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Marketing Management Test Skill Assessment
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As a sales person, Frank has to perform a number of tasks. Which term denotes the task of deciding which customers will get scarce products where demand outstrips supply?
Correct order of the important steps listed below in the process of market segmentation? i)Assess the difference between one customer and another in terms of their needs. ii)Group the customers into certain segments. iii)Find out which segments would accept the product/service and can be considered natural targets of the company. iv)Identify factors that influence the process of grouping certain customers into a particular segment. v)Select those segments which offer higher potential. vi)Estimate the likely purchases of the products of the company by each segment.
Which is NOT a reason to use direct-selling methods?
A brand must demonstrate ________, for it to function as a true point-of-difference.
Marketing plans are often viewed as ______
If a segment is large enough or profitable enough to serve, it is ________.
An example of __________ utility involves intermediaries shipping goods to buyers of a product.
A strategy of harvesting may be employed in the decline stage of a product life to __________.
A risk avoider would want ______ safety stock.
A recent disney online m.o.m. (mom on a mission) study found that today’s mother __________.