MCQs > Admin Support > Microsoft Outlook > While using Microsoft Outlook 2016, a user wants to display a different view of the task module. In order to do so, he needs to access theChange Viewoption. Which of the following is/are the correct way(s) to access theChange Viewoption?

Microsoft Outlook MCQs

While using Microsoft Outlook 2016, a user wants to display a different view of the task module. In order to do so, he needs to access theChange Viewoption. Which of the following is/are the correct way(s) to access theChange Viewoption?


Correct Answer: Go to the View tab -> In the Current View group, click the option, Change View.


Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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Microsoft Outlook Skill Assessment

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