MCQs > IT & Programming > Node.js > Carefully study the given code that is calling the loadJSON method and answer the question that follows. loadJSON('new.json', function (err, data) { if(err)console.log('Error in file reading', err.message); else console.log(data); }); Which of the following is the correct function definition of the loadJSON method such that if a file named 'neW.json' is present in the project, then its data is displayed, otherwise error message (error in file reading) is displayed?

Node.js MCQs

Carefully study the given code that is calling the loadJSON method and answer the question that follows.

loadJSON("new.json", function (err, data)

{ if(err)console.log("Error in file reading", err.message);




Which of the following is the correct function definition of the loadJSON method such that if a file named "neW.json" is present in the project, then its data is displayed, otherwise error message (error in file reading) is displayed?


Correct Answer:

var file1 = require('fs');

function loadJSON(file_name, arg){

file1.readFile(file_name, function(error1, data){

if(error1)return arg(error1);


var new_parse =JSON.parse(data); }

catch(error1) {

return arg(error1); }

return arg(null, new_parse);

}); }


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