Correct Answer: Connection
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The following program was designed to create an Express app that displays the output 'Working with Express' on the web browser. But the program contains some errors. Identify which code lines contain an error. 1) var exp1= require('express'); 2) var http: require('http‘); 3) var newapp = exp1() 4) use(function(req. res. next) [ 5) res.end('Working with Express'); 6) i): 7) https.createServer(newapp).listen(3000);
A Node.js application consists of an HTML file named ‘idx.html' and a JavaScript file 'ht3.js'. The file ht3.js when executed, should display the content of 'idx.html' file on the web browser. However, the file 'ht3.js' contains some errors. Identify which code lines contain an error. 1. var http = require(‘http'); 2. var fs; 3. function send404(response){ 4. response.writeHead(404. ['Content—Type' :‘text/plain'}); 5. response.write('Error 404: Resource not found'); 6. response.end0: 7. } 8. var server =http.createServer(function(req. res)[ 9. if(req.method = 'GET', req.url =‘/')[ 10. res.writeHead(200, ['content-type' : 'text/html'}); 11. fs.createReadStream('idx.html') 12. ] 13. else[ 14. send404fres); 15. ] 16. ]).listen(3000); 17. console.logf'server running on port 3000');
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