Correct Answer: men: [John Smith, Bill Jones]women: - Mary Smith - Susan Will
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More YAML Programming MCQ Questions
Which one is the correct syntax for describing a list in YAML using inline format?
Which symbol is used to explicitly define a datatype in YAML?
What is the final result produced by the compose stage during the processing of YAML information?
In which cases are two nodes in YAML considered to be equal?
What is the final outcome of the serialization process during the processing of YAML information?
Which one is the correct syntax for describing hashes in YAML in inline block format?
Which stage is responsible for converting a series of characters into a human-friendly manner such as comments, directives?
Which symbol is used to define nested tag namespace hierarchies in YAML?
Which one can be used to make ordered sequence of key:value pairs without duplicates?
Which one is a valid format for declaring a numeric value as a string in YAML using an explicit datatype tag?