1. Consider the following code snippet: var a = $arguments(1); alert(a('a','b','c')); What does the alert box display?
2. What does e1.grab(e2, 'top'); do?
3. Function.attempt function tries to execute a number of functions. Returns immediately the return value of the first ___ function without executing successive functions, or null.
4. What does the statement 'moo tools'.contains('t', ' '); return?
5. Which code snippet defines a class?
6. What does the following do? request.put({name: 'mootools'});
7. Which method(s) below is valid request method(s)?
8. What does Asset.image do?
9. The onComplete event is fired if the request ___.
10. What is a valid value of $('e1').getStyle('width');?
11. Which method removes an element from a Hash object?
12. getRandom(); will get a random ___ from the ___.
13. Which of the following is a valid mootools table class?
14. What does request.delete({name: 'mootools'}); do?
15. Consider the following code snippet: var a = Function.from(1.1); alert(a(10)); Which one does the alert box display?
16. Which method can you use to make an element draggable?
17. Which function can be used to remove an attribute of an element?
18. Implements is similar to Extends, except that it adopts properties from one or more other classes ___ inheritance.
19. Consider the following code snippet: alert(1.1.floor()); Which one is displayed in the alert box?
20. getSize() method returns width and height of an element, which value is counted in the height of the return value of getSize() function?
21. Consider the following code snippet: var a = ['1', '2', '3']; var b = 4; a.include(b); What is the result of a?
22. A class can inherit other class by using ___ property.
23. The ___ function will be executed each time an instance of a class is created.
24. Which methods can you use to apply a collection of styles to an element?
25. Which options below change the href of a1 anchor link to http://www.google.com?
26. What does the following code snippet do? var img1 = new Element('img', {src:'img1.png'});
27. Consider the following code snippet: function function1 () { var a = document.getElementById(); return a; } alert(function1.attempt()); What does the alert box display?
28. Consider the following: $('id1').load('data'): What does the code snippet do?
29. Which classes can you use to create sortable elements?
30. Which statements change the background color of id1 element to yellow?
31. JSON.encode function converts any ___ into a JSON string.
32. Assume that c1 element is the child of p1 element, how many times is the mouseenter event fired if the mouse moves from outside to p1 element, then over the c1 element?
33. What is the valid direction of Fx.Slide?
34. Consider the following code snippet: var arr1 = {a1: 8, a2: 7}; var arr2 = {a3: 6, a4: 5}; var arr3 = {a1: 4, a3: 3}; var arr4 = $merge(arr1, arr2, arr3); Which of the following is the value of arr4?
35. Which method below inserts css class to an element?
36. Consider the body of a document below:
This is «p»This is mootools«/p»mootools too
This is mootools
This is Mootools
37. Consider the following code snippet: new Fx.Tween($('id1')).start('opacity', 0, 1); Does the transition happen if the current opacity value of id1 element is 1?
38. scrollTo(x, y) scrolls the element to the specified coordinated (if the element has an overflow). What is x?
39. Consider the following code snippet: var rq1 = new Request('request1'}); var rq2 = new Request('request2'); var rq3 = new Request('request3'); var group = new Group(rq1, rq2, rq3); group.addEvent('onComplete', function(){ alert('Finished'); }); rq1.request(); rq2.request(); rq3.request(); When will the alert box be displayed?
40. What does Swiff class do?
41. What is the result of- alert($defined('«body»'));?
42. By default, the class Tips use the element's ___ to display tooltip.
43. Consider the following code snippet: fx = new Fx.Tween($('id1'), { onComplete: function() { alert('Finish'); } }); fx.set('opacity', 0.5);Does the onComplete event of fx fire after the opacity of id1 element is changed to 0.5 by the above-mentioned code?
44. What does the code snippet do? e1.cloneEvents(e2);
45. Consider the following code snippet: var global = 1; var a = new Chain(); a.chain( function(){ global++;}, function(){ global++;} ); a.callChain(); a.callChain(); What is the result of this code snippet?
46. Which functions removes cookie from the browser?
47. Consider the following code snippet: var script1 = new Asset.javascript('/script.js', { onload: function() { function1(); } }); Is function1 must be available before this code snippet run in order to make this code snippet execute without error.
48. Consider the following code snippet: var animals = ['Cow', 'Pig', 'Dog']; var sounds = ['Moo', 'Oink', 'Woof', 'Miao']; var result = sounds.associate(animals); What will alert(result.Miao) function show?
49. Fx Events: onChainComplete: The function onChainComplete of Fx.Events is executed after ___ effect(s) in the chain have completed.
50. Consider the following code snippet: var a = new $H({'a': 1, 'b': 2}); var b = a.toQueryString(); What is the result of b?
51. The Drag class enables the modification of ___ CSS properties of an Element based on the position of the mouse while the mouse button is down.
52. Consider the following code snippet: var a = function(arg1) {console.log(arg1.toString());}; var b = a.pass('a'); b(); What does this code snippet write into console?
53. Which functions can be used to load json data?
54. What does the code snippet do? var css = Asset.css('css');
55. Consider the following code snippet: var a = new Fx.Morph($('id1'), {link: value}); Which value of 'value' in this code snippet makes the new transitions stop the current transition?
56. Which option of Fx.Morph class can use to change the transition type?
57. Consider the following code snippet: new Fx.Tween($('id1')).start('opacity', 1); Does the transition happen if the current opacity value of id1 element is 1?
58. What does the following do? «font size=2» $('id1').href = 'http://mootools.net'; «font »
59. Which method can you use to make a div resizeable?
60. Consider the following code snippet: var a = 256; var b = a.limit(0, 100); alert(b); What does the alert box display?
61. Consider the following code snippet: var a = new Drag.Move($('id1'), {droppables: $('.droppables'), container: $('container'), handle: $('handler')}); Where can the id1 element drop into?
62. Which function stops propagation from child element to its parents?
63. function1.bind(object1) function replaces ___ in function1 by object1.
64. $type(/abc/) returns ___.
65. Consider the following code snippet: var a = ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Chicken']; a.combine(['Dog', 'cat']); What is the result of a?
66. What does $('div'); return?
67. Consider the following code snippet: $$('div.e1').setStyle('background-color', 'yellow').addClass('floatBox'); How many times is each div element with e1 class iterated?
68. Which option is valid value(s) of 'method' option of the Request class?
69. The Flash file must use ExternalInterface class to register its functions to make these functions available to JavaScript so that these functions can be called using Swiff.remote function
70. What does $('div'); return if there is no element with div id
71. Consider the following code snippet: var a = $$('div'); var b = a.filter('.blue'); What is the result of b?
72. What does $$('a', 'b'); return?
73. Consider the following code snippet: var a = [0, 3, 5].some(function(value) {return value % 3;}); What is the value of a?