MCQs > IT & Programming > Magento > For data security and privacy reasons, Magento uses two cookies for frontend session. All I know is that one of them is being set in Mage_Core_Model_Cookie::set(..) and the other one in Zend_Session::expireSessionCookie(). Why does Magento use the Zend_Session::expireSessionCookie()?

Magento MCQs

For data security and privacy reasons, Magento uses two cookies for frontend session.

All I know is that one of them is being set in Mage_Core_Model_Cookie::set(..) and the other one in Zend_Session::expireSessionCookie().

Why does Magento use the Zend_Session::expireSessionCookie()?


Correct Answer: It is the vestigial code, so I was able to delete the Zend cookie without any apparent deleterious effects


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