Correct Answer: Win 7 - Win Vista - and Win XP SP3
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MCTS: Configuring Windows Firewall And Network Access Protection Skill Assessment
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NAP health validation takes place between two components:
A health requirement policy is a combination of the following:
A ______ determines whether a request should be processed by NPS.
______ allows you to verify that computers meet specific health requirements before granting them unlimited access to your internal network.
With 802.1X - compliant computers are granted full network access - and noncompliant computers are connected to a ______ network or completely prevented from connecting to the network.
Configure the ______ policy to provide customized text (and - optionally - an image) that users will see as part of the NAP client interface.
After configuring the NPS server - you must configure client computers for NAP. The easiest way to do this is to use ______ node.
You need to create outbound firewall rules only when you configure outbound connections to be ______.
Health ______ determine which clients must meet health requirements - what those health requirements are - and what happens if a client cannot comply.
Which versions of Windows can act as NAP clients?