1. What is the purpose of the Run option on the Start Menu?
2. Where will you locate the menu option if you would like to add or remove a Windows component such as Multimedia or Windows Messaging?
3. Using Power Options can reduce the power consumption of your computer. Which of the following statements is true if your computer is in hibernation?
4. If you would like to copy a view of what you can see on the screen to the clipboard, what should you do?
5. Which key combination would you use to flip between open windows?
6. What tasks can you perform using System Settings in the Control Panel?
7. While searching for files and folders, which file will be located if the file name to be searched is expert*.*
8. Which Windows component allows you to connect to another computer through a modem by using your phone line?
9. What is the main purpose of mapping network drives?
10. What is the key combination to quit a program that is not responding?
11. If you delete files from a floppy diskette, will they be sent to the Recycle Bin?
12. You can create and edit files using the Windows Notepad. What is the extension of a file that has been created using Notepad?
13. How can you create a shortcut on the Desktop for a file using Windows Explorer?
14. Which statements about the Recycle Bin is correct?
15. If you would like to browse a web site designed for a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels but your display is set to a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, from where should you make the necessary change?
16. Which statements about adding new hardware are correct?
17. What should you type at the MS-DOS command prompt to return back to Windows?
18. What is the quickest way of finding out the system date of your computer?
19. Which statements about the Windows Taskbar are correct?
20. Which statements about sharing of folders is correct?
21. Which statements are true if you open an existing file, make changes to it and save it with a new name?
22. Which statements about setting up Windows to be used by more than one person are correct?
23. While viewing file names through Windows Explorer, what happens if you drag and drop a file named letter1.txt on top of another file named letter2.txt lying in the same folder?
24. Which descriptions about the Windows Task Scheduler is most accurate?
25. You have created a directory called TEST which includes the files test1.txt, test2.txt, test3.txt, test4.txt, test5.txt and test6.txt. How can you select test2.txt, text3.txt and test6.txt from the list of files visible in the Windows Explorer?
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