MCQs > IT & Programming > IOS Technical Test > This code doesn't do much, but which line will call the + (void)initialize method on the class SomeClass 1. - (void)doSomething 2. { 3. [SomeClass someClassMethod]; 4. SomeClass *obj = [[SomeClass alloc] init]; 5. NSString *descriptionString = [obj getNewString]; 6. }

IOS Technical Test MCQs

This code doesn't do much, but which line will call the + (void)initialize method on the class SomeClass 1. - (void)doSomething 2. { 3. [SomeClass someClassMethod]; 4. SomeClass *obj = [[SomeClass alloc] init]; 5. NSString *descriptionString = [obj getNewString]; 6. }


Correct Answer: line 3


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