Choose only the person and assign him any task

, 3.Give clear instructions for the work assigned , 4.Regular follow-up and monitoring the progress , 5.

MCQs > Finance & Management > Management Skills >

Read the given scenario and answer the question that follows.

Consider yourself as a leader of the logistics team and due to heavy workload, you need to delegate the responsibility to other team members.

Which of the following options should be kept in mind when you plan to delegate?

Management Skills MCQs

Read the given scenario and answer the question that follows.

Consider yourself as a leader of the logistics team and due to heavy workload, you need to delegate the responsibility to other team members.

Which of the following options should be kept in mind when you plan to delegate?


Correct Answer: Regular follow-up and monitoring the progress


Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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Management Skills Skill Assessment

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