MCQs > IT & Programming > IOS Technical Test > Correct sequence of steps for creating an object that supports background downloading? 1: Create the conf‌iguration object using the backgroundSessionConf‌igurationWithldentifier method of NSURLSessionConf‌iguration. 2: Set the discretionary property of the configuration object to YES, in case the app starts the transfer while in foreground. 3: Set the value of the conf‌iguration object's sessionSendsLaunchEvents property to YES. 4: Use the conf‌iguration object to create your NSURLSession object.

IOS Technical Test MCQs

Which of the given options is the correct sequence of steps for creating an object that supports background downloading?

1: Create the conf‌iguration object using the backgroundSessionConf‌igurationWithldentifier method of NSURLSessionConf‌iguration.

2: Set the discretionary property of the configuration object to YES, in case the app starts the transfer while in foreground.

3: Set the value of the conf‌iguration object's sessionSendsLaunchEvents property to YES.

4: Use the conf‌iguration object to create your NSURLSession object.


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