MCQs > IT & Programming > MySQL > Best way to update multiple rows? Example: Name id Col1 Col2 name1 1 6 1 name2 2 2 3 name3 3 9 5 name4 4 16 8 Update Col1= 1 where id = 1 Update Col1= 2 where id = 2 Update Col2= 3 where id = 3 Update Col1= 10 and col2= 12 where id = 4


Which of the following is the best way to update multiple rows? Example: Name id Col1 Col2 name1 1 6 1 name2 2 2 3 name3 3 9 5 name4 4 16 8 Update Col1= 1 where id = 1 Update Col1= 2 where id = 2 Update Col2= 3 where id = 3 Update Col1= 10 and col2= 12 where id = 4


Correct Answer: INSERT INTO table_name (id,Col1,Col2) VALUES (1,1,1),(2,2,3),(3,9,3),(4,10,12) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Col1=VALUES(Col1),Col2=VALUES(Col2);


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