Correct Answer: The Windows XP
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With ______ DirectAccess clients connect directly to application servers using IPsec.
In this wireless authentication mode - Windows authenticates to the wireless network prior to displaying the Windows logon screen.
L2TP requires both the VPN clients and servers to have computer ______.
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista support three VPN technologies:
Client IPv4 Address and Client IPv6 Address - Controls access based on the IP address of the client when the Win Server 2008 computer is acting as a ______ server.
SSTP uses PPP authentication methods for user-level authentication and HTTP encapsulation over a _____ channel for data authentication - data integrity - and data encryption.
This NPS template configures IPv4 or IPV6 filters to configure which networks can connect.
To create a PKI and enable autoenrollment so that domain member computers have the necessary certificates to support WPA-EAP wireless authentication - follow these steps:
In this wireless authentication mode - Windows authenticates prior to logon by using computer credentials. After logon - Windows submits user credentials.