1. Which Ink type uses lesser memory than other inks?
2. Which one is best suited for continuous tone images such as photographs?
3. Which one is referred to as Node types or Nodes?
4. Which one is true about the bone.count and getBoneID() properties?
5. Which options will you choose to add a Push button?
6. Which one is not true about a Registration Point?
7. Which one is not a Flash component?
8. Which Media element does not allow the Cropping of a digital video?
9. Why can the Direct-to-Stage feature not be used with DVD or RealMedia digital video?
10. Which public action lets you use the standard triggers to launch Custom Handlers or execute specific Script methods?
11. Which option will you use to apply the Bitmap filters?
12. Which 3D Behaviors are behaviors that perform their actions without a Trigger?
13. What is the default value of a labelPlacement parameter of a Button component?
14. Which method is used to display and edit Sprite properties?
15. Which Local Action circles the camera around a model?
16. How will you add a Transition?
17. Why do we use the Auto Filter?
18. You cannot enter data parameters in the Property inspector for the Tree component.
19. Which types of Inks for animated GIFs is not supported by the Director?
20. Which method moves a movie in a window to the front?
21. When will you use the Play and Play Done methods?
22. Which method is used to Play the external sound files that are not Cast Members?
23. A movie's stage.rect property is inherited from the window that it is playing in.
24. You cannot apply ink effects to a film loop.
25. Which Cast Member properties are valid only after the Flash Content Header has streamed into Memory?
26. Cast members created on the Stage are automatically placed in the Score.
27. Which Primitive property can be modified or animated at the runtime?
28. Which one is not true about Vector Math?
29. Which method is a Default Rendering method of the Director?
30. Which Event Handler will you select to make a hypertext link active?
31. Which one is not a Sorting method in the Sort Cast Members dialog box?
32. Which independent actions renders the model in a cartoon style, with a reduced number of color and distinct boundaries?
33. Which property of Flash Local Connection Object stores the name of an incoming connection?
34. Which options will you select to launch an Editor for a Cast Member?
35. The Tempo affects the duration of any transitions set in the Transition Channel and controls the speed at which a sound or the digital video plays.
36. Which types of files are created when you use the Publish command rather than the Preview in the Browser command?
37. Locking Sprites is supported during playback.
38. What will be the result if you create five open shapes in one Vector Shape window and select Close in the Vector Shape window?
39. Which Mouse property returns the distance in pixels between the mouse pointer and the upper-left corner of the Stage?
40. Which one is not true about Model Resources?
41. You can import Windows Media Content into Director as a Cast Member.
42. Which type of the Window Appearance properties lets you set the type of movie with its title, in a window you want, whether it is resizable and more?
43. Which Action does not require a Trigger?
44. Which Windows are docked together by default?
45. Why do we use the Update Movies command on the Xtras menu?
46. You can convert a shape to a Bitmap.
47. Which Primitive property can be modified or animated at the runtime?
48. Which one is not true about a Library?
49. Which Message Window mode helps you find the source of bugs in your movie by showing what script is running?
50. Which one is not a Document Window?
51. Which Property will you set to turn off the Default Light?
52. Which property of the Tree component specifies the first node at the top of the display?
53. Which method will you select to close a movie in a window and remove it from Memory?
54. Which method is used to override the Tempo Set in the movie's Tempo Channel?
55. Which options will you choose to open the Vector Shape window?
56. Which method is used to control Transition with the Script?
57. Which of the given methods will you use to import text from a URL with Lingo or JavaScript syntax?
58. Which type of data is handled by the NumericStepper component?
59. Which options will you choose so that the Director plays an entire digital video?
60. The Director does not store sound data in a Linked Sound Cast Member.
61. Onion Skinning uses the Registration Points to align the current Cast Member with the previous ones.
62. JavaScript supports Vector Binary Operations for Vector objects.
63. Which one is true about a Label Component?
64. How many Cast members can be included in a Single Cast?
65. An animated cursor consists of a series of bitmap cast members.
66. Which methods will you use to jump to an Internet movie?
67. Which one is not a Trigger?
68. The Director treats the folders named dswmedia as exceptions to the Safe Player Mode feature and a movie can read files that are stored in a folder named 'dswmedia' (or a sub folder).
69. What is the default number of sounds that a Director can mix in Windows?
70. Which type of Sound files are imported by Macromedia Director?
71. Which Command converts Sprites from the adjacent channels to a single Sprite?
72. Which Effect works with Flash content in a Director movie?
73. Which options will you select to find a Sprite by name?
74. Lights and Cameras have the same transform methods and parent-child properties as models and groups.
75. Which type of an event is generated when a Collision occurs?
76. Which option will you choose to insert an ActiveX control on a Stage?
77. Which command is used to create Shockwave Content?
78. Which option is used to Preview a movie in a Browser?