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Broadening Perspective on Media Effects in media literacy MCQ

A short-term cognitive effect that involves a process of observing a few occurrences of something in media messages is known as generalization .


Correct Answer: false

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_______ is a type of media-influenced effect that is manifested as the gradual altering or reinforcing of processes in aggregates of individuals such as organizations, institutions, and society


Correct Answer: Macro-Type Effects

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A type of media-influenced effect that is manifested as the triggering of actions in a person or the altering as well as reinforcing of patterns of action over time is known as ________.


Correct Answer: Behavioral-Type Effect

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A short-term emotional effect in which the unsustainable exposure to a certain kind of media message erodes the intensity of our emotional reaction.


Correct Answer: False

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The type of media-influenced effect that is manifested as the triggering of an emotional reaction or the altering of emotional patterns over time is known as ________


Correct Answer: Emotional-Type Effect

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A media effect that can influence some automatic bodily function, such as decreasing blood pressure or heart rate is known as Physiological-Type Effects.


Correct Answer: False

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The media-influenced effect that is manifested as the acquisition of a old attitude is known as Attitudinal-Type Effect


Correct Answer: False

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A type of media-influenced effect that is manifested as the acquiring of a belief or the long-term alteration as well as reinforcing of an existing belief is known as Belief-Type Effect


Correct Answer: False

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Faith in the absence or false of something is known as Belief


Correct Answer: False

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Type of Effect is the form of the manifestation of a media effect on generally (cognitive, belief, attitudinal, emotional, physiological, or behavioral).


Correct Answer: False

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A type of media-influenced effect that is manifested as the acquisition of information (factual or social) as well as the triggering,_______, or reinforcement of a mental process.


Correct Answer: Alteration

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Refers to whether an effect is positive or negative is known as _______


Correct Answer: Intentionality

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Refers to whether an effect is positive or negative is known as _______


Correct Answer: Valence of Effects

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When a media-influenced effect is manifested; it has ten values of immediate (the manifestation occurs during the media exposure or shortly after) and long term (the manifestation does not occur until the person has experienced many exposures to media messages) is known as ________.


Correct Answer: Timing of Effects

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