26

Quiz: Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 26
Subject: Power And Influence Of Communication
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 26
Question 1 of 30
  • The principle that small rather than large incentives are more effective at creating dissonance and inducing attitude change is called _____Justification for Action.

  • Need of reassurance is the need to seek out information to _____ a decision.

  • The ability of one party in a relation­ship to persuade the other party to act in a desired way is called persuasive power.

  • Power is the ability of one party to _____ the other party to act in a desired way.

  • Power that is based on other persons’ respect for or identification with the power holder is called_____.

  • Reward power is _______ based.

  • Sexual harassment is ____ sexual behaviour.

  • Trigger cues stimulate programmed responses to persuasive appeals.

  • Values are one’s ideas about what is _____ in life.

  • A style of resolving conflict that is unassertive and cooperative is accommodative style.

  • Aggressive style is an open expression of one’s needs even at the ______ of another person.

  • Assertive style is in _____ kind.

  • A style of resolving conflict that is unas­sertive and uncooperative is called ____.

  • Style of resolving conflict which is _____ in both cooperativeness and assertiveness.

  • Competitive style is ____ in assertiveness and ____ in cooperation.

  • Compromising style is conflict resolving style in both _______ and _______.

  • Conflict Resolution Grid measures a person’s preferred style of handling conflict.

  • Individuals’ characteristic approaches to conflict with respect to measures of assertiveness and cooperativeness are called conflict styles.

  • A conflict that revolves around a matter of fact is _____.

  • Crazymaking behaviour is the ____ of dysfunctional conflict.

  • Describe,express, specify and consequences stands for______.

  • Dysfunctional conflict causes ____ relationship problems.

  • Ego conflict is about _______.

  • A conflict that develops a clearer understanding of needs, attitudes, or beliefs is interpersonal conflict.

  • High intensity conflict in which one party aims to ______ other.

  • Conflict between two or more people is_____.

  • Intrapersonal conflict is by _____.

  • A conflict in which both parties devise strategies to create a solution is ___ conflict.

  • Medium intensity conflict is in which each involved person want to ____.

  • Non-assertive expression style is characterized by _______ in expressing one’s feelings.